The big guys at the scene watched it with relish, and they wanted to see what kind of scene it would be for Brother Ma to join forces with Brother Big Ma to deal with Yang Chen.

So, they all clapped and cheered quickly, and let the little brother hurry up.

Ma Longfei himself is a very refined person who always smiles no matter who he faces.

I can't see the domineering and coldness of the business boss from him. What I see is just what an ordinary middle-aged man should look like.

Originally, he didn't want to go up and get involved in the war of words between Ma Jack and Yang Chen.

But now everyone is applauding and cheering, asking him to come on stage, but he is too embarrassed not to.

Just when he was hesitating, Wang Zhongyu suddenly ran over and pulled him to stand up.

Ma Longfei stood up and followed Wang Zhongyu to the stage.

Ma Jack quickly stepped forward to meet Ma Longfei, and the two of them hugged.

Ma Jake took advantage of the opportunity to hug and whispered: "The opportunity is here, we should take a good look at his spirit, or he will cause us more trouble in the future. Our business focus should be on other more important things. You shouldn't be held back by such trivial matters. Are you right?"

Ma Longfei replied with a smile: "You are right, you are never wrong. You can do whatever you want. Can't I just follow your orders?"

Ma Jack nodded happily, and pulled Ma Longfei to Yang Chen's side.

Afterwards, the two of them stood on either side of Yang Chen.

Guo Sitian: "Oh, I've hosted many economic summits, and this is the first time I've felt oppressed. The three most successful business people in our country are standing next to me. I'm really honored. Ma Dong, What do you think of what Mr. Ma said just now?"

Since he agreed to join forces, Ma Longfei must support Ma Jack's point of view.

So he replied: "I think what Jack said is right. Today, no matter what industry we do, we should abandon price wars and rely on better products and better services to gain customers' trust. They are all well-known bigwigs in the business world. Everyone knows the final result of the price war, that is, the product quality cannot be seen directly. If you lose your reputation, you will lose customers, and even make customers lose trust in the entire industry. I Think, this result is something that no one wants to see, right? How can we avoid this result? Of course, we should abandon the price war from the beginning and focus more on the product itself and service quality. Yang Dong, what do you think?"

Everyone listened with relish, and quickly set their eyes on Yang Chen, and now let's hear what brilliant opinions he can say.

Yang Chen said with a smile: "I very much agree with the views of the two presidents, that we must rely on products and services to win. But we must understand one thing, the price of products is also a part of services. Everyone buys things, including those present here. Everyone, everyone pursues a high quality and low price. Low price has always been part of the service. You can't say that we are engaged in a price war because our price is down. Isn't it?"

Ma Longfei: "Then I want to ask Yang Dong to sell at the current price, can you make money from your fresh food selection? We have estimated that selling the products at the current price of your website will result in a loss of at least 20%. According to your output In terms of volume, your platform may lose 200-300 million a day. You say this is normal service competition?"

Yang Chen nodded his head very appraised, and said: "Yes, this is serious service competition. I think everyone understands a very simple economic theory, that is marginal benefit. As long as our scale is large enough, The cost can be allocated to more products, and our actual cost can be minimized. Perhaps, based on your current cost, our selling price will indeed lose 20%. But once our scale is established, the average cost If it is greatly reduced, the 20% can be smoothed out. As I said just now, my goal is to make the world without expensive food. As long as the capital can be preserved, I do not require a profit.” Gu

After hearing Yang Chen's words, the big guys in the audience immediately applauded.

They were also talking quietly.

"This kid has quite the vision."

"I thought it was the first time he participated in this kind of summit, and he was attacked by big and small horses again. He would be in a mess and be at a loss. It seems that I was wrong. He is much stronger than I thought."

"This is what we often say about the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves. One wave is stronger than the other. The young people today are really powerful, much stronger than when we were young."

"Looking at Yang Chen's coping ability, I don't find it strange at all that he will become a stronger person than anyone else in the future."

"Hey, hey, let you choose now, who do you think will win this confrontation? I think Yang Chen has a better chance of winning. He seems to be more articulate than Majack."

"Haha... I admit that he is very talkative and has a flexible mind. But I think it is still too difficult for him to deal with the two presidents by himself. Some things are still

It is only through the accumulation of experience that he can show his powerful abilities, and he lacks such accumulation now. Maybe at this moment he can barely stalemate with the two bosses, and he will definitely be defeated later. Just wait and see. "

Everyone watched the excitement and could see that they were emotional, which was also very interesting.

Ma Longfei didn't know how to answer Yang Chen's words, so he could only look at Ma Jack.

After all, he is an entrepreneur who can speak the most. UU Reading Ma Jack's mind turned very fast, and he quickly took over the words and said: "Yang Dong knows a lot. However, I still want to tell you what you think. It is too idealistic. We all understand the marginal benefit you are talking about. But the cost allocation also has a range, not an unlimited range of cost allocation. Things like vegetables are already very cheap, and it is impossible to reduce the price by 20% by cost allocation. %. I'm sure that no matter how you spread the cost, you can't close the 20% gap. It's not that I don't believe in your ability, it's just that it's not scientific at all."

Yang Chen laughed loudly.

He smiled so much that everyone in the audience was stunned.

What is this kid laughing at?

Are Majack's words that funny?

Ma Jake himself was also muttering in his heart, thinking to himself: "What is this kid laughing at? It's too rude. Or does he really have any ideas? It's impossible. I can't think of a problem, he can't think of a better solution. A good solution."

So, Ma Jake asked with a smile: "What does Dong Yang mean? If you have anything to say, just say it and let us all refer to it. I still want to say that your idea is too ideal. What you say is marginal. We all understand the benefits. But there is a range of cost allocation, not unlimited cost allocation. Things like vegetables are already very cheap, and it is impossible to reduce the price by 20% by cost allocation. I'm sure, no matter what you How to allocate costs, you can't even out the 20% gap. It's not that I don't believe in your ability, but it's simply unscientific. Yang Dong, tell me, how do you even out the 20% gap? It must be Have solid data to back it up, don’t just rely on wild guesses.”

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