Mrs. Luo was dizzy from anger, and Patriarch Luo became anxious when he saw this.

Hurriedly picked him up, "Ma'am, ma'am!"

Ignoring the matter here for the time being, I immediately carried him to the lounge of the Luo family.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay when they saw this, Mrs. Luo's endurance was really bad.

But today the Luo family is really ashamed.

Mrs. Luo, who has always been called a model woman in the ancient Fengshui family, actually stole a red apricot out of the wall, this is definitely a big melon.

It also proved that Luo Ning really didn't splash dirty water.

At this moment, everyone was suddenly a little speechless, not knowing what to say.

Luo Ning looked at the fake widow with a cold face, "No wonder I was so anxious to find my dad to be my home, so I went outside to steal people."

"I don't even have the evil species, and then I want to borrow my dad to be the blame man and confuse the blood of the Luo family."

The Patriarch of the Ming Family coughed, "Well, judging from her face, she doesn't have any children yet."

Although he also felt that this eldest lady was not a woman, but after all, they and the Luo family had long been tied together, and they didn't want the Luo family to make a bigger scandal.

Lei Lifei interjected: "I'm sure I won't get pregnant now! After all, Luo Yicheng is still locked up in the forbidden area."

"How can this child be conceived only if Luo Yicheng agrees to have both sexes? Otherwise, how can the blood be confused?"

After he finished speaking, he immediately covered his mouth with his hand, "Oh, why didn't I control my mouth."

"You pretended you didn't hear anything just now." He hastily added.

In all likelihood, his uncle was killed by this false widow, and of course he would not let her go.

Luo Ning is hard to say some things, but he is easy to say.

People present: "..." This shit stirrer must have been intentional.

I don't know how the Luo family offended him, but as the son-in-law of the Luo family, he has been deliberately blackmailing the Luo family.

Do you still remember that Luo Yicheng broke his leg before?

Don't say it, it's really possible.

This guy and Luo Yicheng used to be the worst hob meat on the island, and they were very vengeful and narrow-minded.

The Luo family is also unlucky to have such a son-in-law.

At first, everyone didn't think much about it, but after Lei Lifei's reminder, they couldn't help but think deeply.

It is a fact that the eldest daughter-in-law of the Luo family, Hong Xing, is cheating. Could it be that she really wants to give birth to an evil seed to confuse the blood of the Luo family?

After all, everyone is very clear about Patriarch Luo and Mrs. Luo's thoughts.

He wants to focus on cultivating the children born to the eldest daughter-in-law and the second son. If there is no accident, the future heir of the Luo family will be the children of the two.

If the confusion of bloodlines is successful, wouldn't the Luo family become someone else's?

Everyone can't help the conspiracy theory unconsciously.

At this time Lou Yinghua had lowered her head again, her hands clenched tightly into fists, her eyes were full of hatred and killing intent.

Luo Ning, Lou Ranran, and Lei Lifei, she remembered these three people, and she would definitely tear them into pieces in the future.

Her years of forbearance, the reputation she has built, the power she holds in her hands, and her plan to succeed will be destroyed today.

At the same time, he was also angry with the young man from the Luo family who was the first to mock Luo Ning.

This person was not arranged by her, and she didn't know if she had no intention of provoking Luo Ning, or was arranged by someone else.

If this person didn't provoke first, Luo Ning would have no chance to take advantage of the opportunity to play, and there would be no such things.

Damn this man!

The young man from the Luo family was flustered at this moment, he felt that he was really going to die.

He regretted it even more, why did he want to show off, wanted to suppress Luo Ning to claim credit, but got himself into big trouble.

At this time, the faces of the people who came from the Luo family were all ugly.

They really didn't expect the eldest lady to be so good at disguising, and to be so dissolute behind her back, which completely embarrassed the entire Luo family.

How much they supported Lou Yinghua and the couple in the past, but now they hate this broken shoe with a romantic affair.

Luo Yuefeng's face turned pale, and she was done thinking about it.

In fact, she didn't know that her adoptive mother had done such a thing. Now that she was exposed in public, how could the Luo family accommodate her adoptive mother.

Then she, the adopted daughter who was raised by Lou Yinghua and focused on training, will no longer have a foothold.

Although through her own efforts, she has become the so-called Tianjiao, the leader of the younger generation of the Luo family, but she clearly understands that more than half of the credit lies with her adoptive mother.

The younger generation with the Luo family blood supported her on the surface, but many people were actually not convinced in private.

Now after this incident, those people can take the opportunity to use it against her.

If Luo Ning knew what Luo Yuefeng was thinking, she would definitely not be able to help but sigh, she deserves to be a child raised by a fake widow.

When the false widow had an accident, Luo Yuefeng's first thought was not to worry about what would happen to her adoptive mother, but what she was most concerned about was how she would gain a foothold in the Luo family. They were all selfish and cold-blooded.

What Luo Ning came to do today is almost the same, if it continues, the main Luo family will probably go crazy.

She didn't want the old man to be stimulated to go crazy. It hurts to cut the flesh with a blunt knife. Just let the old man and the old lady enjoy it slowly.

Starting today, the Luo family is just a joke after dinner, how nice!

Moreover, Patriarch Luo and Mrs. Luo slapped themselves even more.

He kept forcing his son to have sex with his eldest daughter-in-law, but in the end he was betrayed and slapped in the face by the eldest daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Luo estimated that she would not go out to socialize again in a short time, and hid at Luo's house because she was sick, because she couldn't afford to lose face.

As for regret, that is absolute.

Especially after her father came out, Patriarch Luo and his wife probably would regret it.

The two of them personally pushed their son away for the sake of a broken shoe that had been out of the relationship for a long time, as ironic as they wanted to be.

Luo Ning gave the Snake King an order, and the Snake King threw Lou Yinghua to the ground, then shrunk into a small snake and coiled it back around Luo Ning's wrist.

The elders of the Luo family tacitly winked at the two younger girls of the Luo family.

The two understood it at a glance, and walked forward quickly.

Each of them grabbed Lou Yinghua's arm, helped the other up, and left here with the help, and went to the lounge of Luo's house.

This is obviously a private matter of the Luo family, and everyone will not interfere.

At this moment, the atmosphere was a little weird, and the people present didn't know how to speak.

Lei Lifei didn't think it was a big deal and said: "Hey, I said before that I would help my father-in-law prove his innocence, but I didn't expect it to be self-defeating."

Then I showed a look of fear, "I don't know if I will be hated by my father-in-law."

Those present: "..." Tired, this bastard is addicted to acting.

But after what he said, everyone couldn't help but have some associations.

Mrs. Luo lost her virginity, wouldn't it have something to do with Patriarch Luo?

Could it be that this family is really ruthless, the father-in-law and daughter-in-law...

Don't say, it's not impossible.

Patriarch Luo, who happened to be driven back, listened to Lei Lifei's words.

Patriarch Luo was so angry that his face was rarely filled with anger, and he shouted coldly: "Lei Lifei, you bastard, you are courting death!"

Today's update is over, thank you for your rewards and votes~

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