"An Ning understands!"

""Thank you, Sister Su!"

Zhou An Ning stood up and bowed to Su Yueli with gratitude.

At this moment, she has strengthened her belief!

After she gets out of the secret realm, she will definitely take back everything that belongs to her!

Su Yueli nodded calmly.

But she soon regretted it.

Why should she help Zhou An Ning solve her doubts!

What if she really becomes the new generation of empress of the Tianzhou Dynasty?

Wouldn't she be shooting herself in the foot...

After this conversation and gratitude to Su Yueli in her heart, Zhou An Ning no longer felt so scared when facing Su Yueli again, but felt closer to her in her heart.

Xia Changming once told her:

Don't be afraid of his wife, she is just a sharp tongue, cement heart, and very arrogant.

(* ̄3 ̄)╭

Uncle Xia is telling the truth…

""Sister Su."

Zhou An Ning called her affectionately.

Su Yueli frowned slightly.

When Zhou An Ning called her, her tone suddenly became much more intimate, which made her feel uncomfortable, but she didn't say anything.

"Sister Su, can An Ning ask you a question?

Zhou An Ning asked Su Yueli carefully.


Su Yueli said calmly

"How did you and Uncle Xia meet?"

"Is it true, is it true that Uncle Xia conquered her with one sword as the rumors say?"

Zhou An Ning looked very curious, her eyes sparkling.

She was very curious!

She had heard this fairy-tale-like beautiful rumor in the palace.

What was the real encounter between Xia Changming and Su Yueli like?

Was it true that they killed their way into the palace of the demon clan and conquered the demon clan with their powerful strength?

Or was it another rumor that the two had known each other for a long time, but because their love for the demon could not be made public, they had to use the name of a human-demon marriage to end the dispute and get together?

Either way, it would be a good story worth passing down through the ages!

Su Yueli:"…"

Su Yueli was speechless.

This was the last thing she wanted to talk about!

She was in her current situation because of Xia Changming's sword that forced her to marry.

Every time she thought about it, she felt so angry that her teeth itched!

Looking at Zhou Anning's expectant and curious eyes, Su Yueli said coldly:

"I am not convinced by him!"

"I just have to stay by his side temporarily, it is not my wish."

Zhou An Ning thought about it and continued to ask:

"Well...Sister Su, do you like Uncle Xia?"


Su Yueli stared at Zhou An Ning with her beautiful eyes wide open, and retorted angrily:

"I don't like that abominable guy!"

"How do you know that I like him?"

"Rather, I wish I could kill him myself!"

Zhou An Ning stared blankly at Su Yueli's slightly flustered and excited defense.

She didn't expect Su Yueli to hate Xia Changming so much...

But according to her usual observation, she felt that the two of them were very close and loving. They always flirted with each other, and when they stood together, they looked like a pair of gods and goddesses, making others envious.

"Sister Su and Uncle Xia often stay together and are inseparable. An Ning thought that Sister Su really liked Uncle Xia."

Su Yueli snorted coldly and explained:

"It's just that the shameless guy insisted on sticking it here."

"So...Sister Su really doesn’t like Uncle Xia?"

"I don't like it!"

Su Yueli answered without hesitation.

Any hesitation for half a second would be a blasphemy to her as the queen of the demon race!

Zhou An Ning heard this, his eyes sparkled, and a smile appeared on his face. He pointed at himself and said:

"Can An Ning be here?…"

"No way!"

Before Zhou An Ning finished her words, Su Yueli suddenly interrupted her coldly.

Zhou An Ning was stunned for a moment.

Su Yueli herself was also shocked.

After realizing that she had lost her composure, she quickly recovered her composure and asked in confusion:

"You... like that guy?!"

When Su Yueli asked this, Zhou An Ning's face suddenly turned red and she pinched her palms.

Everything was self-evident.

Xia Changming was powerful, but there was no barrier between them. He always protected her, taught her cultivation with all his heart, and was very gentle and considerate to others. His proud figure had long been deeply imprinted in Zhou An Ning's mind.

Even the immortal fate inheritance that countless practitioners envied, Xia Changming did not hesitate to give her this immortal fate.

The key is that he is also very handsome...

Su Yueli could not see Zhou An Ning's little thoughts, and said coldly:


"You can't like him!"

At this moment, she had to nip Zhou An Ning's idea in the bud!

"Why? Could it be that Sister Su actually likes Uncle Xia?"

Zhou An Ning asked in confusion.

Su Yueli had a cold face and raised eyebrows, explaining:

"The Emperor doesn't like him."

"I'm only saying this for your own good."

"For peace?"

Zhou An Ning asked even more puzzled.

"Yeah, you don't know that guy."

"He is not as good as he appears to be."

Su Yueli advised seriously.

Zhou Anning was curious and nervous, and listened carefully. Could it be that

Xia Changming has a side that is unknown to others?

Su Yueli continued with resentment:

"Not only does that guy have a bad sleeping posture at night, but his hands and feet are also not honest!"

"The bed is so big, but you insist on squeezing in!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"Sometimes they are very domineering and unreasonable!"

"I advise you to stay away from him!"

""Hegemony, overbearing and tyrannical? For example, for example?"

Zhou Anning asked curiously

"He, he actually doesn't allow me to eat candy!"

"He clearly knew that I like to eat sweets, but he said that eating too much is bad for teeth!"

Su Yueli said with a frosty face.

It was as if Xia Changming had done something unforgivable to her.

Zhou Anning:"…(⊙ˍ⊙)"

Zhou An Ning was stunned.

He tried to recall what Su Yueli said several times, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it...

Isn't this good...

How considerate of others!

Zhou An Ning immediately replied:

"None of this peace matters!"

"Even if Uncle Xia moves at night, An Ning can endure it..."

When she finished speaking, Zhou An Ning's voice was as soft as a mosquito's, and her face became redder.

Su Yueli was so angry that her pretty face twitched.���

She had been trying to persuade him for so long, why didn't this kid listen! Why not bury this kid...

For some reason, Su Yueli looked at Zhou An Ning, and a hint of murderous intent rose again...

Just as Su Yueli was hesitating whether to take action, a rumbling sound came from not far away.

The direction of the sound was exactly the direction that she seemed to be drawn to!

Someone entered the immortal tomb related to the Wu Yao Clan before her!

Su Yueli stood up immediately, wrapped Zhou An Ning with her tail, and flew towards the direction of the sound!

She couldn't wait for Xia Changming to come back, so she could only take Zhou An Ning into the ruins of the demon clan.

If she was a step later, the immortal fate left by the demon clan here would probably be taken by others first!

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