In the original world trajectory, in the cooperation of Tianxing and Lu's, Lu Wensheng would have an accident on the construction site. Therefore, he and Su Yue sent by Tianxing to inspect, and therefore began to know and love each other.

He Ziming knew that he could not destroy the doomed plot in this world trajectory, but he could involve himself.

So, when the plot was about to come here, He Ziming saw Tian and Su Yuehe staying at the construction site. As long as Su Yuehe and Lu Wensheng were there, he was there.

Never a sunset.

On this day, He Ziming stayed at the construction site and had a meeting with his engineering team until the sky was getting dark and the meeting was over. Everyone left.

When he was planning to go back, he suddenly received a call: "General Manager Lu ..."

Caller ID is Lu Wensheng.

However, after the call was connected, He Ziming couldn't hear anything, as if the signal was not good. He could only hear the howling wind.

Today is a typhoon day.

When they went out, it was only cloudy, and only one afternoon, they started to make wild storms and rainstorms poured down ...

"Mr. Lu, is there something wrong with you? Why don't you speak?" He Ziming thought to himself that the story might have arrived, but asked with the pretense of inexplicability.

The phone suddenly hung up.

He Ziming immediately dialed it, but dialed several times in a row, but no one answered.

He Ziming was shocked, and immediately asked the people below: "What about President Lu? He just called me, but suddenly no one answered."

"Mr. Lu?" The people below were inexplicable, guessing, "Isn't Mr. Lu already going back in the afternoon? Maybe something has fallen."

He Ziming's frown was not satisfied with the ambiguous answer of his subordinates, and he immediately asked: "What about Xiaosu?"

If the plot of the protagonist's attack on the construction site is really unfolded, then Su Yuehe's talent pair should not be found.

"Well, Xiao Su." It seemed that the people below were thinking of Su Yue and such a person: "Xiao Su seems to have not seen him for a while, it may be to go back."

Because of the storm, the employees at the construction site have gone back almost. Only two or three people including He Ziming are planning to leave.

He Ziming frowned even more suddenly, and immediately dialed Su Yuehe's phone.

Sure enough, Su Yuehe's phone could not be reached.

He Ziming was so anxious that he was trying to get the system to find out where the protagonist was attacked. Just then Lu Wensheng called again.

"Where are you, Lu, what are you doing now?" He Ziming answered the phone as soon as he opened the phone.

On the other side of Lu Wensheng's phone was Su Yuehe's voice: "General Manager Fang, I'm Su Yuehe ..."

Su Yuehe's voice didn't sound right, and was extremely weak.

"Xiao Su, are you with Mr. Lu now? Where have you been, what's the situation with you now?" He Ziming asked in a hurry, but it was sure that the plot had begun.

Su Yuehe's voice was intermittent: "We ... We were underground at the construction site, and there was a little landslide below. Mr. Lu was smashed by something and passed out. I ... we can't get out ..."

"Ah-" He Ziming was immediately surprised: "Then you ..."

I was planning to ask something, but the end of the phone might be a bad signal, and then I hung up suddenly and couldn't get through.

The remaining few people saw that He Ziming's face was not right, and immediately knew that the situation was not good, and immediately asked: "Fang ... What is the situation of Mr. Fang now?"

This shouldn't be an accident.

"The construction site collapsed underground. Xiao Su and Lu were trapped there. They called the police and called an ambulance. The few of you tried to find someone to come in to rescue and notify Lin." He Ziming took a deep breath and immediately took the decision.

The first time people encountered this situation, they immediately lost their backbone, and responded again and again: "Okay ..."

He Ziming put down his words and rushed out when he opened the office door.

"General Fang, what are you going to do?" The people immediately startled.

He Ziming decisively said: "I'm going to find them!"

"General Fang, ca n’t do it. The typhoon is so big outside, what if you go to the construction site if something goes wrong?" The people below were so scared that he would stop He Ziming's wrist.

He Ziming broke away his hand: "Let it go, I can take responsibility for my actions, and you are responsible for notifying Lin Zhixing."

After he said it, he rushed into the storm without opening the door.

He Ziming stepped in the mud under the heavy rain and almost didn't blow away the wind. He took a mobile phone and constantly called Lu Wensheng's cell phone, but Lu Wensheng's phone was not connected.

He Ziming looked at the stormy sky, Nuoda's construction site, and found that it was not the same thing to find it aimlessly, and immediately let the system locate him Su Yuehe and Lu Wensheng.

After the system completed positioning him, he redeemed another fierce thunder with one hundred points.

"Host, what do you want to do?" The system was aggressive, and it didn't understand the operation of redemption.

He Ziming said: "I want to know which one Lu Wensheng and Su Yuehe is the one I am looking for."

That man is afraid of darkness and thunder ...

With the cheat of the system, He Ziming quickly found the location of Su Yuehe and Lu Wensheng.

"Mr. Lu, Xiaosu, where are you ..." But even so, he still suffered a lot of hardships and dangers, almost smashed the debris in the landslide site, and suffered a lot of flesh injuries.

Su Yuehe didn't expect that with only one phone call, He Ziming actually came alone. He immediately ran over in the direction where He Ziming was: "Fang Zong, Fang Zong, I'm here ..."

"Xiao Su!" He Ziming was relieved when she saw Su Yuehe.

This **** underground site is harder to walk than a maze.

Su Yuehe was so happy that he took his hand, and had time to send out the joy of the rest of the life after the disaster: "Fang Ming——"

At this time, there was a debris that could not see whether it was a wooden stake or something else and smashed at them.

"Be careful!" He Ziming almost conditionedly pulled Su Yuehe over, guarded her sideways, and took the blow of the debris with her back.

Su Yuehe was startled immediately: "Fang Ming!"

"It's okay, I'm okay ..." He Ziming was smashed with a little bit of coercion. After a while, he calmed down and spit out **** saliva, calming Su Yuehe.

Su Yuehe didn't believe so much, only looked at him very stubbornly, was trying to say something: "Fang Ming ..."

Just then, there was a thunder in the sky, and the sound of the thunder was so clear that the underground site where they were located was clearly discernible.

Su Yuehe was shocked, but did not respond ...

"Aren't you afraid of thunder?" He Ziming looked at every expression on Su Yue and his face carefully, and opened his mouth in the darkness.

Su Yuehe looked a little inexplicable: "Not a girl, why should I be afraid of thunder?"

"It's nothing, I just look at you very weak, thinking that you will be afraid of thunder. After all, many people are very timid." He Ziming casually made excuses.

He had determined that Su Yuehe was not the person he was looking for.

Su Yuehe smiled slightly awkwardly, and was about to say something to him: "Oh ..."

"Where is Lu Wensheng? Where is Lu Wensheng?" He Ziming hurriedly asked Lu Wensheng.

Su Yuehe has already ruled it out. The next thing he wants to determine is Lu Wensheng.

Su Yuehe then remembered that there was another person trapped here, and quickly took He Ziming to the corner where Lu Wensheng was put down by him: "General Lu, he passed out, maybe he hasn't woken up yet ..."

"Ah, ah, er, ah-" The two people approached where Lu Wensheng was, but they did not know when Lu Wensheng, who had been in a coma, had woke up, and his mouth was still whimpering.

"Well, Mr. Lu, you are awake." Su Yuehe was startled, and asked immediately: "Mr. Lu, what is wrong with you?"

Lu Wensheng's response seems to be wrong, what's wrong!

The thunder roared on the outside, and it was clear and audible on the inside.

Lu Wensheng was very scared. With the thunder constantly trembling, cold sweat began to flow ...

Su Yuehe was trying to ask He Ziming if he knew what was wrong with Lu Wensheng, but saw He Ziming stride forward, and hugged Lu Wensheng, who was trembling in the front corner, and patted his back gently. Softly soothed: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here, I'm ..."

"Someone will come to save us soon, and soon, I promise, don't be afraid."

He found this person.

Lu Wensheng was miraculously settled under his appeasement, only holding He Ziming quietly and whispering, "Don't go, don't go, don't leave me."

"I won't leave you." He Ziming promised him.

He finally found his lover. This time they didn't, and didn't need too complicated love and hate, as long as they were comfortable with each other ...

The picture of He Ziming and Lu Wensheng hugging together looks too harmonious.

Su Yue and slightly frowned, how they felt weird because of their intimate behavior, and they were not very delicious. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

The three did not know how long they had been trapped in the underground construction site, and finally the rescued arrived.

The dazzling lights shone into the dark underground passage. Lin Zhi's first rushed in. At first glance, he saw Su Yuehe: "Yuehe, are you okay."

Su Yuehe did not answer him at all. The first moment when the lights came in, he looked at He Ziming: "Fang Ming, you are injured, you have a lot of blood on your back, all of which is blood."

"Oh my god, was it just smashed, are you okay?" He was shocked when he saw the blood behind He Ziming, hugged He Ziming, and yelled, "Doctor ... Doctor come quickly He sees! "

Lin Zhixing returned to God, and then remembered that he was Fang Ming's boyfriend, Fang Ming was also in this underground passage and was injured. He immediately looked regretfully at He Ziming and embarrassedly shouted, "Fang Ming ..."

He Ziming looked at him, but a very bleak sneer appeared on his face.

Su Yuehe looked at him with a smile, and his heart followed closely.

"I'm fine. Let the doctor take Mr. Lu to the ambulance first. He seems to have claustrophobia." He Ziming turned back and said so indifferently.

Su Yue replied, "Okay, okay."

A place was removed for rescuers, but the hand holding He Ziming remained unspread.

Lin Zhixing looked at Su Yue and quietly holding Fang Ming's arms, and could not help raising his eyebrows, wondering why he always felt how this picture looked and how weird.

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