Xia Lan was suspicious.

Did he misjudge this guy?

Was he actually a traitor from the demon clan?

But he did have the orthodox secret of the immortality formula.

At this time, Xia Changming smiled and explained:

"Yes, that demon is my wife, and now she has married into the Xia family."

Huh? Demon? Married into the Xia family?

Xia Lan was stunned when she heard this.

What's going on?

Is the relationship between humans and demons so harmonious now?

Are demons married into the human race?!

"You mean...You married a demon woman?"

Xia Lan asked in surprise.

Xia Changming answered readily,"Yes."

"Did she agree?" Xia Lan asked again

"Of course, she married me voluntarily."

Xia Changming said with a smile.

This was not a lie.

Su Yueli did marry him voluntarily, and he gave her a choice.

Seeing Xia Changming's happy smile, Xia Lan was surprised, but she also accepted the fact.

She didn't expect that in just a few hundred years after his death, the relationship between the human and demon races had become so harmonious....

You have to know that thousands of years ago, the human and demon races were mortal enemies, and there were countless disputes of all sizes.

Now the human and demon races live in harmony, which is indeed beyond his expectations, but it is also a rare happy event....

"Is it true that the Xia family's spiritual secrets cannot be passed on to others?"

Seeing Xia Lan was speechless, Xia Changming couldn't help but ask again.

After coming back to his senses, Xia Lan stroked his chin and thought for a moment before saying:

"Um...Since you married into my Xia family, you are a member of my Xia family and should not be considered an outsider."

"Even if I teach the Changling Jue, it does not violate the ancestral precepts of the Xia family, but whether I can master it depends on my understanding of spiritual power."

Xia Lan's meaning was very clear, and it was considered that she tacitly agreed to teach the Changling Jue to Su Yueli.

After receiving a positive answer, Xia Changming said gratefully:

"Thank you, ancestor."

Xia Lan waved her hand casually, indicating that Xia Changming did not need to be so polite.

"Well, I have given you the Xia family inheritance, the rest is up to you."

"If there is nothing else, you can go back."

He had given everything he should have given and instructed everything he should have instructed. His mission of hundreds of years had finally been completed.

Xia Changming nodded gently, and when he turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something and turned his head again.

"By the way, ancestor, I have another favor to ask."

"Could you give me the Xuanling Yinmu that guards the gate outside the cemetery?"

"Just think of it as a gift from you to your granddaughter-in-law."…"

This guy has good taste. He is also very rude....


"Take it, and consider it as a gift from me to you and her."

Xia Lan thought for a moment, and agreed very readily.

Initially, the purpose of using the Xuanling Yin Wood to guard the gate was to prevent the spirits he had gathered in the cemetery from dissipating. Now that all the spirits in the cemetery have been killed by Xia Changming, there is no need to keep the Xuanling Yin Wood.

It would be more useful to give it to his disciple.

"I thank the ancestors on behalf of my wife, and I won't bother you any more."

Xia Changming bowed solemnly and then turned to leave the hall.

Xia Lan watched Xia Changming's back as he left, her mouth slightly raised, revealing a gratified smile, then she tilted her head to look at the statue of Xia Feng, the first head of the family in the center, and murmured to herself:

"Big brother, I finally found the heir of the Xia family. He is a little guy who is worthy of trust. His strength is even greater than yours when you were young. He is also her apprentice. You will definitely like him when you see him."

"Hundreds of years have passed, and my mission is complete..."

After saying that, a wisp of residual soul gradually became dim and ethereal, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind.

In order to verify whether Xia Changming was worthy of trust, he used too much spiritual power to mobilize the spiritual body, and in addition to absorbing spiritual energy for the successive generations of family heads, his spiritual power was finally exhausted.

This wisp of residual soul could no longer be maintained.

Fortunately, he did not disappoint him in the end.

"By the way, he also married a demon woman, so amazing!…"

"Times have changed, and young people nowadays really know how to have fun."

Xia Lanyi sat at the foot of Xia Feng's statue, talking endlessly about everything that happened today, as if she had endless things to say.

Until her voice became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared, the hall returned to silence again.…


When Xia Changming walked out of the corridor, he found that the moon was bright in the sky and the sky was dark.

He had been there from morning till night.

Soon, a figure rushed towards him with a fist.

""You little brat! What did you do in there?"

Xia Changlin waved his fist angrily.

Xia Changming had been in there for a whole day, and he even wondered if the entire cemetery had been demolished.

Xia Changming stood still and slowly said:

"I met Xia Lan's ancestor."

At the moment when he said this, Xia Changlin's fist just stopped in front of Xia Changming's face.

""What? What? You saw the ancestor Xia Lan?!"

Xia Changlin widened his eyes in shock, with an unbelievable look on his face.

That was the famous second-generation patriarch who made the Xia family prosperous!

He had never heard that any patriarch had seen his spirit when entering the cemetery.

Even the last time he went in, he didn't see any of his figures. He had no idea that the ancestor's spirit was in the cemetery.

Xia Changming nodded.

Xia Changlin quickly put away his fist, moved in front of Xia Changming, and asked impatiently:

"What did our ancestor say?"

"Have you mentioned me?"

"Um... I mentioned it."

Xia Changming replied with a little embarrassment.

"What did you say?"

Xia Changlin asked expectantly.

Xia Changming could only cough twice and said:

"Ahem, our ancestors said that you, father, are smart and capable, with outstanding strength. You are truly a role model for the head of the Xia family and a pillar of our generation!"

"Really! Then I have to go in and pay him a visit."

Xia Changming was immediately delighted by such high praise, and was about to enter the cemetery.

Xia Changming hurriedly stopped him, looked into the depths of the corridor cemetery, and said lightly:

"Father, the ancestor is tired, please don't bother him."

"That's right, okay."

Xia Changlin had no choice but to give up with regret.

Just as Xia Changlin was immersed in the regret of not meeting his ancestors, he heard two"clinking" sounds in his ears, two knife lights flashed, and two heavy black wooden doors were cut down by Xia Changming.

"Ah! What are you doing, you little brat!"

Xia Changlin covered his face with horror and shouted, like a famous painting in the world,


When he wasn't paying attention, Xia Changming demolished the gate of the Xia Family Cemetery!

"Xia family ancestors, I apologize to you, I didn't do it on purpose, please don't blame me..."

Xia Changlin quickly knelt on the ground and put his hands together to pray for forgiveness.

Xia Changming calmly put the Xuanling Yin Wood into the spirit ring and said without looking back:

"Father, our ancestors have promised to give me these two doors."

"Please ask father to send someone to make another door and repair the inside of the cemetery."

"You kid..."

Xia Changlin was so angry that he had nothing to say.

Since the ancestor had agreed, he had no choice.

However, Xia Changming was still very happy that he could meet the ancestor and win the ancestor's favor.

After telling Chu Qingwan that everything was fine, Xia Changming walked straight to Su Yueli.

"Wife, I didn't expect you to be waiting here for me. I'm very touched."

"Humph, don't get me wrong, I just happened to have nothing to do, so I stayed here to wait and see."

Su Yueli snorted coldly.

In fact, she had seen the sword energy coming out of the mountain, and she was curious and stayed here to wait.

She was really curious about what was inside that made him draw his sword.

She was expecting whether Xia Changming would come out in a mess.

Now Xia Changming came out, without any scars on his body, and still looked calm and composed, which disappointed Su Yueli.

Seeing her unhappy expression, Xia Changming immediately took her hand and walked out of the sect.

"Since you have nothing to do, let me take you to see the grand occasion."

"I've been here for so many days, but I haven't taken you out to see the world yet."

"It is a festival day now, and it is very lively outside."

Su Yueli let Xia Changming lead her away, frowning and saying:

"Let go, I am not interested in your human race's celebrations!"

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