Xia Changming's wife!

As expected, this stunning woman in front of him was the demon queen!

"Humph! You must be the demon queen, right?"

Cai Xu said with a serious expression, clenching the iron whip in his hand.

His voice was loud, and almost all the practitioners in the attic heard it, and they all looked at Su Yueli.

"This woman is actually the demon queen?"

"It is rumored that the demon queen is bloodthirsty and her methods are extremely cruel!"

"Their ambitions are enormous. They have repeatedly invaded our Tian Zhou territory, and everyone they pass through is slaughtered!"

"I also heard that this demon queen was extremely licentious all day long, and she plundered our human race as concubines to extract essence! This is simply intolerable!"

"Yes, yes, yes, we must not let her go!"

"Then I will go first. Even if I am defeated and captured as a concubine, I have no complaints!"

For a moment, the crowd was indignant and the wind direction suddenly reversed.

The people who were just defending Su Yueli suddenly held weapons, murderous, and gathered the magic formula in their hands.

Su Yueli's pretty face turned pale.

It was not because of the hostility of the crowd, but because of the unfounded rumors in their mouths!

She admitted that she was bloodthirsty. In order to unify the demon clan, she killed many demons. But looting concubines and refining essence were pure fabrications!

She was busy with the internal affairs of the demon clan all day long, so how could she be licentious!

It really pissed her off!

Cai Xu saw that everyone was excited and secretly raised the corners of his mouth.

He deliberately amplified his voice just to let everyone hear it and let this demon clan The empress has become the target of public criticism!

No matter how powerful she is.

This is the Tianzhou Dynasty. If she really dares to take action, she will be besieged by countless strong men!

Su Yueli's pretty face was cold and she sighed in her heart.

She wanted to trick Xia Changming, but she didn't expect that she would be in more and more trouble. No matter how many ants there are, they are still ants.

It is not difficult for Su Yueli to get rid of these bugs, but it will definitely alarm other strong men in the city.

It's really troublesome...

The most troublesome thing is that she can't explain it to Xia Changming.

Xia Changming has repeatedly asked her not to attack other people at will, otherwise she would have crushed Cai Kun to death!

How could she let him live until now!

"You witch, why don’t you let go of my Second Young Master!"

"Don't let us capture and kill you, then you'll regret it!"

Cai Xu took the opportunity to threaten Su Yueli.

Little did he know that Su Yueli hated being threatened the most!

Especially after being threatened several times in the past few days, she just had no place to vent her anger!

Su Yueli ignored the verbal threats and applied a little force in her hands. Cai Kun immediately cried out in pain:"Ah, it hurts, it hurts!", as if his skull would be crushed if he applied a little force.

"you dare!"

"Everyone, follow me to capture and kill the witch!"

"If you can save the second son of my Cai family, you will all be honored guests of my Cai family!"

Cai Xu was furious, and without hesitation, he held the iron whip and wanted to call everyone to come together.

Some people came for the promise of the Cai family, some for the justice of the human race to kill the demons, or for the title of the empress who killed the demons. In short, everyone present rushed forward to kill.

Before everyone arrived, a figure slowly walked over from not far away, and shocked everyone back as soon as he spoke.

"Who wants to capture and kill my wife?"

The voice was not loud, but the vast spiritual power turned into an invisible pressure that made everyone dare not move.

Seeing the person coming, it was Xia Changming of the Xia family!

Along with him came the head of Tiandi Baoge, Chen Lianxiong

"Who dares to cause trouble in the Tiandi Pavilion?"

When Chen Lianxiong arrived, he saw the blood on the ground and saw that everyone seemed to be about to fight in the Tiandi Pavilion. He could not help but say in a cold voice:

"What? Did you all forget the rule that you cannot cause trouble in the Tiandi Pavilion?"

Everyone was timid and quickly put away their weapons and apologized to Chen Lianxiong.

The power of the Tiandi Pavilion was not something that anyone could afford to offend. Even the Cai family, one of the four great families of the Tianzhou Dynasty, did not dare to act rashly!

Cai Xu hurriedly bowed to Chen Lianxiong and said:

"Mr. Chen, my Cai family will compensate for all the losses in Tiandi Treasure Pavilion today!"

"But please make the decision for my second son!"

After all, the other party is the second son of the Cai family, and he still has to give him some face in the Tianzhou Dynasty. If it were usual...

Chen Lianxiong turned his head and saw that the woman holding Cai Kun with one hand was Xia Changming's wife, the demon queen Su Yueli...

After a brief thought, Chen Lianxiong turned around and cursed at Cai Xu:

"Do shit!"

"It must be that you, the uneducated second son of the Cai family, coveted beauty and flirted with her, otherwise you wouldn't have ended up like this."

"The consequences today are entirely his own fault!"

Cai Xu was stunned by Chen Lianxiong's scolding. His hands were still stiffly in the cupped position, his face full of disbelief.

Chen Lianxiong was willing to offend his Cai family in order to protect the Xia family?

And he was merciless in public.

Su Yueli was also a little puzzled.

Why was the head of Tiandi Baoge speaking for her?

Glancing over, she saw that Xia Changming's handsome face was still as relaxed as usual. She guessed that he must have just reached some secret deal with Tiandi Baoge.

Cai Xu's face was gloomy, but he did not dare to act rashly in Tiandi Baoge, so he had to take a step back and said:

"Our Cai family accepts what happened today!"

"But please return my second son to me!"

Chen Lianxiong looked at Su Yueli, and was embarrassed when he saw that she didn't seem to let go of his hand.

He could scold the Cai family without any hesitation, but if Cai Kun really died in public in the Tiandi Pavilion, it would greatly damage the reputation of the Tiandi Pavilion.

People would blame the Tiandi Pavilion for breaking the rules.

But Xia Changming was kind to the Tiandi Pavilion and gave him a rare opportunity to enter the Tianzun realm. This was difficult to deal with.

Chen Lianxiong turned his gaze to Xia Changming, trying to ask for his opinion.

Su Yueli also turned her beautiful eyes to Xia Changming, and her eyes seemed to be asking:

Can I kill him?

Xia Changming smiled indifferently and said to Su Yueli:

"Today is a festival day, it's a rare occasion for celebration, so let's not shed blood."

It is strictly forbidden to cause trouble in Tiandi Baoge, let alone killing. Xia Changming gave Tiandi Baoge a face.

But it's just not allowed to kill...

Chen Lianxiong and Cai Xu were relieved immediately.

As long as Cai Kun is not dead and the matter is not a big deal, everything will be fine.

Su Yueli pouted her lips in dissatisfaction, her eyes seemed to be full of resentment, but as if she suddenly understood something, the corners of her mouth slightly raised a charming arc.

He just said not to shed blood... but didn't say to let him go...

After hearing that he was saved, Cai Kun showed a proud look on his face, staring at Su Yueli with sinister eyes.

When he goes back, he must gather people to capture this woman and humiliate her severely!

For everyone to play with!

Su Yueli's expression was cold and frosty, she hated this bug very much.

Her fingers gently tapped Cai Kun's forehead.

Cai Kun's sinister eyes turned into surprise and uneasiness.


Su Yueli said coldly.

The next moment, a ball of dark green fire rose up.


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