He Zisheng did not dare to force him too tightly, and after He Ziming recovered his strength, he no longer dared to touch him. I just love to get tired of him, just like a sticky little milk dog, I ca n’t rush away, as long as I have time to stay beside He Ziming, do nothing, and sleep next to He Ziming. He covers the same bed and can speak a big car alone.

The abstinence almost made He Ziming think that he really became a little child who just loved to stick to his brother.

Only when Chen Bo got up early every morning could He Ziming unconsciously catch an organ, could He Ziming feel that he was not.

He couldn't see or eat, making He Ziming very unhappy, and his attitude towards He Zisheng became even more cold.

Facing his cold face, He Zisheng didn't care much, as if only He Ziming was beside him, he would be contented and happy.

On this day, He Zisheng and He Ziming are still doing nothing but sleeping together.

During the night, there was a torrential rain and thunder roared.

"Ah-ah-" He Ziming was awakened by a scream in the middle of the night.

He opened his eyes, but saw He Zisheng was holding his head, shrinking to the corner of the bed, and couldn't help hitting the wall with his head, and his mouth screamed in pain.

He Ziming was startled, and quickly climbed to He Zisheng: "He Zisheng, what's wrong with you? He Zisheng?"

He Zisheng demobilized all the waiters at night, and Nuoda's palace consisted only of them.

At such a late night, what happened to He Zisheng as if he had caught something in general was quite infiltrating.

He Zisheng curled up into a ball. He Ziming, who was leaning on him, seemed to have caught some life-saving straw, and he hugged He Ziming, almost choking him, his body still shivering.

He Ziming wanted to push him away a little: "You ..."

"It's so dark, so dark ... I'm so scared, the light, turn on the light, hurry up ..." He Zisheng tightened him tighter, and said in a frightened voice.

Just then, a lightning flashed across the sky, and a white light flashed across the dark hall.

Booming with a bang.

"Ah-" He Zisheng was frightened and screamed, holding He Ziming tightly, like a child, anxious to put the whole person into his arms.

He Ziming froze slightly, stroking his back and forth subconsciously, soothing He Ziming in panic, asking: "Are you afraid of black? Are you afraid of thunder?"

Once again, he found a very familiar feeling in He Zisheng.

He Zisheng is not afraid of the dark, not afraid of thunder. He doesn't know, but his lover in the previous world is afraid ...

He Zisheng didn't answer. He sought to take refuge and shrank the whole person into his arms.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, I'll go and light the lamp." He Ziming let go of him a little and was about to get out of bed.

He Zisheng seemed to have been frightened. He tangled him tighter and did not let go. He said with a very trembling voice in his ear: "Don't go, don't go ..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I won't go, let's go to light the lights together." He Ziming had no way but to soften his voice as if he was scared to scare him. He struck him horizontally and moved to the table with a black light. He groped wildly, soothing He Zisheng, only to light up the lamp.

With the firelight, He Zisheng's rapid breathing and trembling around him only stopped gradually.

A lightning flashed across the sky.

He Zisheng was frightened and flinched into He Ziming's arms.

He Ziming quickly patted his back and coaxed him like a child: "No, no, there is a light, we are not afraid, nothing is wrong."

"... Brother." He Zisheng was quiet for a while and whispered in his arms.

He Ziming said very softly: "I am."

"It's so dark, so dark, I'm so scared." He whispered in He Ziming's arms.

He Ziming soothed him again and again: "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid it's okay. I've already lit the light, are you still afraid? If I'm afraid, I'll ask the palace person to come in, OK?"

"Don't." He hasn't even spoken yet, He Zisheng said, "I just need my brother to stay with me."

After he said it, he repeated it again: "As long as my brother is with me."

"Okay, okay, Big Brother is with you." He Ziming had no choice but to hug him, soothing, and doing everything.

He Zisheng gradually calmed down in his arms and asked very quietly, "Brother, do you remember? When I was young, I was very afraid of thunder. No one used to care about me until you appeared ... every time it rains and thunders you will Came to my palace to accompany me. At that time you held me like this and coaxed me like now ... "

He Ziming patted his hand to a rigid position.

He just checked the detailed information before knowing that when He Zisheng was neglected by the palace people and Rong Fei when he was a child, he was often kept alone in a small black room because of thunder and crying. of.

"I thought at the time, you are so kind to me. I want to be with you forever. I like you so that I won't have to be afraid of the night of thunder again." He Zisheng said to himself, in He Ziming weeped in his arms and asked himself, "But why did we become like this later? Why did we become like this?"

"Brother." After a long, long time, he whispered again, "Will we go back to the past, OK, back to the past when we were just two of us?"

This time, He Ziming did not answer.

He Zisheng fell asleep in his arms unconsciously.

The next day, when He Ziming woke up, he found that He Zisheng was already awake and was sitting on the bed staring at him.

He Ziming was startled.

He Zisheng looked at him deeply and said, "My elder brother treats me so well, and I don't want to let go of my elder brother anymore. What should I do?"

He Ziming smirked and said, "Oh-"

No more talk, but after this battle, the atmosphere and feelings between them are really and harmonious.

I saw the system very anxious, for fear that he would not be able to get out of the gentle township of He Zisheng: "Host, do you remember our mission? Gu Chen, you still have two points of goodwill left.

"I know, I'm waiting," He Ziming said.

The system is puzzled: "What are you waiting for?"

He Ziming said: "Wait Gu Chen, I have been in the palace for so long, he will definitely find a way to save me. When he comes, my last two points of favor should be full."

"Will he really come?" The system asked.

He Ziming affirmed, "He will."

"... When he comes, I should be ready to leave this world." Thinking of He Zisheng, he felt a bit unbearable, but he still added.

The system whispered, "Oh."

He Ziming's estimate was indeed accurate. He really met Gu Chen within two days.

Gu Chen came in as a eunuch, and He Ziming was startled when he saw him: "How did you come in?"

Gu Chen was very excited to see him. His whole eyes were red, and he looked very tired and rested for a long time: "Hi lord, you are fine."

He Ziming was brought into the palace for so many days that no trace of news was found or released. Gu Chen almost thought that he was going to harm He Zisheng.

"I ... I didn't expect the emperor to hate you so much. At this point, he has reached the top, and he has to find ways to put you to death." Gu Chen now recalls the intentional transfer of He Zisheng to him and He Ziming, and Now that there is nothing wrong with He Ziming, he still has to put He Ziming to death. He has to blame him for not being guilty. He can only blame He Zisheng for being too narrow-minded and hating He Ziming's humiliation for him. It hides too well.

He Ziming frowned slightly: "You ..."

"It shouldn't be too late, Your Highness follow me quickly. We have now tried to clear the grievances of His Highness above the Chaotang, proving His Highness is innocent, His Highness is not guilty, and His Royal Highness has no reason to detain you ... Continue to stay, I am afraid that Emperor Ye Changmeng will have to come up with a new way to take the life of His Highness. "Gu Chen was in a hurry, and now he just wanted to take He Ziming away:" Let's go. "

He Ziming frowned: "Mu Fei is the land of the whole world. Where can we go when we go, what should your family do?"

"In the end of the world, there is always a place for you and me." Gu Chen said: "Her Royal Highness need not worry, now your grievances have been washed away. Even if we leave, there is no reason for the emperor to blame me."

He Ziming said: "But ..."

Before his words fell, there was a footstep outside the door.

He Ziming heard He Zisheng's footsteps at once, and hurriedly Gu Chen grabbed his hand and hid him in the closet.

He Zisheng seemed to be drunk, and walked in staggeringly. He never saw the panic on He Ziming's face, and laughed when he saw He Ziming: "Big brother--"

He hung on to He Ziming and hugged He Ziming's neck.

He Ziming has been in the clear water for so long, and he should have been able to eat meat, it should be very happy.

But now that's the case--

He Ziming pushed He Zisheng aside, and glared at him angrily: "He Zisheng, what do you **** want?"

At the same time, Gu Chen in the closet kicked open the cabinet door.

He looked at He Zisheng, who was entangled with He Ziming, and the whole person froze, feeling a dizzy brain. Suddenly he rushed to the top of his head, leaving him no way to be elegant.

Gu Chen's fist clattered.

He never thought that He Zisheng, who always thought he liked women, had such a thought to his elder brother and He Ziming ...

It turned out that this was why he tried to keep He Ziming in the palace.

He Zisheng saw Gu Chen at first glance, and the wine suddenly woke up. He looked at Gu Chen with a strong complexion, and his coldness was revealed in his eyes.

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