After several detours, Xie Yun led Xia Changming to a door connecting the east and west wing rooms.

Two disciples dressed in Xie family costumes stood in front of the door. When they saw the visitor, they respectfully shouted"Hello, Mother Xie." Then they opened the door on the left and right.

As the door was opened, waves of enthusiastic and noisy shouts came into the ears, and several young and graceful figures danced on the stage, their dresses fluttering, so moving.

A woman with a slender figure in a light gauze sat cross-legged above the center of the stage, and the blue guqin was suspended in the air. Her slender fingers gently stroked the strings of the guqin, and the beautiful guqin sounds floated throughout the venue like wisps of breeze. The seats below were full, without any noise, and everyone listened attentively, intoxicated by this beautiful music.

The woman covered with a light gauze and playing the guqin was the second daughter of the Xie family, Xie Hualing.

This woman has the reputation of being the first singer of Tianzhou in Tiandu, and is also known as the first beauty.

But very few people have seen her true face.

Many practitioners were willing to give up everything to see her, but they were all turned away.

Whenever she played in Zuixianlou, the west wing would be crowded, and some even came from far away.

Among this crowd of people, Xia Changming unexpectedly found a familiar person.

Xia Ming?

Xia Ming was seen squeezed in the back of the crowd, waving two glowing instruments in his hands, swaying to cheer with the rhythm of the piano.

Good boy, you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, but you are actually a hidden talent.

But where did this boy get the spiritual stones to spend in this high-end place?

With these spiritual stones, he doesn't practice well, but comes to Zuixianlou to be free and happy!

How lazy!

Xia Changming was about to go over and scold Xia Ming.

As soon as he took a step, Xia Changming stopped immediately.


He is also in Zuixianlou now, and it seems that he has no persuasiveness...

Never mind, it's tiring to practice, and it's normal to relax appropriately.

This should be the measure that a family head should have.

""Master Xia, what's wrong?"

Xie Yun asked in confusion after noticing Xia Changming's strange behavior.

"It's ok, I recognized the wrong person"

"Really? Then, Master Xia, do you think this music is pleasant to the ears?"

Xie Yun didn't pay much attention to it. She smiled and raised her hand to ask Xie Hualing who was playing on the stage.

"The sound of the piano is profound and moving, it is wonderful!"

Although Xia Changming does not understand any music, he can still feel the mystery of the piano playing by the feeling of rippling his heart. Compared with the white foggy environment outside, this place is like a place to cleanse the mind.

The people in the west wing are all powerful or wealthy people, all for a glimpse of Xie Hualing's beauty or to listen to her piano music.

It is a VIP place specially set up by the Xie family.

Hearing Xia Changming's generous praise, Xie Yun smiled slightly and continued to lead Xia Changming to the inner room.

This time they did not walk for long, and stopped in front of a door after a while.

""Master, I have received Master Xia."

Xie Yun knocked on the door gently and said.

A refined and humble voice came from the room.

"Thank you for your hard work, Aunt Xie. Please let Brother Xia in."


Xie Yun pushed open the door and said to Xia Changming in a respectful gesture:

"Please, Lord Xia."

Xia Changming walked into the room without any hesitation.

He saw a man in a white shirt with a delicate face sitting at a tea table, holding a flute in his hand, smiling kindly, and exuding a refined and unworldly aura.

Two cups of tea were brewed on the tea table, and the hot steam from the tea was wafting away.

"Brother Xia, please take a seat."

"This is the Tianshan Spirit Tea cultivated by my little sister. If you don't mind, please taste it."

Xie Ye invited Xia Changming to the seat beside him.

Then he took the initiative to raise the teacup and put it in front of him.

As a practitioner, few people would do it themselves. A mere teacup can be driven by a thought, but Xie Ye raised the cup for him personally, which was very polite.

Xia Changming naturally had no reason to refuse.

Anyway, he was immune to all poisons and didn't worry at all.

""Hmm... good tea!"

Xia Changming praised after taking a sip.

It tasted slightly bitter at first, but then became mellow and sweet in the throat. A trace of spiritual power was entangled in the tea. It was indeed tea that was nourished by spiritual power.

"If Brother Xia likes it, I will ask someone to bring some back for you later.

Xie Ye said generously and politely.

"Thank you very much."

"I just wonder if Brother Xie invited me here today for more than just tea tasting, right?"

Xia Changming put down his teacup and looked at Xie Ye and asked.

From the time he met Xie Yun when he entered Zuixianlou to now, the Xie family has been extremely enthusiastic towards him.

Xia Changming didn't believe that the two families, who had never had any contact with each other, would suddenly be so enthusiastic, not to mention that the Xia family has been declining in recent years.

Facing Xia Changming's direct question, Xie Ye no longer beat around the bush, his brows condensed, and he directly invited him:

"Brother Xia, are you willing to unite with my Xie family?"

Before Xia Changming could answer, Xie Ye continued:

"You must have heard it."

"Cai Ji, the third daughter of the Cai family, is going to marry Wang Tian, the eldest son of the Wang family. The power of the two families will be far greater than before."

"Especially the Cai family, whose strength has risen strangely in recent years, and they have also recruited a large number of independent cultivators, which shows that they have ill intentions!"

Xie Ye said confidently, with an excited look, while Xia Changming looked calm and at ease, sipping his tea.

This made Xie Ye anxiously add:

"Brother Xia! In Tiandu, the balance between the four great families no longer exists!"

"Now, only if we join forces can we resist the ambitions of the Cai and Wang families!"

Xia Changming did not rush to agree. He slowly put down his teacup before asking:

"I have a question, please answer it, brother Xie"


"Brother Xie just said that now that the Cai family is growing stronger, the combination of the Cai and Wang families is more powerful than ever before, so why doesn’t Brother Xie choose to join the Cai and Wang families?"

"I heard that Wang Teng, the second young master of the Wang family, has been trying hard to pursue your sister recently."

"As long as the head of the Xie family agrees to this marriage, not only will the Cai family and the Wang family be married, but the Xie family and the Wang family will also be relatives. It won't be difficult to climb the Cai family's thick branch at that time, right?"

Xia Changming's words were sharp and his eyes were sharp.

He was not against the Xie family, but rather liked it. It was nothing to say that it was okay to unite with the Xie family. After all, one more friend means one less enemy.

Of course, the premise of the alliance is that Xie Ye can reasonably answer his doubts.

Xie Ye thought for a while, and then slowly said:

"Everyone in Tiandu knows that the second son of the Wang family has a violent personality, is bloodthirsty and cruel, and kills servants for no reason. How can I send Hua Ling into this tiger's mouth?"

"Besides, although my Xie family is small and not easy to fight, it is still one of the four great families. How can we be willing to be a vassal!"

Xie Ye said it with a righteous tone, but Xia Changming still saw the clue.

Xia Changming narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Xie Ye, smiling faintly:

"I'm afraid it's more than that? Thank you, brother."

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