After Signing In For Three Years, My Identity As Shenhao Was Exposed

Chapter 900: It really doesn't give any face at all.

Chapter 900 I really don't give any face

Yang Chen was the first to return to the forum.

Before the giants came, the reporters quickly seized the opportunity to interview Yang Chen.

Reporter: "Mr. Yang, do you really want to take this opportunity to ask for the equity of these giants?"

Yang Chen smiled and replied: "I do have this idea, but it may not be successful. It seems that they cherish the equity in their hands very much, and they will release a little to me not far away."

Reporter: "Then what is the purpose of you wanting their equity, just to wait for dividends? Or are there deeper considerations?"

Yang Chen is also very sincere, and replied with a smile: "Of course I want to be able to speak in the companies of these giants. However, I also know that they will not be willing to release too much equity to me, and it is impossible for me to rely on them. This share of equity dictates the company's management. So, it is basically a pure financial investment. I won't say how profitable these giants are, and everyone can guess. So, if you can own their equity, it is equal to me I have a tool that can make money stably forever. So, I am more inclined to ask for equity and cash, depending on what they negotiate."

Reporter: "If you just want to share dividends, when will you be able to get hundreds of billions of meters of gold? I think it's more realistic for you to want cash, but it doesn't seem cost-effective to ask for equity."

Yang Chen: "As I said just now, I want a long-term and stable source of money. After all, no one can predict what will happen in the future. If I lose in the future, at least there are some people who can provide me with a stable source of life. With the stake, I won’t starve to death.”

Before he knew it, Yang Chen had been chatting with the reporters for five minutes.

Yang Chen immediately got up and said: "Everyone, the time I gave them is up. They didn't come out, which means they automatically rejected the private plan. Today's symposium is here, everyone can go back. Thank you everyone for being able to today. Come to the scene, go back and write the manuscript carefully, you must truly reflect the situation at the scene, and don’t write it indiscriminately. I don’t want to explain some things that don’t exist or be misunderstood by you afterwards.”

"Haha..." The reporters laughed.

After speaking, Yang Chen waved at everyone, then turned around and left.

As soon as they walked off the stage, the giants hurried in.

Seeing that Yang Chen was about to leave, they hurriedly called Yang Chen's name.

Yang Chen immediately replied loudly: "I'm sorry everyone, you guys are overtime. I gave you ten minutes at the beginning, but you didn't come out. I gave you another five minutes, but you still didn't come out. Again and again, no more, you guys No chance."

After speaking, Yang Chen left without looking back.

The giants were instantly stunned.

This guy must be too arrogant.

Does it need to be so real?

After all, they are Wall Street giants, can it not be delayed for ten seconds?

No face for this?

Seeing Yang Chen leave without looking back, the giants looked embarrassed.

At this time, the reporters no longer obeyed the order, and swarmed to surround the giants.

"Excuse me, what do you guys think of Yang Chen's almost inhumane approach?"

"Excuse me, what's your mood now? Are you angry? Will you take revenge on Yang Chen?"

"Yang Chen is so disrespectful, will you continue to seek a private settlement of the contract?"

"I don't know what you guys think, but I think Yang Chen is going too far, I really don't give you any face at all."

"What is the result of your discussion? Are you willing to sell a part of the equity to Yang Chen?"

Facing the surging questions from reporters, the giants were all embarrassed.

However, embarrassment is embarrassment. When reporters asked questions, they still had to answer politely.

No one can offend reporters.

Because journalists can really discredit a person.

The giants made eye contact, and the president of Goldman Sachs answered questions on behalf of everyone.

President of Goldman Sachs: "To be honest, it is the first time I have met such an aggressive person. Mr. Yang is much stronger than the opponents I have met before. Although he is very disrespectful, the problem still needs to be solved. Wait a minute. We will contact him again in private, and the matter must be resolved. The result of our discussion is to welcome a capable person like Mr. Yang to join our company. With his help, we will definitely develop better and better. So, I think it's a win-win cooperation, and we really can't find a reason to reject him as a shareholder of the company. What do you think?"

The reporters continued to ask questions in an almost bickering fashion.

"Then don't you worry that Yang Chen's purpose of wanting equity is not simple? Do you really believe that he is just for dividends? I don't think so."

"If you agree to release the equity to him, it will be tantamount to losing the battle and ceding the land. Haven't you thought about how this will affect you? The honor you have been operating for many years will definitely be seriously damaged."

"So, between money and face, you still choose money and don't have face. Is that right?"

"Do you regret it? You have fought against Yang Chen twice in a row, and they all failed miserably. Do you regret doing it now? If there is a third chance, why would you continue to fight against Yang Chen?"

The giants are really embarrassed, and the reporters' questions are really becoming more and more aggressive.

The president of Goldman Sachs quickly looked at the other giants, and everyone gave him a look that continued.

The president of Goldman Sachs secretly scolded these pig teammates for being too unreasonable, and he still asked him to answer such difficult questions.

Reporters stared at the Goldman Sachs president, who had to say a few words if he didn't want to.

Goldman Sachs President: "No matter what the purpose of Mr. Yang's shareholding, the controlling stake is in our hands, and we don't have to worry about what he will do to harm our interests. As for the issue of face, I think hundreds of billions of meters are more important. If I give you hundreds of billions of meters of gold, will you still lose face? You don't regret it after you say it. To be honest, you must have regretted it. The first failure can be attributed to not understanding Yang Chen, so he was opportunistic. But The second time I lost to Yang Chen, I really don't have any reason to look for it, it's just that I can't play with Yang Chen. As for whether we will fight against Yang Chen in the future, it depends on the results of the competition between our two think tanks. If After careful consideration and multiple arguments, our think tank thinks that we can fight against Yang Chen, and we will still do it. We can develop because of this kind of decisiveness and not being afraid of losing. I can't live in the current state. We have to go to Mr. Yang to continue talking about this matter, and we can't continue to chat with everyone. Everyone, please let me go, we will leave quickly. Thank you, thank you..."

The security personnel at the scene and the bodyguards of the giants rushed over to separate the reporters and escorted the giants away.

The giants didn't dare to leave like this, they had to hurry to find Yang Chen.

Soon, Jin Zhina received many more requests to see Yang Chen.

She hurriedly reported the situation to Yang Chen, and it was still up to him to decide.

Yang Chen's purpose is to ask for equity, it's not that he really won't talk to them.

There are two reasons for not giving them face so much.

First, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com rubbing their spirits, it will be beneficial to Yang Chen when negotiating later.

Second, let them know that they can't hesitate to talk about things with Yang Chen, and whether they can or not, they must give the answer within the agreed time.

Therefore, in order to gain more capital that is conducive to negotiation for himself, Yang Chen asked Jin Zhina to politely refuse the request of the giants to meet, but he also deliberately left them room for imagination, so that they thought that Yang Chen did not refuse to be private, but was very angry now That's it.

Jin Zhina understood what Yang Chen meant, and quickly wrote a detailed draft, and then called back the heads of the giants in Daxia.

Yang Chen is now waiting for those giants to come to meet him with sincerity, and then he can ask them for more equity.

(End of this chapter)

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