After Signing In For Three Years, My Identity As Shenhao Was Exposed

Chapter 689: Suzuki broke the contract, what should we do

Soon, the plane landed safely at East Longitude International Airport.

From the moment Yang Chen walked out of the airport, the people of the Xin Inagawa Group started their security work.

Suzuki Qing knew that Yang Chen and Li Zhien were here, and had already arranged a meeting.


Still at the Suzuki Building, Suzuki Kei held a very grand welcome banquet.

This old man's idea is too naive, he wants to use this method to make up for the damage to Yang Chen and Li Zhien.

But he also didn't think about it, Yang Chen and Li Zhien's status today, can it be done with a banquet?


Yang Chen still maintained a very gentleman's attitude, and he didn't show any unhappy expression until the end of the banquet.

After the other guests were gone, Suzuki Qing smiled and invited Yang Chen and Li Zhien into a small room to chat.

Yang Chen and Li Zhien sat on the sofa, silently not speaking.

They want to listen to what Suzuki Kei has to say and how he explains it.

Suzuki Kei said with a smile: "You two don't look at me like this, I'm embarrassed to see it."

Li Zhien rolled his eyes, not giving him a good look.

Yang Chen said with a smile: "The old gentleman has a ruddy complexion, and he is in good spirits. If he is in good spirits, he will think a lot, and if he thinks a lot, it will be easy for him to go into trouble."

"Haha... Younger brother Yang means something. Well, since Younger Brother Yang is talking about this for the sake of it, you and I won't beat around the bush. Before, I did promise to cooperate with the two of you. To tell the truth, I am really very happy. I have sincerity and determination to cooperate with you. But then I don’t know how Tesla knew about the intention of cooperation between us. They sent someone to discuss with me about building a factory. Tesla is a new energy vehicle after all. Take the lead, big brother, I will definitely give priority to cooperating with them, rather than a project you are just starting. Right?" Suzuki Kei complained.

At the beginning, in order to avoid troubles, Yang Chen also specially emphasized that the cooperation should not be announced to the public for the time being.

When the factory is officially put into use, it will be announced, which can make everyone more optimistic about the future development prospects of the new company.

If financing is needed in the future, there will definitely be a lot of capital vying to invest in shares.

Since it is a secret matter, how does Tesla know about the cooperation between Qing Suzuki, Yang Chen and Li Zhien?

Yang Chen thought about it carefully, he already had two possible candidates in his mind.

One is Toyoda Akira, and the other is Honda Hiro.

The conditions that Yang Chen offered at the beginning scared these two guys away.

Except for Yang Chen, Li Zhien, Suzuki Qing, and others who knew the position of cooperation, no one else knew.

This can already be inferred that Toyoda Akio and Honda Henan spy to Tesla.

Tesla knows that there is absolutely no way to stop Yang Chen and Li Zhien from forming a new company.

So, they shifted their PR target to the Suzuki Group.

Although Yang Chen doesn't know what Tesla has promised, it is certain that they have promised a lot.

Otherwise, Suzuki Kei will not risk offending Yang Chen and Li Zhien and forcefully withdraw the cooperation intention.

"Everyone has their own ambitions and cannot be forced. We have only reached a preliminary cooperation intention, and there is no formal cooperation. Mr. Suzuki can completely withdraw the cooperation intention and change it to cooperation with other companies. This is your right, and we have no right to interfere. However, I still have to say some things in advance. If Mr. Suzuki didn’t reach a cooperation intention with us at the beginning, there is no problem in choosing what to do. But you have already reached a cooperation intention with us, and you broke the contract to cooperate with our competitor company. That would be too frivolous. The day Suzuki officially cooperated with Tesla was when we became enemies. I have always been ruthless and merciless towards enemies. Don't blame me, old man. "Yang Chen said with a serious face.

These are the words in Yang Chen's heart. He is a person who never hides his true thoughts, so he said it directly in front of Suzuki Qing.

Suzuki Kei had a stern face and raised eyebrows, looking a little serious and a little frivolous.

It was serious because Yang Chen warned him, it could even be said to threaten him.

He was frivolous because he felt that Yang Chen was too arrogant, how dare he threaten him like this.

The Suzuki Group is a big chaebol that controls a scale of 200 billion meters of gold. Can Yang Chen easily threaten and frighten it?

Since Yang Chen has made his words so straightforward, Suzuki Qing will not be euphemistic.

"Hehe... Younger brother Yang is young and energetic, I can understand. However, if you want to threaten others, you have to be optimistic. Do you think my Suzuki family is something you can threaten casually? I know that you and President Li will join forces, and we will definitely not be able to fight. You. But it is absolutely impossible for you to destroy us. At this size, as long as you don't kill yourself, no one can destroy us. Do Brother Yang and President Li think this is right?" said proudly.

The old man was right, at this scale, it would be difficult to perish.

If it is because of poor management and too much debt, the government will find a way to help them out of the predicament.

Therefore, the only people who can disband the Suzuki Group are themselves.

Yang Chen stood up, smiled and said to Suzuki Qing: "If that's the case, then we have nothing to say. Let's talk about it today. President Li, do I have anything else to say?"

Li Zhien shook his head, stood up and stretched, and said, "There is nothing to say, everything depends on strength."

Yang Chen nodded turned around and left.

Li Zhien quickly followed.

Suzuki Qing smiled and got up to send them out, but Yang Chen refused.

Suzuki Qing then laughed and said, "Brother Yang, calm down, I'm sorry this time, I'll make it up to you in the future when I have a chance. Haha..."

Not long after Yang Chen and Li Zhien left, a middle-aged American man came in.

"Haha... Mr. Basque is still satisfied with my handling?" Suzuki Kei asked with a smile.

Basque laughed and said, "Very good, Mr. Suzuki's handling is amazing. I can assure you that not cooperating with them is definitely the wisest choice you have ever made in your life. We at Tesla are famous for I, they have just been established, and they will not be eligible to compete with us within 20 years. When I go back to discuss with the company's leadership and shareholders, the specific matters of Tesla's island factory will be determined as soon as possible. By then, the two of us will We can cooperate sincerely and make a lot of money together.”

"Haha..." The two of them laughed loudly.

On the other side, Yang Chen and Li Zhien left the Suzuki Building.

The two got into the car and went back to the hotel immediately.

Neither of them spoke at all.

But soon Li Zhien couldn't help it and asked: "Brother Chen, what do you think we should do? We can't just watch Tesla and Suzuki cooperate. In this way, we want to open up the market here. It is too difficult. Without the participation of local auto brands in the island country, consumers here will not easily believe us. Especially our nationalities are at a disadvantage here. If the company’s shareholders are only us, the market here can basically give up. What do you think?"

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