After the Cannon Fodder’s Rebirth

Chapter 104: Fanwai returns to the fairy

He Ziming couldn't believe looking at the demon in front of him. The memory belonging to Heng Yuan, a former repairer of Gu Changming, had invaded He Ziming's mind only momentarily.

He couldn't think of it, he had a relationship with this devil from previous life.

"Hengyuan, you and I are finally goodbye." The voice belonging to that demon was actually overlapping, and Nie Yao's voice came first, and Yunhua's voice followed closely behind.

He Ziming looked at him, his heart was complicated, and he couldn't tell what emotion he was.

He stood on the top of the mountain and looked through the sense of God, and saw that the place where they were at the center was exuding a strong black gas ...

Black air is soaring into the sky, it is the powerful gas mixed with the evil spirit and the resentment that suppressed the millennium, and the storm is changing for him, and the natural enemies are overshadowed.

It's like being shocked for life!

Earth-shattering, weeping ghost ...

He Ziming looked in astonishment and shocked everything in the world of cultivation and the world.

The demon poured out word by word, and he said the word before the seal thousands of years ago: "I made a vow more than a thousand years ago. If I am lucky enough to be born again after more than a thousand years, I will win the devil Force will upend the world and destroy the world! Now that I can make a comeback, it is my oath! "

There will be calamities in the demons, not to mention the demons that have accumulated resentment for thousands of years.

As soon as his voice fell, starting with their place as the center, the earth shook and the earth changed color ...

He Ziming only glanced around with his consciousness, and saw the flood. The plague only overflowed in an instant, erupted, the earth shook constantly, the people were suffering, and the people were not talking about life.

Floods, plagues, mudslides ... all devoured lives.

This demon is offering sacrifices with countless human lives, in response to the vow he made more than a thousand years ago.

He Ziming only glanced, seeing that the parents lost their child's crying face, and the child lost her mother's sorrow and despair, she felt unbearable and said unconsciously: "Nie Yao, let it go. Although those monks are not to you Up, but the rest of the world and ordinary people, after all, are still innocent ... "

The demon will take an oath, and there will be blood disasters in the world!

The only one who can stop all this is the demon himself!

"Tell me to let them go. Who ever let you and me go? Human nature is evil, selfish and greedy, and all evil is innocent. Humans should be the things that shouldn't exist in the world! Today, I will completely destroy the skywalk. It's a scourge of the Six Realms! "The blood red in the eyes of the demon seemed to be a sign that the devil was so deep that he could not turn back.

He Ziming had known that the return would not go smoothly, but he could only bite the bullet and step forward: "The endless sea of ​​bitterness is the shore, Nie Yao, you have done this to cause charisma, and ultimately it is you ... for the oath, to Those innocent people who use a butcher knife, how are you different from those monks who have killed us? "

The reason why he chose to seal Nie Yao with his own soul was because that was the only countermeasure that He Ziming could think of at the time!

The heavenly devil does not die, and in order to live in response to the oath, it must destroy the heavens and the earth, causing the world to be born and living, and to be charred.

In order to prevent innocent people from losing their lives, he can only choose to let Nie Yao die.

"I took a heavy oath more than a thousand years ago with blood as the alliance, and only then did I get the power of this terrible devil who weeps. Now, it is time for me to take the power of the devil. Subversion, if the world is not destroyed, I will suffer from blood oaths ... The sword, the fire, the oil pot, the flesh and the bone are punished for more than ten thousand years, and life is better than death ... "The heart of the devil is completely indifferent. I don't care about anyone, and his life is no different from ants.

He looked at He Ziming with a pair of big eyes, with some grievances in his eyes, and coquettishly asked with Nie Yao's voice: "Brother, are you willing to let me die? Can I be swallowed by blood oath?"

There is only one man in the world and he can survive ...

The demon hopes that He Ziming can choose him.

"You—" He Ziming looked at him, speechless with pain in his face, and could only choke his voice and asked: "I said earlier, let you not get into magic, why are you stubborn?"

The demon looked at him with great tenderness, but the words poured out were endlessly cold: "Brother, is it enough as long as you and I are together? Those who die are dead, or they are dead and dead, as long as the world is dead You and me are left, and you and I can stay together, what's more important? "

He has become a complete demon.

Can't look back ... For human life, there is no trace of awe of life.

He Ziming looked at him, his heart was too painful to speak.

"Tianmo, Tianmo is born! Disciples of Immortals will soon follow their respective divisions to meet the enemy and seal the Titan. Never let the world fall into a catastrophe. As soon as the Titan comes out, thousands of demons in the North Nether Demon Realm will be released, even if I wait Fighting with fate will never let the demons succeed! "

"The disciples follow me! Even if we use life as a wall, we must not let the evil spirits be born of misfortune!"

Tianmo was born, the situation changed, and the elders of the various immortal gates led the disciples in their respective gates to gather at Fuyaoshan Treasure Pavilion for the first time.

All monks were ready to die generously and to be heroic.

When the monk saw a rush of monks coming, a scornful ridiculous smile immediately erupted from his lips: "You can't help it."

He demolished the sword, and only swept at the large monk. The large monk was a low-level monk who rolled down the mountain like a snowball and even had no qualification to stand in front of the treasure hall.

The area where his sword swept away was to take the lead of Yun Xuzi and several other elders in the immortal gate, but he turned into a skull without any sound on the spot, exuding an unpleasant rotten blood.

Sweep the sword again-

He Ziming suddenly recognized the direction as several elders and teachers who were familiar with him, and immediately shouted, "Don't!"

"Chang Ming--"


He Ziming shouted loudly, and even the elders and brothers who had red eyes killed him when they recognized him, but did not expect that he was still alive, even when they looked at him with tears in their eyes.

He Ziming rushed to the magic sword immediately.

When the demon saw He Ziming, even if he would recover his mind, the red blood on his eyes would slowly disperse: "Brother--"

"Chang Ming--" The two voices sounded almost simultaneously inside the demon.

He Ziming looked at him, his eyes were red, and his voice was shaking: "Don't! Don't kill people in front of me, you should pass me, you won't help the shaking people."

"Okay." The devil frowned and looked at He Ziming for a moment.

Although he annihilates humanity and does not care about killing, he still cares about He Ziming after all ...

He has just restored the body of the demon, he must satisfy his desire as a demon, even if it is not killing the world, it must be aside ...

The dragon has two half penis.

No matter which one, he needs He Ziming to satisfy his desire.

The demon stunned He Ziming to the devil's cave, and went crazy for seven days, then his demonism was suppressed and his mind was restored.

He will release He Ziming and restore his personality as Nie Yao. Poor Baba yelled, "Master ~"

At this time, after Yunhua and Nie Yao combined into one, he kept silent, as if stupid, He Ziming looked at Nie Yao, but suddenly laughed.

The magic was too late to ask him what was wrong.

At this moment, a thunder struck across the sky, hacking into the magic cave, the thunder whispered, and he hacked towards He Ziming and the demon.

When the demon stunned, he screamed, "The Devil Array?"

"Does the brother actually want to kill me? Does the brother think this area of ​​the demon formation can trap me?" He flickered to avoid the thunder formed by the demon formation.

The devil smiled scornfully, and it was easy to get out of the evil spirits ...

He Ziming looked at him, his heart was hurting, although he also knew that Nie Yao was poor, but it was the only way. He had blood and tears in his eyes, and looked at the demon, saying verbatim: "I can't kill you, but I can kill I myself. "

"Brother--" Tianmo realized something, but it was too late.

He Ziming cut his wrist in the battle and made a blood oath: "I Gu Changming took the blood as a deed today and made a blood oath. Unless the demon Nie Yao can rise to the ranks of the immortal class in the future, I will never see him again and again! "

As a righteous monk, it is his duty to protect the world and protect the world.

He was reluctant to move Nie Yao, so he could only move himself.

He didn't know how much the demons had feelings for him, would he put down the butcher knife for him and become a Buddha ... but he would like to be invisible and never need to see someone die in front of himself because of the demons ...

"No!" Sky Devils fluttered wildly at that burst.

But after all, it was too late. The battlefront had already been closed. He Ziming wanted to die. It was easy to get out, but difficult to get in ...

The demons could only watch Jie Lei Shengsheng split He Ziming into black smoke, coke, and the soul flying apart.

He frantically used magic to hit the array, but it was useless in the end. When the array disappeared, He Ziming had completely disappeared in the heavens and the earth, his soul fluttered, and a trace of trace no longer existed ...

Nie Yao knew that He Ziming made such a blood vow. Unless he soared, it would never be possible to find traces of He Ziming between heaven and earth.

Looking at where Zhenfa and He Ziming disappeared, Nie Yao pounced on the ground desperately digging the dirt and sand on the ground with his fingers, only to dig out the sky and the earth, his fingers were rotten, and he saw no trace of He Ziming's traces before he fell on the ground again. Crying and laughing, extremely sad: "Brother, you are so cruel, you are so cruel ..."

If the magic wants to rise, how easy is it?

The first thing he had to do was to cleanse the wickedness of his body.

When the demon rescued Hengyuan at that time, and now reshapes the body of the demon, whether or not he has created countless sins and created countless causes and effects, how many corpses are there?

He did not know that he would go to purgatory to voluntarily atone for his sins. In the sword and fire, the oil pan, the thunder, how many years of life have been tortured by death.

Only the only obsession with being able to see He Ziming support him ...

After 50 million years, the sin was finally paid off, and the power of the demon who was a shackle to him was removed. After becoming an ordinary demon, he voluntarily fell into reincarnation, atonement and debt repayment, and Jide Doing good deeds ... even tirelessly, even if you lose your memory, you still remember that you have to build morals, do good deeds and pay off debts, and there is one person waiting for you ...

He spent 60 million years before and after the human world before he finally washed away his sin.

Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha ...

The demon, no, it should be said that Nie Yaofei rose to immortality.

The moment he became immortal, he saw the man walking slowly towards himself.

At this point, Gu Changming's commission was finally completed perfectly.

The author has something to say: Since everyone thinks that the demon's ending is too miserable, then He Ziming will die alone.

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