Luo Ning had seen this form of the Snake King before, so she was not surprised.

At that time, she was fighting with the snake king in the snake cave. She subdued the snake group called by the snake king first, and then it changed into its current form to fight her.

In the end, she was suppressed, so he obediently surrendered.

Otherwise, relying on pills alone, with the pride of a spiritual creature like the Snake King, he would never recognize the Lord.

Luo Ning folded her arms and said leisurely: "Patriarch Luo is looking so distraught, it seems that what I just said made you anxious?"

"Do you want to take me back to the Luo family for repairs?"

"Just want to take advantage of my father's forbidden area and bully his daughter?"

Facing Luo Ning's three consecutive questions, Patriarch Luo's calm face darkened.

He snorted coldly: "Even if you don't recognize the Luo family, I'm still your father's old man, so why not teach granddaughter a lesson?"

He could tell that the elders of the Criminal Law Hall did not dare to arrest Luo Ning because of the token.

Then he can teach his granddaughter a lesson as a grandfather.

Luo Ning sneered: "If you can catch me, then just come."

Patriarch Luo looked at the Snake King standing in front of Luo Ning, and squinted his eyes, "You have this ability? Let Lei's Snake King stand in front?"

Luo Ning rolled her eyes, "I've lost all the aggressive tricks a long time ago, you think I'm stupid."

Lei Lifei said with a smile that the excitement was not enough: "My father-in-law, the Snake King is no longer our Lei family's."

Patriarch Luo: "..." This bastard is really nosy.

Didn't he know that the Snake King recognizes Luo Ning? Need this jerk reminded?

He glanced at Lei Lifei meaningfully, "It seems that you are an uncle who dotes on your niece very much!"

Lei Lifei sighed and said: "My father-in-law has misunderstood me. I am not doting on my niece. I am afraid that my second uncle will come out to trouble me."

"Because of that incident, one of my legs was broken by my second uncle, and I don't want to be broken again."

Patriarch Luo: "..." Such a shameless son-in-law, how did he get blind and marry his daughter?

People from the Lei family: "..." There is no one else who can say so carelessly about having a broken leg, except for the acting head of their family.

They want to cover their faces, they don't know Lei Lifei...

Lei Lifei winked at Patriarch Luo, "Compared to doting on your niece, you are more powerful as a father-in-law, just doting on your daughter-in-law!"

Patriarch Luo's face is even darker, what does this bastard mean?

Does it imply that he has a problem with his eldest daughter-in-law?

Luo Ning found that Lao Lei was really powerful and inspired her.

She immediately stared at Patriarch Luo with wide eyes, "God, you don't need my suggestion, you just..."

She said nothing, deliberately leaving room for people to imagine.

Then he looked at Lou Yinghua, with the original appearance, "I was surprised before, when I saw the face of the false widow, there was spring in her eyebrows, she was obviously not a virgin."

"I was wondering just now. Didn't you say that she was with my dad's elder brother? Why isn't she a virgin?"

"It can be explained now."

"Tsk tsk, your Luo family really knows how to play."

Luo Ning looked as if I understood, "You can ignore my suggestion just now, if I didn't mention it, it seems too redundant."

These words made Lou Yinghua's expression change, and Patriarch Luo's expression also changed.

Lou Yinghua didn't know if Luo Ning really saw something, or if she was just using it to talk nonsense.

Patriarch Luo was completely pissed off, "You are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense."

He has nothing to do with his eldest daughter-in-law. In fact, they don't have much contact with each other on a daily basis, just because they are afraid of being gossiped.

Now that Lei Lifei and Luo Ning made such an outburst, he was made to bear such a scapegoat.

Luo Ning said innocently: "I just said that I saw the face of your eldest daughter-in-law, and I didn't mention what happened to you and her by name, why are you so anxious!"

She did see that the false widow was not virgin.

Although the face of the false widow has been covered up, as long as she is not a person in the realm of harmony between man and nature, or has a very special secret method to cover up, she can see the real face of the other party.

This green tea whore is getting involved with someone behind the scenes, but she still wants to tarnish her father and have a baby. It's disgusting.

The point is that this green tea is still a widow in the Luo family, and even if she and Luo Yiqi are married, they are still a serious couple.

Luo Ning could also see that there was indeed no affair between the fake widow and the cheap grandpa.

But so what, these people forced her father to abandon his wife and son, and have two spouses at the same time, so they should bear the public opinion.

It's also her father's determination. If she accidentally got the trick and had a relationship with her sister-in-law and gave birth to a child, many people would complain about her behind her back.

Mr. Luo, Mrs. Luo and the false widow are all innocent and innocent, so she let them have a taste of being despised behind the back of this kind of scandal.

In her previous life, Luo Ning had been hacked for so long, but it wasn't for nothing. Now she is also a master at playing with public opinion and splashing dirty water.

The story of cheap grandfather and stepdaughter is not always true and false.

She also got a reminder from this incident, and asked the cheap grandfather and daughter-in-law to make a copy.

Doesn't Mrs. Luo like the eldest daughter-in-law so much, and force her to do good things with her son, so why not give up her husband to the most precious daughter-in-law.

Lou Ranran said aside, "I'm guilty."

Patriarch Luo was really furious this time, and grabbed Luo Ning without any scruples.

He must take this damned stinky girl back to teach her a good lesson, how dare she slander his and his daughter-in-law's name like this.

But it was blocked by the snake king, so one person and one snake fought in the hall.

Patriarch Luo would definitely not be able to defeat the Snake King by fighting with force, and he was far behind in terms of strength alone.

So he began to use Feng Shui techniques to fight against the King of Snakes.

The Snake King has lived for hundreds of years, and was brought up in an ancient Fengshui family, so he is very familiar with fighting methods.

They quickly dealt with it one by one, suppressing Patriarch Luo, who had originally gained the upper hand, into losing streak.

The Snake King raised his head and roared a few times.

The face of the elder of the Lei family in the Law Enforcing Hall changed, "No, the snake king is calling for a group of snakes."

The Lei family is a snake player, so they can understand the meaning of the snake king's roar.

The faces of the others changed, and then they saw snakes crawling out of the pockets hung by Changlei's family members, spitting out letters and sliding over to surround Patriarch Luo.

No one expected that things would turn out like this.

Seeing that the Patriarch was surrounded, the members of the Luo family stood up one after another to join the battle.

Looking at the hall that was about to become chaotic, the other Patriarchs who had been watching the show felt that this could not go on like this.

Patriarch Sikong glanced at the jade pendant that Luo Ning was holding, with a bit of inquiry in his eyes.

However, he quickly looked away and said, "Patriarch Luo, everyone is here to participate in the exchange meeting today, there is no need to make such a fuss."

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