After hearing her husband's words, Mrs. Luo felt a lot better.

She knew that her husband would not hook up with Lou Yinghua, but he just hated that bitch.

The thought of someone thinking about her man made her feel very uncomfortable.

"As soon as the exchange meeting ends tomorrow, let's go back to the island."

She leaned on Patriarch Luo and continued, "I won't go to the exchange meeting tomorrow."

When she thought of the strange eyes cast by those people, she felt ashamed and uncomfortable.

Patriarch Luo said softly: "Okay, you can rest at home."

Mrs. Luo thought for a while and asked, "For Luo Ning, have you figured out how to deal with it?"

She really couldn't like Luo Ning, a granddaughter.

It's hard for her to bear to be eloquent, but to step on the face of the Luo family and their husband and wife.

The granddaughter or grandson she wants is polite, well-behaved and sensible, respectful and obedient to elders like them.

And Luo Ning did not meet her requirements for her granddaughter from head to toe.

Especially in today's exchange meeting, if it wasn't for Luo Ning, things about Lou Yinghua wouldn't have been exposed, and the Lou family wouldn't have been so ashamed.

She didn't want to admit that she saw the wrong person.

Luo Ning has also been sarcastic and making a scene about the affair of the two spouses in public.

If she didn't listen, she could guess that the wives of various families would laugh at her behind her back, wanting her youngest son to marry a broken shoe, and even confuse the Luo family's bloodline.

She didn't think it was her fault, but that Lou Yinghua hid it too deeply and kept coaxing her.

Lou Yinghua often subtly and brainwashed her about the affair of having two concubines, she was just bewitched.

She can't afford to lose that person, she doesn't want to socialize or go out now, it's all because of Luo Ning, the granddaughter.

So in addition to hating Lou Yinghua, she also completely angered Luo Ning, the culprit.

This granddaughter must be taught a lesson, otherwise she would not be able to swallow this breath.

Patriarch Luo knew his wife would have such an attitude, but he could also understand, after all, his wife always loves face the most.

This time Luo Ning made him unable to go out for a short time, and he would be laughed at by other wives behind his back, how could his wife accept it.

He sighed and said, "I have already discussed with the elders. As soon as the exchange meeting ends tomorrow, we will forcefully take Luo Ning home and discipline him properly."

Only then did Mrs. Luo nodded in satisfaction: "She really should be disciplined."

"When the time comes, my grandma won't sit idly by. I have to let her know how to respect her elders and don't lose face to her family." She narrowed her eyes and said.

After Luo Ning was brought back to Luo's house, she also had to be punished severely, letting out the bad breath in her heart.

As for killing people, that is impossible.

Otherwise, what would outsiders think of their husband and wife, after all, this is their granddaughter.

And the lesson and punishment are nothing, if Luo Ning loses an arm, breaks a leg or dies, her son, who has always been disobedient and rebellious, will definitely be turned upside down after he comes out.

Patriarch Luo felt sorry for his daughter-in-law, and nodded again: "When the time comes, I will discipline you first, and I am sending her to the cold courtyard to sharpen her temper."

"Well, you're still thoughtful." Mrs. Luo leaned softly against him.

The two of them didn't say any more, after opening the door, Patriarch Luo announced that Lou Yinghua had committed suicide.

This news was not concealed by the family members, so after a while, other families also knew about it.

In Sikong's house, a group of people were sitting in the yard drinking tea after dinner.

Soon, Patriarch Sikong received the news.

Putting down the phone, he looked at Luo Ning and said, "The news came from the Luo family that Lou Yinghua committed suicide."

Luo Ning was surprised at first, then shook her head, "Impossible."

"People like her don't kill themselves."

Being able to endure for so many years and causing many things, there is a mysterious force behind it, it is impossible for Lou Yinghua to be so fragile and commit suicide.

Patriarch Sikong nodded, "I don't think Lou Yinghua will commit suicide either."

He added: "Then there are two possibilities, one is that he committed suicide, and the other is that the dead person is a fake."

Luo Ning also thought so, "I prefer the second one."

Lou Yinghua must have been deeply involved with the forces behind him, and he has endured for so many years, and he has definitely mastered a lot of things.

The forces behind it should be reluctant to let this woman die, so stealing is the best choice.

It can also confuse the Luo family and other families.

Patriarch Sikong sipped his tea, "It seems that the identity of Mrs. Luo is very problematic, and the motive and purpose behind it are not simple."

"I don't know whether it's just targeting the Luo family or the six major families." He thought further.

In recent years, because the Sikong family has been in a state of seclusion, members of the family are not released, and internal investigations are relatively strict, so nothing has happened.

But other families have had many incidents in the past 20 or 30 years, and even every family has hidden scourges that may exterminate the family.

Although it seems that he has nothing to do with Lou Yinghua, he always feels that he has something to do with that woman.

This time, it was actually thanks to Luo Ning for exposing Lou Yinghua, otherwise they would not have known that this lady was hiding so deeply.

It was also because of this incident that he thought about the problems of several big families, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Luo Ning shrugged, "It's hard to say, after all, we are not from the ancient family, and we don't know the six major families well, so it's hard to make a conclusion."

She continued: "But since Lou Yinghua's problem is serious, Uncle Sikong, you'd better check and pay more attention, be careful and avoid serious problems."

Patriarch Sikong nodded, "Well, we can't stand on the sidelines."

He reminded: "You have to be careful. Not only did you offend the Luo family, but today you also exposed something wrong with Lou Yinghua. If she is not dead, she will never let you go."

Luo Ning smiled: "I'm ready to be retaliated if I uncover the matter today."

She was also afraid that Lou Yinghua and the forces behind him would not come to make trouble, otherwise she would follow the vine to find the melon and make it happen.

Since she dared to plot against her father and wanted their wives to be separated, then she had to be prepared for her revenge.

Patriarch Sikong could tell that Luo Ning was not a good person. It was so rare to have such mental skills and calmness at this age.

As long as you don't die early, your future development is immeasurable.

Patriarch Sikong said: "It's good that you have the numbers, don't stay around tomorrow, after the exchange meeting is over, you and Lu Xun will leave."

Then he looked at Lou Ranran again, "Aren't you planning to go back to Lou's house?"

Lou Ranran nodded: "I won't go back. Tomorrow, Luo Ning and I will leave the island and return to China."

Patriarch Sikong thought for a while and reminded: "I have received news that the Lou family will set up a net for you tomorrow to arrest you and deal with it."

"The Luo family does the same with Luo Ning."

Then he took out a note from his pocket and handed it over, "This is the route they used to catch you."

The reason why he revealed the news was that he was selling face to his future niece and daughter-in-law.

Whoever let Lou Ranran see it, it looked like she was hugging Luo Ning's thigh.

Besides, Lou Ranran is a talent, it would be a pity if he was captured by Lou's family.

Today's update is over, thank you for your rewards and votes~

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