Chapter 3: Journey

Do you want to read the information from the right ""? This power is really convenient.

"The Erifa Empire has just returned to the right track, and the new Senate institutions and local provincial governors are still in the stage of running-in. Thinking that you may be very busy, I didn't come to look for you."

Vina did not show up,

Because of the "eternal" struggle, she could not leave from the pure white iron throne. The voice that appeared now was just that Vina was using the right to approach the "god" to make a declaration like an oracle.

It's just that there is no majesty, but a little more sad,

"It's not for this reason, right, there are too many eyes on my body now, including the six gods in the star realm. You don't want to enter their field of vision. You didn't come over because of concerns. Am I right?

Azatos did not shook his head, but did not deny it, because it was indeed the case.

"I know your difficulties, and I didn't mean to blame you, I just suddenly felt a little bit sad.

"I will return,

"I know, but the time may be short, or it may be long. Vina said in a nearly whispering voice: "Brother, in the territory of the Erifa Empire, under my power, I can provide you with almost god-like secret blessings. , As long as you chant my name, I will be able to know, but after leaving the territory of the Erifa Empire, my influence will become extremely limited, and the existence of those in the star realm will not let me be in the world. , Wantonly use the power that is close to the gods~. "

Azatos did not immediately agree, but instead asked,

"But if you use the power of the'throne' too much, you will fall into an inevitable disadvantage in the eternal struggle, right, after all, among the symbols of power, there is also a polluted Ai Rui Emperor of law. "

For this question, Vina chose to be silent, which was equivalent to an answer.

"If I am in danger, I will chant your name. This is a promise and I will never break my promise." Azatos responded with a smile.

Vina also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and laughed like a silver bell in the wind.


The sky is blue, the wind is cool, the vegetation is aquamarine,

Azatos, who has never left Bellan Klin, never thought that the outside world is so beautiful, and the environment has not been damaged because of entering the steam age.

Perhaps "because of the real existence of the gods." Azatos looked at the scenery outside the car window and added in his heart.

He is now on a steam train, going from Bellanklin to the Glimmer Town on the border of the Arifa Empire, and then transfers to a carriage. About three days away, he will arrive at the territory of the Council of Gods. Rena Hodge, the capital of the sea,

At this moment a little girl fell on Azatos's feet,

"Uncle, uncle, what are you looking at? Would you like to play with Little Nicole?

It didn’t take long for another beautiful woman to come over and hold the little girl in her arms, “I’m sorry, sir, I don’t know why, my little Nicole is very scared of life, but she is very close to you.

Azatos thought about it,

Reached out and hugged little Nicole over and put it on her lap.

"It's okay, Mrs. Lorla, it happens that I'm boring traveling alone, and having this cute little angel by my side will also make me feel better.

The beautiful woman nodded with a smile, and then simply sat down opposite Azatos,

"Mr. Crohn, I am very grateful for your trust in our caravan. Don't worry. Although the team is a bit rudimentary, there is absolutely no problem in terms of safety. We have hired the best security personnel. It is rumored that they have a very special ability to protect. We went all the way to Reina Hodge, the capital of the sea."


This is the new vest Azatos used on this trip.

Originally, he planned to embark on the trip alone, but by chance, he ran into this caravan named Kerryen, and learned that the destination of their business is also the ocean capital of Rena Hodge, thinking They walked on this commercial road all year round, and they may be more familiar with the route, so they used 100 gold pounds as a reward, and let the Carrien Caravan be responsible for escorting themselves.

As for why the caravan got this name, it was because the boss of the caravan was named Kerryen, but later he encountered a thief in a mission and died. The responsibility of maintaining the caravan also fell on his wife, Mrs. Lorla. ,

Azatos stared at the two figures in the other carriage, smiled and nodded, "Yes, if they are there, in a sense, you really don't have to worry about safety."

Seeking flowers...

Mrs. Lorla didn't think too much,

"Mr. Crohn, you don't look like a traveler who travels all the year round, so how come you remember that you are going to Reina Hodge, the capital of the sea.

"As you can see, I am really not a traveler, and perhaps I can say that I am about to become a traveler. After all, life is not only about being in front of you, but also about poems and distant places,"

"Poetry and the distance? Mr. Crohn, I didn't expect your literary talent to be so good. Many troubadours might not be as talented as you." There was a splendor in Mrs. Lorla's eyes.

Azatos shrugged, "As for why you want to go to Rena Hodge, the capital of the sea, um, I heard that it is a city on the water, and it is blessed by the Lord of the Storm. Even the gods once marveled, and there is still the world's best singer. Modesty, so it's really strange not to go to Reina Hodge to take a look."


By the way, Zhao Yin organized the Star Council to deal with the followers of the Cthulhu Star Dominator. Hey, what an unpretentious journey.

Mrs. Lorla nodded in sympathy,

"Yes, that city is really beautiful. Although I have been there more than once, every time I enter the city from the Gate of Storms, I feel amazed.

"Madam, can you tell me about the city, after all, I just heard it, and many things are not clear."

"Of course I am happy to help," Mrs. Lorla is also very enthusiastic about Azatos. "The city of the sea has four most beautiful landscapes in Rena Hodge, the Gate of the Storm, the Palace of Governor Carlotro, the Church of Poseidon, and you The world’s No. 1 singer, Modesty, mentioned just now, travellers who travel there, these four places must go, when you are like

If I want to go, I can lead you as a thought,

After speaking, Mrs. Lorla blinked her eyes.

"There is no additional charge."

Little Nicole also jumped up happily, "Uncle, uncle, then Little Nicole will take you to the Poseidon Church, it's pretty there, you can walk with us."

Azatos smiled, and at the same time used "idiotic authority to give secret guidance,

"Say it then," Ji.

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