After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 15 Criminal Psychological Profile, The Suspect is Among the Onlookers!!!


"Second crime? Two criminals?!!"

Even the experienced Xu Changsheng exclaimed in disbelief when he heard Su Ming come to this conclusion.


in his past experience.

Although secondary crimes exist, the probability has always been very low, let alone the secondary crime of dumping the body in the river. He has never seen it in so many years!

As if he had already guessed that Xu Changsheng would be so surprised, Su Ming pointed to the wrist of the deceased and said.

"Brother Sheng."

"You can see the constraint swelling on the deceased's wrist and the two fingers that were severed with a sharp weapon."

"I think these two locations can very clearly show that after the murderer dumped the body, there were still other people who came into contact with the body."


"On the buttocks of the deceased's jeans, there is a very obvious large area of ​​yellow mud from where he was dragged, which further illustrates the occurrence of a second crime!"

Hear this.

Xu Changsheng immediately looked at the location pointed by Su Ming.

The girdle-like wrist, the two strange fingers with severed wounds, and the yellow mud on the jeans further confirmed the suspicion of a second crime.

Purse your lips and think carefully for a few seconds.

Staring at the bag of construction waste placed next to him, Xu Changsheng nodded slightly and said with emotion.

"Xiao Ming."

"You surprised me so much!"

"It was actually possible to determine in such a short period of time that there was a possibility of a second crime, and that there were two criminals who did not know each other."

"This ability to infer details of corpses is almost as good as that of forensic doctors."

Speaking of which.

Xu Changsheng paused for two seconds, looked at Wang Hu who was holding a photo album to take pictures and asked.


"Let me ask you why it is possible to judge from these details of the body that there is a second crime in this case."

"If you absorb it carefully, you can learn a lot from this case."

Huzi couldn't help but froze for a moment.

He glanced at the corpse in front of him and tried to explain using his barely passing score in the police academy exam.

"First of all, on the victim's body, two of his left fingers were severed, and there was no sign of blood spillage or infection from the wounds."

"This indicates that the injury was caused after the victim died and was thrown into the river for a period of time before being fished out and cut into pieces."

"And a normal murderer would definitely not..."

Speaking of which.

Huzi was already stuck and couldn't speak anymore, so he looked at Su Ming with eyes pleading for help.

It's obvious.

Let a prospective graduate who has not yet graduated from the police academy and has no real experience in solving crimes use the clues obtained from the corpse to explain the suspect's behavior.

It's still a little too difficult.


Su Ming explained it without any pressure at all, and he could even describe it from the perspective of a criminal suspect.

Seeing Wang Hu's eyes pleading for help, Su Ming chuckled and then came to the rescue.

"The several clues currently found on the corpse need to be superimposed and corroborated with each other to obtain the most accurate inference results."

"Just like..."

"From the wounds on the two severed fingers, it can be clearly determined that when the deceased's body was thrown into the river, someone fished it up and damaged the body."

"But what the damage is for can be judged from the lace-like marks on the wrist."

"This type of strangulation marks are basically caused by bracelets, bracelets, watches and other objects. Because the dead body was thrown into the river, the wrist swelled. However, because these objects have poor ductility, they cannot follow the wrist and expand. Therefore, There were marks of strangulation.”

"There are traces of frenulum, so the object shrinks very tightly, and there is a high probability that it will not fall off accidentally, but now the object has disappeared."

"It undoubtedly shows..."

"This is someone who took away the items from the deceased's wrist, and then it can be inferred that the person who committed the second crime was for the jewelry and money on the deceased."

"The item on the wrist is most likely a watch. It can be untied and taken off, otherwise the wrist will probably be chopped off. The two missing fingers of the deceased are most likely wearing rings."

"at the same time."

"The uniform yellow mud on the jeans can further prove that the deceased was salvaged."

"Because even if someone is killed by a murderer and dragged on the ground and thrown away, the adsorption capacity of dry jeans is not strong, and it will dissipate a lot after being thrown into water. There will never be such a uniform yellow mud."

"Only the dead were thrown into the river."

"It was later fished out and dragged along the river bank. Only wet jeans can absorb so much yellow mud that they will not fall off even if they are thrown into the water again!"

"There is a small amount of yellow mud on the right pocket of the deceased's jeans. It is very likely that the suspect took away the mobile phone or wallet from his pocket and left traces!"

"By carefully sorting out these clues, we can roughly restore the situation at that time."

Su Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, pinched his chin and spoke slowly.

"I am a nearby resident with excellent water skills, strong mental endurance, and poor economic conditions."

"Yesterday, when I was wandering around the Huainan River with nothing to do, I accidentally found a female corpse floating on the river. I wanted to call the police, but when I saw the watch and ring on the wrist of the corpse, I thought I was short of money, so I started to collect the corpse. Bao’s thoughts..."

I first heard Su Ming’s words.

Xu Changsheng, who was still somewhat puzzled, suddenly widened his eyes in amazement and shock as Su Ming continued to narrate!


Su Ming was not simply analyzing the case, but putting himself in the shoes of the second suspect and using psychological profiling to analyze and solve the case!

Being able to solve the case in this way, this talent is simply unimaginable!!!

At this moment.

Su Ming was still telling the story from the perspective of the suspect.

"Taking advantage of the dark sky, I, who am good at swimming and have strong psychological endurance, jumped directly into the Huainan River and pulled the body back to the shore."

"But because the body was swollen by bubbles, the rings could not be removed at all, so I had to go back to get a knife and cut off her fingers later."

"On the way to get the knife, I was worried that the body would be discovered and the police would find me through clues, so I simply put a bag of construction waste in a sack and tied it directly to the body to make her completely unable to float."

"In this way, I cut off two fingers of the body, got two rings, and took the mobile phone or wallet from the deceased's pocket. Let's go."

"This time we got a lot of money. The watch and two rings look valuable. There's also a cell phone that we can try to repair."

"I was thinking of selling these things when the storm died down, but a damn fisherman actually caught this body."

"A large number of police came, and the body was also fished out. All the neighbors around went to watch the show. I'm a little worried now. Should I run away?"


"I didn't kill the person, and I didn't leave any evidence last night. Don't run away in a hurry. Mix in the crowd and see what clues the police can find."

At this moment.

Su Ming stopped describing the perspective of the suspect.

He glanced at the many uncles and aunts outside the cordon, and then smiled confidently at Xu Changsheng.

"Brother Sheng."

"I think the person who committed the second crime is most likely one of the residents in the surrounding area, and he is probably watching the show outside the cordon now."

"According to the time of death and the time when the body floated up, the second crime was probably last night. People from other places or passing by by chance are unlikely to have the tools to commit the crime if they are not nearby."

"I think..."

"First ask these grandpas and aunts who are watching the scene, and focus on checking those who can swim but are in poor conditions, to see who is taking advantage of the situation!!!"

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