
The tool box is on the table.

After opening it, there is a lot of dazzling things inside, some like carving knives, some like pens, all exuding a shining light, making people feel extraordinary at a glance.

"This is the arcane pen, this is the inscription knife, this is the law drill, and this is the magic thread..."

Claude introduced the contents to Fang Qingyan one by one, "These are all necessary tools for compiling secrets. There are four core tools: pen, knife, drill, and thread; the other five are also commonly used: chisel, file, and saw. , planer, and ruler; in our profession, they are collectively referred to as 'nine treasures' 800."

Fang Qingyan looked and listened carefully, and nodded.

"As an assistant, you don't need to know too much. Of course, if you want to learn the secrets of compilation, I can teach you when I have time."

Old Man Claude showed a mean smile, "You may not know how popular a powerful mystical compiler is? Let me tell you this, my income from selling mystical artifacts every year is... More than five million!”


Fang Qingyan's eyes widened at that time and he took a deep breath.

Annual income of five million!

Gan! Is it so profitable?

His eyes burst out with blazing light.

He has a large family waiting for him to support, which consumes a huge amount of cultivation resources every year. He is very short of money!

If you can get to the level of Claude and earn a million divine crystals a year, then all the problems will be solved!

"Study! Master Claude, I have always been an open-minded and eager to learn. I think the compilation of secrets is a great art."

Fang Qingyan said seriously.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether it’s art or not, the main thing is that it can make money!

"Yes, yes, it is a good thing to be motivated, especially for us outer gods. If we want to be reused by the gods, we can only improve our abilities! Only those with talent and strength have identity and status!"

Claude Dundun taught him something.

Then he flipped his right hand and took out a mid-level artifact from the storage bag. It was a halberd that was two feet long. It had a brilliant light and a shining blade. It was gorgeous and beautiful, and full of killing power.

The divine halberd exudes rich fluctuations of the Law of Fire.

"The first principle of mysticism compilation is to use the mysticism ball of whatever law is used as a carrier." Claude placed the divine halberd on the workbench and said seriously, "Otherwise, even if the mysticism is compiled successfully, , but when using the artifact, different laws will also conflict, causing the artifact to explode, which is very dangerous!”

In other words, the artifacts of the law of fire can only engrave the mysteries of fire; the artifacts of the law of gold can only engrave the mysteries of gold.

After finishing preparations, Claude took a deep breath.

He took out the magical thread from the tool box and fixed one end of it with the tail of the "eight treasures" of pen, knife, drill, chisel, file, saw, planer and ruler.

Then, Claude picked up the arcane storage pen, looked at Fang Qingyan, and said in a serious tone: "I'm going to start. You must stabilize the arcana ball and remember what you should do. If the arcane ball explodes, I won't Something will happen, but you will die! I can't protect you while I'm at work."

Fang Qingyan nodded seriously.

"Then it begins, get up!"

Claude shouted loudly, and with a "whoosh", eight threads flew up at the same time, and penetrated into the secret ball with lightning speed.

Suddenly, the red-gold secret law flowed out along the eight threads, dyeing the white threads into a gorgeous fiery red, and finally gathered into the eight carving tools, shining brightly.


The secrets inside the ball began to riot and wreak havoc. Fang Qingyan had a solemn expression and used the law of space to fix the secrets ball in mid-air, motionless.

He was distracted by two things, while stabilizing the secret ball, he lowered his head and carefully watched the movements in Claude's hands.

Master Claude has already started compiling.

He held the pen in one hand and the sword in the other, concentrating entirely on the halberd blade and starting to compose the secrets.

Chi chi chi——

The blade of the divine halberd was cut open by knives and pens, but the structure of this intermediate artifact was not damaged. Claude used his hands together to carve a series of arcane inscriptions on the blade of the halberd very skillfully and quickly.

Soon sweat was beading on his forehead.

The process of compilation consumes a lot of mental energy.

In a short time, Claude had the entire halberd blade, back, and head carved with dense inscriptions.

Fang Qingyan was dazzled by these inscriptions, and he couldn't understand what the hell Claude was carving.

But then when he reached the halberd pole, the old man seemed to have encountered a problem, and his speed began to slow down.

"The halberd shaft is too long and needs to be carved in two parts, but it is not easy to connect and finish."

Claude muttered, raised his arm and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then reached out and took the saw on the side, and started sawing.

Fang Qingyan's mouth twitched: "Will this really not destroy the artifact?"

"Hey, it depends on the technology."

Claude sawed the halberd shaft fiercely while grinning, "Mysterious compilation can be said to be a complete transformation of the artifact, a second creation! The places that should be modified must be changed, otherwise the compilation will not be able to continue. ”

"Many times, the artifact that has been engraved with mysteries will be completely different from before, and its appearance will be greatly changed. Even the owner himself cannot recognize that it is his own artifact! The structure of the artifact will not be changed at all, and the completed compilation will not change at all. exist!"


While speaking, Claude had already sawed off a large section of the halberd of the divine halberd, and the broken part was sealed by the mystery. This artifact was actually not broken.

After throwing down the saw, he picked up the pen knife and continued to carve.

Soon, the halberd shaft was also engraved with mystery inscriptions.

So far, the engraving of the mystery has been completed.

Fang Qingyan found that the light on the mystery ball had completely dimmed and turned into a dead gray.

The mystery laws in the ball have all been transferred to this divine halberd.


At the moment of completion, the divine halberd suddenly burst into a dazzling light, all the mystery inscriptions all lit up, and a terrifying mystery wave burst out.

The breath of a superior artifact!

Fang Qingyan widened his eyes.

In just over an hour, Claude upgraded a middle-level artifact to a superior artifact!

The price of a middle-level artifact is between 5,000 and 30,000 divine crystals.

But the price of a single ultimate upper-level artifact starts at 500,000!

After deducting the cost of the ultimate ball, Claude also made a fortune!

"Hey, I'm lucky. I succeeded in one try."

Claude picked up the halberd, rubbed it, and then said to Fang Qingyan, "It seems that you are my lucky star, Fang boy!"

Fang Qingyan heard this and asked, "Master Claude, isn't the success rate of the ultimate engraving high?"

"It still depends on the level of the engraver. My success rate is about 40%. In the entire Saimi City, there are no more than three engravers with my skills!"

Claude said proudly.

After saying that, he hesitated for a moment and added: "Of course, it is limited to engraving a single secret artifact. If it is a double secret, my success rate is only 5% at most."

"Double secret?"

"That's right. Among our secret engravers, there are four levels. Those who can engrave a single secret with a success rate of more than 30% are called "masters"; by analogy, those who can engrave double secrets are "grandmasters"; those who can engrave triple secrets are "grandmasters"; those who can engrave secrets for supreme artifacts are said to be "god craftsmen", but there are only three "quasi-god craftsmen" in the seven planes of the entire God Realm, and there is no real god craftsman."

Master, Grandmaster, Grandmaster, God craftsman.

It seems that a big man like Claude who earns 5 million divine crystals a year is just at the bottom?

Fang Qingyan's eyes lit up.

This industry is so "money" promising!

"Alas, it's easy to become a master, but difficult to become a grandmaster."

Claude sighed, looking depressed, "Every engraver is made by using artifacts. If you fail to engrave a single secret, you will lose a middle-level artifact. If you use thousands or tens of thousands of middle-level artifacts to practice, as long as you have good talent, your proficiency can be raised by 30% at least."

"But if you fail to engrave two secrets, you will lose a high-level artifact. If you fail ten times, you will lose ten artifacts... Only the gods have the foundation and financial resources to cultivate engravers above the grandmaster level. Outer gods like us should forget about it."

Fang Qingyan nodded in agreement.

No matter how talented the Outer Gods are, it is difficult for them to be cultivated by the gods. They will only use the best resources to cultivate their own direct descendants.

Claude put away the divine halberd, and then took out a thick ancient book and handed it to Fang Qingyan.

"Fang boy, I can see that you really want to learn the secret engraving, so I'll give you this as a gift."

Fang Qingyan was a little surprised. He took the ancient book and looked down. He saw a line of mottled large characters on the cover - "Secret Atlas".

"This..." His eyes widened.

After opening it, there were complicated and mysterious secret inscriptions on each page. They seemed messy, but in fact, they were all engraved inscriptions of each secret.

The secret inscription that Claude had just engraved on the divine halberd was the atlas of "Secret Burning Sky Fire Domain".

Fang Qingyan was a little unbelievable.

This is the treasure of the engraver!

It records 18,000 secrets!

"It's not as precious as you think. One copy costs one thousand divine crystals in the World Chamber of Commerce."

Claude shook his head and grinned, "I have memorized all the mysteries. I don't need this thing anymore. You can learn it. This bowl of rice is not for everyone. Whether you can become a compiler depends on your understanding, talent, and qualifications!"

"Thank you anyway!"

Fang Qingyan thanked sincerely. .

Chapter 136

"Engraving once consumes too much mental power."

Claude looked tired and exhausted. He waved to Fang Qingyan and said, "You go back first, or you can take a walk in the castle, but don't go near the temple of Lord Gejier."

Engraving the mysteries is a very tiring thing.

The consumption is huge, even the middle-level gods can't bear it.

"Then I'll come again tomorrow."

Fang Qingyan nodded politely to Claude, and turned downstairs with the "Mysteries Atlas".

After leaving the black fat man's small building

He walked straight outside. He had no interest in visiting the castle.

There were many clergymen in the castle. He met more than a dozen along the way, but Fang Qingyan did not communicate with them.

To be honest, he disdained the idea of ​​"serving the true gods".

Everyone wanted to gain status and position by kneeling down to the gods.

That was because "the gods are supreme" and "the gods are extremely noble", etc., such ideas have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of these foreign gods and wild gods who were born in the gods' domain and have been living in the gods' domain.

No one would think of rebelling against the Gods.

Because they had been kneeling for too long, they had already lost the courage to stand up...

But Fang Qingyan was different.

He was born in a small world. For freedom and dignity, he and a group of like-minded people raised their swords to fight against the sky, and finally succeeded in slaughtering the gods, leading the people of the world to get rid of the tragic fate of being dominated by the gods.

It can be said that Fang Qingyan is a person who will never succumb to fate!

He is determined and will never kneel!

Even if the high and mighty Gods dare to provoke him, he will definitely fight back.

The reason why he became an "outer god" was just a stopgap measure, in order to grow steadily, become stronger quietly, and for his family to obtain cultivation resources.

The reason why the Gods can be high and mighty is because of their strength and because their fists are hard, he can only endure it temporarily.

But Fang Qingyan believes that one day, his fists will become harder than theirs!

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