As soon as he said it, Yang Chen also registered on Weibo and Douyin.

When I have time in the future, I can post some updates to share with netizens, which just happens to have an additional publicity channel.

Another important point is that the more famous Yang Chen is, the less people like Su Zilong will dare to touch him easily.

Because once Yang Chen was moved, they themselves would have to be unlucky.

After several days of investigation, Bai Zihua and Mu Zihan finally found out Xiao Ce's experience in the past ten years, as well as the ups and downs of the Xiao family in the past 30 years.

Let’s talk about Xiao Ce first.

As mentioned earlier, Xiao Ce's lineage is not favored by the Xiao family, which is beneficial to the family. Except for the Xiao family name, he has not received any protection from the Xiao family.

Xiao Ce was very unconvinced. They were also from the Xiao family. How could other people with the surname Xiao be able to compete for the position of the head of the family?

Therefore, when he was very young, he was determined to seize the position of the head of the Xiao family and make his lineage the backbone of the Xiao family.

For this reason, he stole the family's money and went to Shaolin Temple to practice martial arts, hoping to defeat Xiao Wannian by force and seize the position of the head of the Xiao family.

However, unfortunately, he encountered human traffickers on the way.

The traffickers kidnapped him and sent him abroad to join the BG Mercenary Corps as a Boy Scout.

It was there that he learned a lot of killing skills, and it was from there that he played a lot.

The leader of the BG Mercenary Corps passed away half a year ago, and before his death, he handed over the Corps to Xiao Ce in charge.

Xiao Ce felt that the time was ripe, so he returned to the country and wanted to seize control of the Xiao family.

After returning, he learned that Xiao Wannian had been in prison for eight years.

Xiao Ce went to the prison to visit Xiao Wannian, and unexpectedly learned that Xiao Wannian and Su Zilong actually lived in the same room, and Su Zilong also worshipped Xiao Wannian as his master.

Xiao Ce suspended his plan to seize power, and asked Su Zilong to find out from Xiao Wannian where the Xiao family's dragon head stick was hidden.

At this time, Su Zilong actually knew the whereabouts of the Dragon Head Staff from Xiao Wannian, but he didn't want to give it to his cousin, so he hid the secret.

While waiting for Su Zilong's news, Xiao Ce secretly transported the BG mercenary group to Daxia.

After waiting for half a year, news suddenly came from the prison that Xiao Wannian had died of illness.

Xiao Ce hurriedly contacted Su Zilong to ask him if he had inquired about the whereabouts of the Dragon Head Staff from Xiao Wannian.

Su Zilong still chose to hide it, and lied that Xiao Wannian died of illness after failing to tell the truth.

But in fact, Su Zilong not only knew where the dragon head stick was hidden, but also knew Xiao Wannian's account and password in the Swiss bank, as well as the location of the gold and other valuables he hid underground.

Su Zilong was going to rely on these things to avenge Yang Chen, so naturally he would not tell his cousin Xiao Ce these secrets.

Relying on the fact that he had a mercenary group, Xiao Ce felt that even if he didn't have a dragon head staff, as long as he wanted to seize control of the Xiao family, it would be easy.

Therefore, Xiao Ce did not investigate these matters in depth, and Su Zilong was able to hide these secrets safely.

Su Zilong thought that no one would know if he hid these secrets, he could only say that he was too naive.

The Dragon King Palace has its own insiders in every bank in Switzerland, and the hackers of the Dragon King Palace also invaded Su Zilong's mobile phone, computer, etc., and saw all his secrets.

Just yesterday, Su Zilong also transferred 1 billion meters of gold from Xiao Wannian's account to his own account, and laundered the money through X Money Company and transferred it into China for his own revenge.

He thought that what he was doing was very secretive, but in fact, all the people in the two departments of the Dragon King Palace's intelligence and hacker departments were well aware of it.

Let's talk about the Xiao family.

The Xiao family was originally based in Haicheng, but it was just a small family that was not in the mainstream.

At that time, they offended the Ye family and were driven out of Haicheng by the Ye family.

At that time, it happened that Xiao Wannian had just retired from the army and returned to take over as the head of the family, so he took the Xiao family to Sucheng, not far from Haicheng.

Xiao Wannian gathered all his comrades and formed a "death squad" of 30 people.

30 years ago, the law was not sound enough, and they really made their way through aggressive fighting.

The Xiao family quickly established a firm foothold in Sucheng.

The local clan forces in Sucheng, big and small, were all overwhelmed by Xiao Wannian with the "expendables".

Soon, the Xiao family became a big family that dominated Su City.

However, Skynet was sloppy and not leaking, and the country quickly focused on eradicating gangsters and evil. Not a single one of Xiao Wannian's gang escaped, and they were all arrested and thrown into prison.

As the eldest, Xiao Wannian was sentenced to life imprisonment, and the judge pointed out that he must die in prison and could never be released from prison.

Knowing that Xiao Wannian could not be released from prison, Xiao Xun boldly controlled the elders in the family,

Force them to elect him as the new patriarch.

Since then, the Xiao family has been under Xiao Xun's control.

Because Xiao Xun's title as the head of the family was not right, it was not given to him by Xiao Wannian, so Xiao Wannian did not recognize him.

Therefore, Xiao Wannian handed the dragon head stick to Su Zilong, hoping that he could use the Swiss bank deposits and underground gold to enrich the strength of the Su family and take control of the Xiao family from Xiao Xun.

After reading this information, Yang Chen already had a rough plan in his mind.

First use Xiao Xun to deal with Xiao Ce and Su Zilong, then use the faucet stick to divide Xiao Ce and Su Zilong at the critical moment, then help Xiao Xun to defeat Xiao Ce and Su Zilong, who turned against each other, then use the Ye family to deal with the Xiao family, and finally Yang Chen takes the Ye family back again. After cleaning up, there is no big family around Haicheng that can cause trouble for Yang Chen.

It's less than half a month before the New Year, Yang Chen doesn't want Xiao Ce and Su Zilong to have a good New Year.

Yang Chen sent a message to Bai Zihua and Mu Zihan, and asked them to arrange that he would go to Xiao's house in Sucheng.

Bai Zihua and Mu Zihan acted immediately, despite arranging everything.

At noon, Yang Chen was having lunch when Mayor Wang called him.

The 10,000 mu of land that Yang Chen wanted before has already been planned by the city Because there are three natural villages and 12 large and small factories within this land, Yang Chen wants With this 10,000 mu of land, these villages and factories will inevitably be demolished.

As long as it involves demolition, it will cost a lot of money.

Mayor Wang asked Yang Chen to go to the city government to discuss specific matters.

This 10,000 mu of land is very important to Yang Chen as an agricultural seed cultivation base.

So, before he even finished his lunch, he immediately rushed to the city hall and met Mayor Wang.

Mayor Wang greeted Yang Chen with a smile and sat down to chat.

Mayor Wang spoke highly of the classic scene of Yang Chen fighting with Ma Jack and others at the economic summit.

"Young people should be like this, and they should be used to challenge authority. I carefully watched Yang Dong's speech, and speaking from the bottom of my heart, I admire Yang Dong's ambition very much. If Haicheng has entrepreneurs like Yang Dong, it is the people of Haicheng. Our city government can’t help Yang Dong technically, but we can definitely do our best to give the greatest support in terms of land supply and tax policy. Yang Dong just do it well, the whole Haicheng is your solid backing ." Mayor Wang said excitedly.

Yang Chen smiled slightly and replied, "That's the best way. Let's work together and do our own thing well. I believe that in the near future, Haicheng will become the most developed city in the world."

"Haha... We are very happy that Yang Dong has such an ambition. Whether it is successful or not, we will do our best to support you, Yang Dong. Come, let's see the 10,000 mu of land you want now." Mayor Wang Said happily, quickly took out the map and planning map, and studied it with Yang Chen.

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