Mullen wanted to strangle Si Yanyuan, who had a poisonous tongue.

However, he did not dare.

After all, Si Yanyuan's force value is too strong.

Si Yanyuan sent a message to Yun Mo, and then saved the photo.

The wheel race was so exciting that there was nothing to see at all in the final individual race.

In the end, after consultation with the judges, Yun Mo was awarded the Best Rookie Award in the exchange competition.

Yun Mo held the trophy, and his eyes were crooked like crescent moons.

When the reporter of Daxia Kingdom interviewed her, Yun Mo faced the camera and said: "Thank you!"

The three words were heartfelt and extremely touching.

When the reporter asked her if the person she wanted to thank was her mysterious husband, she kept silent.

When the players from the Great Xia Kingdom left, Nakajima Pear was waiting outside, and saw Yun Mo walking out and stepped forward.

Ah Bai looked wary and was stopped by Yun Mo.

"Miss Yun.

Yun Mo raised his eyebrows and sarcastically: "I used to say that I was a reckless man of the Great Xia Kingdom, but now I am so respectful, you people from the Nakajima family are really good at seeing the wind and steering the rudder."

Nakajima pear clenched her fingers and took a deep breath: "Miss Yun, our young lady would like to invite you to sit in the café in front of you."

"No need. Yun Mo refused very simply.

Watching her walk away with her back straight, Ri Nakajima narrowed her eyes.

She came to the car and whispered a few words to Haruko Nakajima.

Haruko Nakajima lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, "Go back first, or maybe just think too much." Riki

Nakajima pulled the car door and sat in the passenger seat.

In this Go exchange match, the Great Xia Kingdom was ashamed, which can be said to be proud.

Wen Qiansi planned to hold a grand celebration banquet for Yun Mo after he went back.

"President Wen, it's really unnecessary!"

"You're just too modest.

"Can I take two hours off?" The

Go Association has a rule that as long as you check in at the hotel, you can't go it alone.

"What are you going to do?"

"I want to go and choose a gift."

Wen Qian thought about it and smiled at his aunt: "Give you three hours and let Ah Bai follow."

The corners of Yun Mo's mouth rose, "Okay." "

She has done a strategy before, and she knows where to sell local gifts in country R.

Si Yanyuan was born noble, so he naturally saw a lot of good things.

So, she doesn't plan to give expensive gifts.

I gave him a square scarf embroidered with blue starry flowers before, which was not suitable for giving him a handkerchief.

If you want to keep it, it's even more unsuitable.

There was a crisp ding dong sound in his ears, and Yun Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

When I turned my head to look, I saw a lot of music boxes on the counter, pottery, wooden, and glass, which were chic and cute.

The owner told her that this kind of music box is called Otaru Music Box, and it is handmade.

If she wants, she can also engrave the blessing she wants to send, and their music box has a mechanism.

As long as the other party is smart enough to find that little mechanism, they will be able to know her mind.

Yun Mo finally chose a wooden Otaru music box.

With the help of the shopkeeper, he carved the blue starry flowers with his own hands, and there was also a sentence for Si Yanyuan.

"Where is that mechanism?" Knowing that

Ah Bai's eyes were clairvoyant, Yun Mo asked the shopkeeper in a low voice.

"Here it is. The shopkeeper pointed to a small button and touched it lightly, "You can record a sentence."

Yun Mo was surprised, "This is a small recorder!"

"Yes." She

gave it a try, paid and was ready to go back.

After all, it was the first time to come to country R, and Yun Mo also chose gifts for Mrs. Si and Aunt Hong, Si Duye, Mu Lun and others.

Some people's gifts are obviously distracted, while others are mostly courtesy.

Ah Bai also received a gift from Yun Mo, a box of steam eye masks, and immediately felt warm in his heart.

"Thank you, young lady.

Yun Mo smiled lightly.

On the way back, I happened to bump into a man.

The gift she had carefully selected for Si Yanyuan fell to the ground and shattered in pieces.

Yun Mo stared at the wreckage of the music box on the ground, his eyes were red, and he squeezed out two words in a cold tone: "Apologize."

When the man saw Yun Mo, a cold and sharp color flashed in his eyes.

"Apologize!" her tone was particularly cold, and her body exuded a cold aura.

"Obviously, you hit me

!" Yun Mo's hand clenched, "You say it again!"

The man snorted coldly in disdain, and was about to leave.

Ah Bai was about to make a move, but Yun Mo flew up directly and kicked at the man's back thigh.

The man stumbled and fell directly to the ground, looking very embarrassed.

Yun Mo stared at the man condescendingly, "Apologize!"

"The lowly people of the Great Xia Kingdom used to be dogs who were enslaved by the R country, and now they even dare to run in front of their masters to show off their might...... "

The words were very excessive, and the humiliation was very strong.


Before the man's words were finished, Yun Mo directly took off a shoe and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I'll make you squirt feces all over your mouth!" Yun Mo acted rudely, and one shoe was almost completely stuffed into the man's mouth.

The man's jaw was almost dislocated, and he glared at Yun Mo hatefully.

"Who are you?" she

had always spoken Japanese, and besides, there was not much difference in appearance between the people of Daxia and the people of R.

Unless the man had seen her, it would have been impossible for him to say such a thing.

Facing her eyes full of anger, the man's scalp was a little numb.

He raised his voice and shouted loudly: "I'm going to let you sit in prison in country R!" Yun

Mo narrowed his eyes, "Okay, you report!" Ah

Bai was worried that things would be more troublesome, but Yun Mo looked calm, as if he couldn't wait for a man to call the police immediately.

Soon, the R National Police came in a hurry.

At this time, there are more and more onlookers eating melons.

However, when the police officer asked if anyone had testified, everyone said that they had no idea what had just happened.

The man pointed to the corners of his cracked mouth, "Policeman, have you seen my injuries? This woman from the Great Xia Kingdom actually ran to the territory of our R country and deliberately injured the citizens of R country, do you say, is she excessive?"

Yun Mo stared at him with a smile.

While waiting for the police to arrive, she observed that there was no surveillance around.

It is estimated that this man is deliberately picking such a place.

"Policeman, I am a player from the Great Xia Kingdom who came to participate in the Go exchange tournament, he took advantage of me, and also broke my things, I asked him to apologize, he grabbed my leg, I was angry for a while, and kicked the corner of his mouth, normal defense, is it also deliberately hurting the citizens of country R?"

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