The emperor's complexion was blue, and there was a great storm.

He Zisheng and Gu Chen hurriedly opened their mouths after seeing the bad situation, and wanted to dissuade him: "Big brother--"

"His Royal Highness ..."

He Ziming ignored them and went directly to the center of the hall, kneeling straight at the emperor: "Please also ask the father to complete."

He Ziming was called into the inner room by the old emperor in the panic eyes of everyone. He Ziming and the old emperor had a secret talk for more than three days.

He Ziming is not suitable for the crown prince, and is not suitable for the future prince. Many people in Daxing know that including the old emperor, but because of his preference for his wife and sister-in-law, the old emperor chose to make He Ziming the prince ...

He Ziming knew this very clearly, so after the old emperor called him into the inner room, he didn't panic and fear, but calmly chose to affect his father as a son instead of a courtier. The reasoning is clear, explaining the interests of the matter, and explaining the unsuitability of that seat to yourself.

After thinking for a long time, the old emperor compromised He Ziming because of his preference for the uncle's eldest son.

Three days later, the emperor personally deposed the prince, and the former prince He Ziming changed his name to Prince An.

Prince Ann, Prince Ann ...

After fully understanding that He Ziming was unsuitable and unwilling to sit in that seat, as an father and an old emperor, he just hoped that his eldest son would be happy and happy.

Now it is He Ziming who has chosen to give up the throne himself. He wants to know whether any of his brothers will take the throne in the future. In addition to this title he left to He Ziming, he will provide He Ziming and make He Ziming a noble prince. After this life.

This is the old emperor as a father can finally do a little bit of love for his beloved son.

At the same time, in the same case of buying and selling officials, the crown prince exploded the abandoned Prince after the good of Longyang ... The difference is that the last Prince Prince was deprived by life, and now He Ziming But he chose not to be the Crown Prince ...

Therefore, the results obtained are also very different. After the prince-in-law of the previous life was burst out of his sleeve-breaking habit, he was ridiculed and ridiculed, and his hostile forces from all sides ran up in unison, stepping on each other after terror After he stepped on foot and foot, I wished to step him in the mud, fearing that the emperor's favorite crown prince would turn over ... and this life is also good for Long Yang, because He Ziming himself chose Abandoning the position of prince will not be their rival's sake. The hostile forces that originally stepped on He Ziming in the last generation held He Ziming in turn ... respecting him, Prince An, and even honoring him when he was the Crown Prince. , Rushed to give him a male pet, child.

They all know that He Ziming only likes men, and has no intention of being in the throne, so He Ziming, who is not the rival of the old emperor, but also the oldest emperor's favorite sister-in-law, is no less than a xiang.

The relationship with him was cold and lukewarm, and the brothers who hid the sword in their smiles started to catch up with him and tried to draw him closer.

He Ziming, who changed the name of Prince An, also completely unloaded the burden on his shoulders, and officially began his life, regardless of paper drunkenness and love, no longer need to be afraid of verbal criticism, but also a life held by others ...

The little life was so pleasant that it couldn't be more pleasant.

"Well, host, you haven't seen Gu Chen for two months since you changed the name of Prince An. How did his affection for you rise again? And He Zisheng, how did his blackening value rise again? What about it? ”When He Ziming was enjoying the world, when the paper was drunk, the sound of mechanization of the system was curious again in He Ziming's ears.

After a quick glance above the main hall, He Ziming and Gu Chen never met again. Gu Chen also went to the gate of Prince An ’s mansion in the future and continued to wait, but He Zisheng had come a few times, but they all called He Ziming to call people. I went out.

If you don't contact for such a long time, the system thought that Gu Chen's favorability and He Zisheng's blackening value would both fall ...

No, the favorability and blackening value that these two people gave birth to because of He Ziming not only did not fall, but they also soared more than ninety all the way, and they were almost full.

After listening to his words, He Ziming smiled lightly: "Of course, their favorability value and blackening value will rise. One of them is the prince, one of the family's children, one born in the palace wall, and one of them was born in Kyoto. They are all in accordance with the rules. Where can those who adhere to the rules see such apostasy? "

"The more disdainful such a person is, the more the heart is actually yearning for apostasy. I dare to love, hate, dare to live and die in front of the emperor, admit that I am a broken sleeve, and resolutely give up all the coveted crown princes. How can they not be shocked by them? "He closed his eyes and said," Finally, I have reached this point, but I was forced by them, but I refused to give in for my fate. "

He Ziming chuckled: "How can they not be touched?"

When he was with Gu Chen, he had already made plans to resign as the Crown Prince for him. Now Gu Chen betrayed him, but he still admitted to the emperor that he liked men. The resignation of the Crown Prince resolutely, others are not in his calculations, he did not know ...

But Gu Chen, how could it not be moved?

The system seems to understand, does not understand the meaning of its own host.

"Besides, I am so handsome and handsome, Yushu Lingfeng, kneeling and domineering in the hall. He Zisheng and Gu Chen did not fall in love with me, and wanted to kneel in front of me and shake m." He Ziming continued from Love, laughed: "This is the charm of the soul, ha ha ha ... eh."


He understood this sentence.

He had never seen such a shameless host.

The system was silent, and He Ziming was no longer entangled, so happy that he lay on the chaise couch and cuddled with seeds, watching the play and listening to music.

"King ... Lord Wang." Just then, the housekeeper of the Wangfu rushed in.

He Ziming was also not used to hearing people calling him Wangye. After a moment of stunning, he got up and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Gu ... Gu Gongzi ..." The steward ran out of breath and couldn't even speak.

He Ziming didn't listen to him finish his words. He only heard a Gu Gongzi, and frowned firstly: "Isn't the king saying that, from now on, don't you raise this person in front of the king?"

"Gu Gongzi, he has an accident." The housekeeper watched He Ziming grow up, and knew that He Ziming valued Gu Chen, and he didn't take him seriously. He hurried out and said something.

He Ziming gave a meal, his palms were not consciously clenched, his brows frowned.

After a moment, he stopped looking and asked, "What happened to him?"

"The old slave heard that Gu Gongzi interrupted Father Gu's legs and would raise him in bed for two months. He had troubled with Father Gu before he got better, and now he is in front of the emperor." The old housekeeper anxiously said. .

He Ziming frowned tightly: "How can Master Gu interrupt his leg well, and what can he do to get in front of his father?"

It can be said that Gu Chen was completely wounded but he still can't forget him. He played his feet hard and soft ...

"I heard that it was the day when Lord Wang changed his name to Lord Wang. Gu Gongzi madly followed the example of Lord Wang in front of the entire family of the Gu family, claiming that he ... claims that he also likes a man with a broken sleeve. Mr. Gu interrupted his leg, and the Gu family pressed the matter down. He only said that Gu Gong was ill, and let him take care of himself, and reflect ... "The old housekeeper said," Ku Gong's legs are not complete, and he just went down again When it started, it said, "..."

He Ziming couldn't wait to ask, "What else?"

He was really fed up with the old butler's panting temper.

"He also said that he had to marry the prince. If he could not be with the prince, he would rather die ... Mr. Gu said that he was going to be killed on the spot. . "The old steward finally breathed out.

He Ziming suddenly stunned at the scene.

Although I had known that doing so would have a great impact on Gu Chen, and Gu Chen ’s goodwill later rising to 95 points also proved this, but he really did not expect Gu Chen to do so ...

It is publicly announced that he likes men, and he is still arguing about marrying a man to be a boyfriend or something. For Gu Chen, a family-born man, this obstacle is not small, and his determination is not small.

You know, when he liked He Zisheng, and he knew that he liked men, he still married his wife for his future and reputation ...

And now ...

He Ziming suddenly felt that Gu Chen might not have felt as bad as he had thought before, but unfortunately, everything was already doomed.

Everything is too late.

At that moment, a narrow voice from the **** came from the door: "His Royal Highness Prince, the emperor announces that you will see the palace immediately!"

Gu Chen's affairs were in front of the emperor and related to him, so the emperor naturally had to let him enter the palace to question him in person. He Ziming only listened to the eunuch's voice, and he guessed that this matter was probably related to Gu Chen.

Now, what should he do?

Although a companion is like a companion tiger, He Ziming's body is dressed as the emperor's favorite son, and he is not so bad at the emperor. The emperor summoned, but He Ziming never entered the palace.

The carriage stopped all the way to the entrance of Yushufang.

When He Ziming was ushered in by the eunuch, Gu Chen was on his knees on the ground with a swollen face and a swollen face, and was wrapped in gauze. It was obvious that his father was not beaten lightly.

His parents and elder brothers were all there. When he saw He Ziming coming in, Father Gu couldn't help but looked up at He Ziming with a full of anger.

Many people think that the former crown prince who did not break his sleeves badly meant to ruin his son.

He Ziming walked into the study with the same enthusiasm as when he went back to his own home. When he saw such a family, he immediately pretended to ask: "What's going on? Father, how about the family of the adult?"

When the emperor saw him coming in, he co-operated with the pretense and told the cause and effect of the incident.

"Boss, let's talk about it, what is going on with your Gu family's children? People are now making trouble for you but they are very unhappy with the family ..." And they have made a selfless and unbiased appearance. It seems like a bitter and bitter enemy is going to preside over a fair inquiry for the Gu family.

He Ziming: "..."

At this moment, he felt that the old emperor in this scene did not look like a wise emperor at all. Instead, he looked like someone who had enlarged the belly of his daughter because of the son of Xiao. After the old father.

"Return to Father Emperor, son Chen ... son Chen knows nothing." He Ziming didn't even look at Gu Chen, he just answered that.

No matter what Gu Chen did, now that they have broken up, there is no reason to look back.

Besides, He Ziming's temperament has never been a temper that can be manipulated at will ...

He Ziming unplugged his ruthlessness, and when he refused to confess his account, Master Gu's look changed immediately. How could he never imagine that his son had done this for He Ziming. Come on.

He Ziming could see that if the emperor was not in front, he would be the prince ... The old gentleman Gu would almost rush to stab him ...

so what?

Both him and Prince-in-law are ashamed of Gu Chen. He has never done anything wrong. The wrong person has always been Gu Chen ...

Therefore, He Ziming never feared anything, instead of straightening his waist bar to meet the eyes of Father Gu.

It can be said that there is no fear.

"Miscellaneous things, people Gu family children because you made it like this, you actually gave me a sentence without knowing what? What does it look like?" This time, even the old emperor could not stand it anymore, and he was furious at He Ziming A tea cup passed and reprimanded.

He Ziming didn't dare to stand up and refused to be reprimanded by the old emperor, but the arrogance was still arrogant, not only did he not feel that he was wrong and did not intend to be responsible.

It seems that Gu's family is not going to fight in one place, but because the emperor is present, he dare not say much.

After the old emperor rebuked He Ziming, he immediately changed his face and looked at Gu Chen, like a kind and kind elder, and asked in a gentle voice: "What do you think of the children of the Gu family? What is the matter between you and Prince An? Afraid, I'm here, I'm in charge of you, Prince An doesn't dare to come here. "

The old emperor also heard about the fact that He Ziming and the second son of the Gu family had come very close, and they often slept together on the same bed.

I didn't think there was anything wrong before, but after He Ziming openly stated that he only liked men, he had to think more ...

When Gu Wen was troubled in front of him, the old emperor thought that since the two children were in love with each other and married, it was not unreasonable for him to come, so he called He Ziming.

But he couldn't think of his own son, but it was such a confusing look that was enough to play without recognizing it.

It made the old emperor even the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. His attitude was too strong and aggressive, and he had to be friendly with Gu Chen to preside over justice.

"Father Emperor-" He Ziming cried dissatisfied, trying to interrupt the old emperor.

The old emperor gave him a cold glance, but he was not very angry: "There is no part of you here! Shut up for me!"

He Ziming had to shut up.

"Gu children, you said." After seeing He Ziming shut up, the old emperor looked at Gu Chenwen with Yan Yuese again.

Gu Chen dragged his leg that wasn't ready to take a step forward, that is, kneeling down, and said loudly, "In the words of His Majesty, it is the minister who secretly admired His Royal Highness Prince Prince for a long time. All this has nothing to do with His Royal Highness. His Highness is indeed unknowing. . "

"You secretly admire Prince An, all these Princes don't know?" The old emperor looked at him with inspection eyes.

Gu Chen answered without hesitation: "Yes!"

When a person really starts to love someone, he will start to want to ignore the strength of the other person, and protect the other person behind him, so as not to disturb him in the storm.

And now, Gu Chen finally understood ...

Now he values ​​He Ziming more than himself.

"The minister did not expect that the elder brother would be so misunderstood, and caused the ugly things in his family to come to His Majesty, and let His Majesty read a joke. All this is the fault of His Majesty, and has nothing to do with His Royal Highness Prince. He also asks His Majesty to punish him!" Gu Chen solemnly went to the emperor. As a gift, carry everything on your shoulders.

He didn't want to make things like this, but just put a word in his own home, only he didn't expect his father actually wanted to kill him. His elder brother recognized that he and He Ziming had the same affection, and tried to save him. Emperor side.

He doesn't know how to face He Ziming now.

Without saying a word, the old emperor watched Gu Chen for a long time.

Time has passed, and everyone in the study except He Ziming began to sweat uneasily on the forehead, and the emperor opened his mouth again: "Since you admire the eldest son of the Gu family, Prince An has not yet established a concubine. There's no one in charge, you see ... "

This is meant to be married.

Everyone heard what the old emperor meant.

"Father Huang!" He Ziming exclaimed in dissatisfaction.

The old emperor glanced unhappyly: "Shut up!"

"Father Emperor, you can't marry at will!" He Ziming also said what he wanted to say this time at the risk of committing the crime.

"Why can't I?" The old emperor was already so annoyed that he smashed the case and said, "You don't want to be the prince, you don't like women. You are already on your own! Why? Now, you are your heavenly son as your father. Does the emperor even have the right to marry you? Do you like men, and He also intends to marry you, what else do you want? "

He Ziming said with a loud voice: "Father Emperor, even if sons and daughters like men, they are not liked by any man!"

As soon as he said this, everyone present could not help but change.

Gu Chen's parents' faces were even more embarrassing.

But He Ziming remained unmoved, and was still upright.

"Presumptuous! Where is the reason for you to speak here? You don't like Gu Qing, what kind of man do you like? Are those cheap Yingying Yanyan in your house?" The old emperor was so anxious that he took another vase and smashed at He Ziming Passed.

He Ziming stood motionless and let him hit.

However, Gu Chen quickly got up on a stump. He slammed this smash for He Ziming, and said loudly, "Your Majesty is angry, Your Majesty, His Highness is unwilling to embarrass His Royal Highness. Please also His Majesty take back his life. ! "

Everyone was stunned when the vase fell on Gu Chen.

Even He Ziming's attitude is no longer as tough as before ...

"I don't need you to fake it!" But after a moment, he immediately recovered his toughness.

Prince Li is no longer there, and he is not qualified to forgive Gu Chen on his behalf.

The more he had such an attitude, the more the old emperor saw the more anxious and persecuted. He glared at the case and stared at He Ziming, saying, "Yu's purpose has never been recovered. He must not only let Gu Chen be your prince, And you and your Yingying Yanyan are all cleaned up ... Do you think that you are no longer the crown prince and you don't need to take care of the royal face again, can you do it wantonly? Look at yourself He Ziming, you recently What kind of system has it become? "

"From now on, after Gu Qing marries to your royal palace, Gu Qing will take charge of your royal palace, and Gu Qing will let it go. Let him take care of your rules and conduct yourself!" The emperor was furious.

The old emperor has been sad about He Ziming's marriage for a long time. After He Ziming made it clear that he likes men and will not be with women, the old emperor is even more distressed. Even if He Ziming cannot be with a woman, he will not have children, he It is also hoped that He Ziming will have a companion to live with each other after a hundred years, instead of continuing to be lonely and homeless.

However, even if he was sad and worried, the old emperor said that he only liked men because of He Ziming.

Because he did n’t know whether they liked men. If he casually gave his son a marriage with his child for his son, he would not be married, but he would be enemies. It would not be beautiful if the couple looked at each other. Already.

This is also not the original intention and original intention of the old emperor.

Therefore, after Gu Chen jumped out, the old emperor was a happy heart. He felt that his family was as good as Gu Chen, his morality was good, and he liked men. When he let go, he liked his son's son-in-law. Hard to find.

Originally, because the Gu family had brought this matter before themselves, they were very likely to sue their eldest son, and the old emperor had some criticisms of Gu Chen.

But after seeing Gu Chen embracing everything and not saying anything bad about He Ziming ...

The old emperor felt that Gu Chen could not be missed, and He Ziming had to marry him.

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