"Brothers, I understand what everyone means. I admire your determination, but I have to explain some things in advance. Are you sure you think it through?" Yamaguchi Sawaen said seriously.

   Everyone nodded quickly and surely.

   Yamaguchi Sawaen said, "Can you bear all the consequences?"

   Everyone nodded again.

   Yamaguchi Sawaen also nodded, and said, "Okay, then I will create history with you brothers, and let our Yamaguchi Group go to the next level. At dawn, Inagawa Group will become history!"

   Everyone immediately laughed excitedly.

   "President, give an order!"

   "Yes! Order it! We can't wait long ago!"

   "The brothers in ambush on the front line are already waiting anxiously and asked me why I haven't started to act. Chairman, hurry up and let the brothers do their jobs."


   Yamaguchi Sawaen nodded, and immediately took out the leader of the Yamaguchi Group's head stick.

  As soon as the leading stick came out, everyone in the Yamaguchi Group had to obey orders.

   Even if the command given by the chairman is wrong, they must carry it out.

   After the fact, they can hold the chairman of the committee accountable, but the order must be executed unconditionally.

   "I, Yamaguchi Sawaen, in the name of the chairperson of the Yamaguchi Group, formally gave orders to the heads of the various branch halls to launch a full-scale attack on the Inagawa Group according to the original plan. The battle must end before 5:30 in the morning!"

   Everyone immediately replied in unison: "Please follow the president's order, and the subordinates must resolutely implement it!"

   After speaking, they hurriedly issued an offensive order to their subordinates.

   At this time, in the conference room at the headquarters of the Inagawa Group, Kurai Momoe was assisting Mai Kuroki to hold meetings with the presidents of various branch companies and the group's senior executives.

   Suddenly, the president of each branch company received a call from his subordinates and learned that the Yamaguchi Group was attacking the site of the Inagawa Group.

   "It's not good, the Yamaguchi Group launched an attack on us!"

   "My side was also attacked!"

   "My side too, several of them have been captured."

   "Madam, chairman, didn't you say that the Yamaguchi Group gave up attacking us? Why did they beat us again?"

"Originally, we were all prepared to deal with it. It was you who said that the Yamaguchi Group cancelled the offensive plan, and we let our subordinates relax their vigilance. Now the Yamaguchi Group took advantage of the loopholes and suddenly launched an offensive while they relaxed their vigilance. We lost. It's terrible, and there is no resistance."

   "You two hurt us on purpose!"


   Kuroki Mai hurriedly looked at her mother.

   Kurai Baihui quickly picked up the phone and called Yang Chen, but the customer service prompts to shut down.

   She hurriedly called Li Zhien, but the result was the same, and the customer service also prompted to shut down.

   Kurai Baihui was so panicked that he hurriedly called the front desk of the hotel.

   Soon, the call was connected.

   Front desk: "Hello, Empire Hotel, how can I help you?"

   Kurai Baihui hurriedly replied: "You help me check if the guest in room 2506 is in the room now."

   Front desk: "Sorry, we need to protect the privacy of our guests. So, I can't tell you."

   Kurai Momoe immediately roared: "I'm Kurai Momoe, the wife of the chairman of the Inagawa Group! I order you to tell me now. If you dare to say something, I will destroy your family!"

   The lady at the front desk was so scared that she quickly apologized to Momoe Kurai: "Mrs. Kuroki, sorry, I didn't know it was you. I'll ask someone to check it out now. You wait a moment."

   Kurai Momoe: "Hurry up!"

   The lady at the front desk tremblingly replied: "Oh, okay, okay..."

   She hurriedly asked someone to check if there was anyone in Yang Chen's room. Valley

   But as soon as their staff got closer, Li Zhien's bodyguard stopped them.

   "Don't go near these two rooms!"

   The staff hurriedly smiled and said, "Sorry, we want to know that the guests in these two rooms are in the room now?"

   "This has nothing to do with you, leave quickly, or we will complain to you."

   The staff smiled and nodded, then quickly turned and left.

Soon, the front desk received feedback from the staff, and immediately said to Momoe Kurai: "Mrs. Kuroki, sorry, our staff went up, but they were blocked by the bodyguards who were guarding them. They are not allowed. They are close to the room and do not tell us if there is anyone inside."

   Kurai Momoe said angrily: "Then give me the phone number in the room, immediately!"

   The front desk quickly found out the number in Yang Chen's room and reported it to Baihui Cangjing.

   But Momoe Kurai has been busy playing in the past, so I can't get through.

   She didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately got up to go to the Imperial Hotel to find Yang Chen.

   Seeing that she was leaving, the senior leaders of the Inagawa Group and the presidents of various branch companies stopped doing it, and they all got up and stopped her.

   "Want to go now?"

   "You mother and daughter caused us a heavy loss, still want to go now?"

   "You are sinners of the group, you must bear all guilt!"


   Kurai Momoe quickly explained: "I'm going to the Imperial Hotel to find someone. As long as I can convince him, the Inagawa Group will still be saved. If you delay for a second, one of your brothers will fall!"

   Everyone looked at each other, and then nodded to each other.

   "You can go, but your daughter has to stay as a hostage!"

   "Yes, if you don't come back, your daughter will definitely not end well!"

   "Once the Yamaguchi Group enters, we may all have to die! Before I die, I must taste what your daughter is like!"


   Kurai Momoe said angrily: "You dare to touch Mai, I promise your whole family will suffer!"

   Kuroki Mai was terrified, and quickly took her mother's hand, begging: "Mom, don't leave me here alone. I'm so scared."

With tears in her eyes, Momoe Kurai comforted: "Mai, be brave. Mom has to go to the Imperial Hotel to find him now, and she has to persuade him to stop Yamaguchi Sawaen anyway. Don't worry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mom will definitely do it. When I come back, I will never leave you alone."

   Kuroki Mai cried and nodded, watching her mother run out with eyesight.

   Now is the time of life and death, the presidents of these branch companies, the senior group of the group, all no longer care about the identity of Kuromu Mai.

   Kurokida has lost the heart, and Kurai Momoe and Kuroki Mai have no real support at all.

   These people don't respect these girls from the bottom of their hearts.

   "Don't cry, just pray silently that your mother will come back. If she doesn't come back, have you seen it? With so many of us, you can imagine what will happen to you! Haha..."

"Mad, when it comes to life and death, Lao Tzu is going to fight it out. Even if the Inagawa Group can keep it, it will definitely lose its strength, and it will no longer be as strong as it used to be. Those of us must definitely find another way out. Lao Tzu has no way out. I need to be afraid of your Kuroki family again."

   "If the Inagawa Group can keep it, it will never be named Kuroki again. Why should we be afraid of the Kuroki family?"

   "Haha... even if I am going to die, I will be a romantic ghost."


   Hearing these people's **** words, Kuromu Mai became terrified in her heart.

   She loves and hates Yang Chen at this time.

   She hated Yang Chen for why she didn't count her words, and she said she would stop letting the Yamaguchi Group attack the Inagawa Group. Why did the Yamaguchi Group launch a full-scale attack on the Inagawa Group?

   She loves Yang Chen, because at this moment, only Yang Chen can protect her.

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