Wang Zhi was terrified, and quickly asked excitedly, "What's the matter? Did your son provoke a big man outside?"

A disdainful expression appeared on Yang Fu's face, and he said, "Given my son's current social status, people who dare to call him a big man in front of him will not come out casually. How could he possibly provoke them?"

While cleaning up the debris, Wang Zhi asked, "It's better not to provoke a big man. I'm afraid he will provoke those who can't be provoked. Come on, what did you hear?"

Yang Fu hurriedly told Wang Zhi everything he heard in a low voice.

Wang Zhi didn't show a frightened expression, but said indifferently, "None of them are rivals of my son, and it's even worse to get out after three years in prison, so don't be afraid."

Yang Fu scolded speechlessly: "Don't you understand what I said? That kid met a powerful person in prison, taught him martial arts, and probably gave him his family property. This is what the son said himself, no I'm bullshitting. And his cousin, what God of War is now. You don't know what God of War is, right? The novel I read every day is God of War. It's so awesome that it can cover the sky with one hand."

Wang Zhi asked suspiciously, "Is it that powerful?"

Yang Fu: "Otherwise? My son is worried about our safety now and wants to find an excuse to keep us from going out for the time being. But he was afraid that we would ask him why he couldn't go out, so he discussed with Yueyue how to tell the two of us. ."

Wang Zhi really didn't know what the God of War was, but she knew one thing very well and couldn't let her son worry about them.

"Well, when we're about to eat, we'll just make excuses that we're feeling tired recently. Maybe it's because we're too old to work for a long time, and we need to rest for a while. In addition, let our son find us some servants. Waiting at home." Wang Zhi suggested.

She is very smart and considers issues very thoughtfully, Yang Fu is not as smart as her.

Yang Fu said speechlessly: "Look at you, you are so embarrassed, and you need a servant. You can't move or what?"

He was used to an ordinary life and was not used to being served.

Wang Zhi quickly explained: "Are you a fool? Didn't you say that your son still wants to send more people to protect us? We want servants, so he can justifiably send people to protect us personally? Do you want him to? Send someone to protect us from a distance? If someone really wants to harm us, maybe the bodyguards won't have time to protect us, and we'll be dead."

Yang Fu understood what his wife meant and smiled embarrassedly.

"Hey... You are still thoughtful, so do as you say. We can't help, but we can't let him worry." Yang Fu said with a smile.

Wang Zhi said again, "Then do you think we should remind our son to be more careful and don't be careless?"

Yang Fu thought for a few seconds, shook his head gently, and said, "Don't say anything, we just don't know anything. With the strength of my son, it is more than enough to deal with them, so don't worry at all."

Wang Zhi nodded and quickly changed to a new plate to serve the dishes.

Yang Fu took the dishes out, raised his head and shouted to the second floor: "What are you two doing? It's time to eat! Do you want us to bring it to the house to feed you?"

Yang Chen and Yang Yue quickly agreed and went downstairs to eat.

The two still haven't discussed how to talk to their parents about that.

Therefore, they both showed no appetite.

Yang Fu and Wang Zhi looked at each other, understood and started acting.

Wang Zhi put down the tableware and let out a heavy sigh.

Yang Fu turned his head and asked, "What's wrong? Seeing that you haven't been in a good mood for the past two days, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Wang Zhi shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm uncomfortable, it's just that I feel tired, just as tired as when I was doing farm work before."

Yang Chen hurriedly put down his chopsticks and asked, "Didn't I ask you to do a regular physical examination every month? The hospital is mine, it doesn't cost any money, so don't save that little money. I'll call someone to come and check it out. "

Having said that, Yang Chen took out his mobile phone and wanted to call the director of Xiaoguang Hospital.

Wang Zhi hurriedly stopped him and said, "No! No! I may have been standing in the store for a long time, and my body can't bear it. I'm just a little tired, just rest and rest, no need to ask the doctor to come."

Yang Fu quickly took over the conversation and said, "Don't talk about it, I also feel a little tired. Why don't we take a rest for a while. And Yueyue, you can take a rest too, you are much more tired than us every day, but You can't wait to rest as tired as we are."

Wang Zhi nodded quickly and said, "I see, Yueyue, you can take care of us at home. There should be no problem with Xiao Li in the store."

Yang Yue looked at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen hurriedly said: "I see, you can rest at home for a while. I will invite a few housekeepers to come over to take care of your food and daily life. You must take a good rest. I have told you many times, that jewelry store is just for fun. son, you don't need too much

serious. I'm just afraid that you will be bored and find something to do for you. You are too real, and you are exhausting yourself. "

Wang Zhi smiled and replied, "I know. I'll take it easy in the future. Let's eat."

The problem of strengthening the defense was solved, Yang Chen was in a good mood, and he ate.

Seeing their son devoured it, both Yang Fu and Wang Zhi showed kind smiles.

Seeing that this year is coming to an end, the latest economic summit in Haicheng is about to be held again.

This summit invites leaders from well-known domestic companies to The top leaders of the rich list such as Wang Xiaobiao, Ma Jack, Ma Longfei are regular visitors.

In the past two years, Yang Chen's identity was not made public. Everyone didn't know that there was such a powerful entrepreneur. If he did not participate, he would not participate.

But since Yang Chen rejected the Nobel Prize and Xiaoguang Hospital became popular all over the world, Yang Chen's name has become a household name.

Therefore, the Haicheng government and the summit organizer all requested Yang Chen to participate.

Yang Chen felt that since his identity had been exposed, he no longer had to hide it.

Jack Ma and Ma Longfei can go to summits and speak anywhere, and so can he.

So, he accepted the invitation to attend this year's economic summit.

As an elite among the rising stars in the business world, the organizer also invited Yang Chen to give a personal speech.

5-10 minutes, let him play freely.

You know, a big guy like Ma Jack is only allocated 5 minutes of personal speech time for each person.

It can be seen that the organizer attaches great importance to Yang Chen.

After all, Yang Chen is a native of Haicheng, and his achievements are obvious to all. Of course, the organizers want to make him a new generation of business stars.

At 8:30 in the morning, all the guests invited to the summit entered the venue one after another.

Yang Chen was sitting at the table in the middle of the first row, accompanied by the deputy mayor Huang Jiucheng and the chief planner of the summit, Li Ganxiong.

The other guests were all seated at other tables.

With such a blatant ranking, everyone could see that Yang Chen was the protagonist of this summit.

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