After realizing that his injury had healed, Luo Erfin didn't delay any longer, and immediately led Azathoth to the Qilunava tribe,

On the road, this boy wearing a snow wolf coat was not stingy with his admiration for Azathoth, saying that he was the greatest God-chosen Warrior.

Azathoth was not embarrassed, on the contrary, he enjoyed it very much.

After all, no one does not like to be sought after,

After leaving the Ice Field Sea, the two of them followed the path to the foot of the Qilu Nawa Mountains. During this period, they went through a total of more than three hours, and did not arrive at the tribe's location until it was getting dark.

"This is the Qirunawa tribe?"

Azathoth was a little shocked when he saw the scene in front of him,

He finally understood why Rolfin said that the Qirunawa tribe is very hospitable, but few guests can find it here,

Because the location of the Qilu Nawa tribe is in an abyss in the mountains, surrounded by towering peaks, the bottom is so deep that you can't see the end at a glance, and you can vaguely hear the wind blowing. Be careful and you will be smashed to pieces,

Azathoth guessed,

"483 There should be a secret passage near here, leading directly to the bottom, right?"

Luo Erfin shook his head, "Of course not, we need to climb the mountain to the bottom of the valley. Of course, this process is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be crushed to pieces."

Luo Erfen quickly showed reverence in his eyes again, "But if it's you, sir, there must be no problem."

There really is no secret passage,

Azathoth glanced at the bottomless valley, and then at the smooth wall, thinking to himself, it seems that the so-called hospitality of Qi Lunawa is only relative.

For those who cannot climb down the mountain, of course they are not qualified to have the Qilu Nava as friends,

"It's getting dark, so let's go."


Soon Rolfing started to move, climbing along the cliffs of the mountain peak. Judging by his skillful and steady appearance, it was obvious that he had done this more than once.

For the people of the Qirunawa tribe,

Climbing this wall is as easy as going back to your own home,

Azathoth shrugged his shoulders, and also took steps, one step, two steps, three steps, yes he was walking on the cliff, as easy as walking (bcdi),

This made the climbing Rolfing widen his eyes, "Sir, you, how did you do it."

Azathoth smiled,

"Don't you say that I am the greatest God's Chosen Warrior, so walking on the cliff, isn't this a very natural thing?"

Damn, it was pretended by him.

The cliff leading to the Qilu Nava tribe is indeed very deep. Azathoth walked for half an hour before he saw it, and the scene below also shocked him.

I saw dense figures at the bottom of the valley, holding candles, illuminating the night, there must be at least a thousand people in the distance,

Although the Qirunawa tribe is very hospitable,

But this is too enthusiastic,

But when he got to the bottom, Azathoth realized that this was not the case at all, he was being self-indulgent,

"Luolfin, you are finally back, praise the moon, you are my only son, although you want to use trials to prove your courage, so as to enter the God's Chosen Temple and become God's Chosen Warrior, but as a father, I don't want to lose you,"

The person who spoke was a burly man, looking at Luo Erfen with pity in his eyes,

Then a woman also came over and hugged Luo Erfin, "Son, it's good to be back, it's good to be back, the trials are not important, even if you don't become the God's Chosen Warrior, with me and your father, there is no one in the tribe." People dare to bully you.

The people around were all relieved,

Azathoth rubbed his nose,

It turns out that the people from the Qilu Nava tribe were all greeted by Luo Erfen. I didn't expect the clown to be myself.

At the same time, Azathoth also learned the true identity of Rolfing from the words of the Qirunawa people.

It turned out that he was the son of the patriarch,

No wonder there was such a big crowd,

'Obviously a second generation, but in the end I have to work hard on my own, which is too inspiring.

At this time, Rolfing finally dealt with the concerns of his family and clansmen, and said at the same time: "Father, mother, and Uncle Aunts, this time I will conduct a trial in the Ice Field Sea

I almost died, but fortunately I met this gentleman, he helped me kill the wolf king and drive away the wolves, so I survived, "

"To say thank you,"

"I specially brought him as a guest to the Qilunava tribe,"

The members of the Qilu Nava tribe also looked in the direction indicated by Rolfing, and soon the figure of Azathoth came into view.


Azathoth's forehead is full of question marks,

Boy, so I'm standing here as a living person, and you've only discovered me now.

Soon hundreds of people dispersed,

The patriarch of the Qilu Nava tribe also came over,

The patriarch's height is at least 2.21 meters, and the shadow is pressed down like a titan. Coupled with the terrifying eyes, it brings great pressure,

His attitude towards Azathoth is completely different from that of Rolfing,

no pampering,

no pity,

Of course, luckily not,

Otherwise, Azathoth would carry the mountain and run away overnight,

The patriarch said majesticly: "My name is Bai Moti, I am the Warrior favored by the crimson moon, the overlord of demons, the guardian of the glory of the Qilu Nava tribe, and also the patriarch of this tribe. Thank you for saving me!" for my son,'

The tone doesn't seem very friendly,

Azathoth laughed and said:

"Group leader Baimoti, your son Luo Erfen said that Qilu Nava is a hospitable race, and now it seems that his description is a bit biased."

"Qilunawa is indeed hospitable, but only for the strong?" Patriarch Baimoti said proudly.

It seems that the patriarch is a thorn in the head,

Another guy who doesn't hit the uncomfortable skies,

Azathoth was thoughtful, "Your Excellency Baimoti, if I defeat you, am I qualified to accept the hospitality of Qi Lunava?"

"Of course..." Patriarch Baimoti became even more arrogant, "I am the strongest God-chosen Warrior in the Qirunawa tribe, and if you defeat me, you will be a strong one.

Azathoth looked around, and suddenly stopped behind a mountain peak, and pointed out:

"Let's go there."

Bai Moti was very puzzled, it would be fine to fight here, why did he hide, but he quickly made a guess in his heart, it must be that the other party was afraid of losing too badly, and felt ashamed to be seen by the tribe, That's why I chose to fight behind the mountain,

"Okay, then I'll satisfy you."

Seeing this, Luo Erfen quickly shouted: "Father, don't...".

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