After going through the plot, in accordance with Chang Ming's past practice of treating other offending disciples under the door, Nie Yao got a copy of Basic Law and Door Regulations from the Dadaotong in his temple.

He Ziming began to work hard to complete the tasks that the system promulgated to himself every day. Nixing Yishan began to work hard to collect points and made preparations for changing the plot in the future.

This world only needs enough world points to change the future story.

Therefore, it is not possible without world points.

Gu Changming has a cold temper and never actively pays attention to his undergraduates. Therefore, after this farewell, Gu Changming has never seen Nie Yao for more than half a year.

Nie Yao's affection for him is only 25 points, which has not increased or decreased during the stage of thinking that he is a bad acquaintance.

However, during another period of time, He Ziming's other vest masked man brushed up Nie Yao's favorability. Although he didn't talk much, his love was very strong. Either he took the initiative to make Nie Yao cold clothes when he saw the weather was cold, or he gave Nie Yao some elixir from time to time or even made a meal ...

There were even times when Nie Yao was driven off from the sky, and his fellow bullies were run away.

Really and truly made the image of the mask man become a patron saint of Nie Yao.

Looking at He Ziming who was staying up late to make clothes for Nie Yao, the whole system ai was not good, and I felt that I would goosebumps: "I really don't see it, you are such a virtuous person ... actually sewing To cook. "

"That is necessary. Without two brushes, how can I mix this industry and let so many Raiders fall in love with me?" He Ziming didn't see the irony of the system at all, but was sewing needles for clothes with interest. .

The system decided to be more straightforward: "But is it really okay to make your clothes so ugly and the food so unpalatable?"

"Host, why don't you buy it directly for Nie Yao? You are like this now ... I'm really worried that Nie Yao's affection for you will rise to 30 o'clock." Although he is just a System, but if someone prepares such ugly clothes and such unpalatable food for him every day, he will really scold the street.

It can't even figure out why Nie Yao's affection for stupid hosts will increase under such circumstances?

"You do n’t understand it? The clothes you bought and how ordinary the meals are. Only you can make your own heart and love by making it yourself. Children like Nie Yao who lack love do n’t eat this set, I have this mask He doesn't look like a man who can cook, make clothes and look well. He doesn't think there will be anything when he buys things ... only if I make it for him, no matter how awkward, he will I feel warm and happy. "He Ziming is very active in making clothes.

System: "So, you let him eat your dark meal every day?"

"Dark cooking is better than a hungry meal and you need to figure out how to eat it yourself." He Ziming said: "Furthermore, what I make is only poorly sold and tastes ... well, the taste is still normal. of."


You know it.

"Furthermore, if I do more, I will continue to make progress. I am making progress for Nie Yao, and he will be more moved when he sees it later." He Ziming was so beautiful, seeing the system too lazy to deal with him, and then He said to himself, "Oh, I used to live with Nie Yao every day. I almost had the sense that my old father had raised a son. I now look at him like my own son, but I am kind."

For the first time in a world where emotions are not involved, He Ziming feels quite fresh and fun.

He must enjoy the pure mentorship of the master and the disciple and the pure affection of the father and son ...

Systematic difficult evaluation: "... It's really unfortunate to be your son and have a father like you."

Nie Yao didn't know what he grew up eating. He Ziming was so blind and tossing. He actually gradually let Nie Yao relax his vigilance to the masked person, and gradually accepted the masked person to appear in his life. Go eat the weird things He Ziming made.

Instead of vomiting the elixir He Ziming gave him the first time.

This made He Ziming very excited, quite some kind of old father made a lot of the sense of sight that finally won Gao Leng's son.

Xianjia has a long history.

On this day, after He Ziming handled the trivial matter in the door, he started the task of daily deeds issued by the system to earn world points.

There are many precious spirit beasts kept in Fushou Changmei Peak's Spirit Beast Park. On the weekdays, Fu Yao's disciples are responsible for taking care of them.

"Hello Brother—" The disciples asked Gu Changming very warmly when they saw him.

After He Ziming gestured to their heads, they were guided by the disciples of the Lingshouyuan to inspect the situation of the Lingshou in the garden.

There are many small animals in the spirit beast garden. He believes that he can always run into small lives that need his own help.

There are countless cranes in the garden. He Ziming hurriedly led by his disciples. After a brief inspection, he saw nothing to see, and was planning to go back. When he went to one place, he saw a small group of cranes gathered in one place, and he didn't know what to eat.

Hearing the human voice, the cranes scattered, but there were still a few stubborn pecking things.

"Oh, where do you get the black snake? How did this black snake enter the Linghe Garden? Come and throw this black snake and kill it. Do n’t let it hurt the Linghe!" He Ziming had n’t had time to see the fairy cranes pecking What was the thing, the exclamation of disciples guarding the spirit beast garden came around.

He Ziming lowered his head and looked intently, and it turned out that a black snake was lying soft and soft on the ground and was pecked by the cranes.

Although the Black Snake is not small, it doesn't know why it was injured and festered a lot. Even when the cranes attacked it, it was unable to fight back. It looked a little disgusting, but it looked pitiful.

As soon as the words of the caretaker disciple came down, other outside disciples responsible for feeding the spirit beasts came up, dispelled the crane, and stabbed with the iron sword against the seven inches of the black snake.

I wanted a sword on the spot and ended up with this black snake that shouldn't appear in the fairy crane garden.

"Wait!" Just as Hei Ming was certain to die, He Ziming stopped him with a voice.

This is a good opportunity to do one good every day.

The disciple who wanted to kill the snake raised his sword, and immediately looked at him: "What's wrong? Brother."

"Heaven has a good virtue. This snake is really pathetic. It has not harmed the Linghe in the garden. It has been injured like this. It has also been pecked and attacked by the fairy crane in the garden. You must kill it first and let it go. It's a way of life. "He Ziming frowned slightly on Gu Changming's face.

According to him, although the snake should not appear in the fairy crane garden, but since it did not harm the fairy crane in the garden ... then, it is enough to expel it.

No need to create evil.

The caretaker disciple looked at the snake on the ground again, but said, "But, brother, the snake has already been wounded like this. Even if I don't kill it, it can't survive outside of itself. It's plain. To suffer a lot of unnecessary pain, it would be better for me to endure it with one sword, let him suffer less, and reborn in the next life to be a disease-free snake. "

Looking at the black snake whose wound was rotten and disgusting, the caretaker disciple couldn't figure out how Brother Gu would show compassion for that thing.

"This is also true." He Ziming glanced at the black snake's wound, and groaned, "Save life to the end, send the Buddha to the West. Since I met it today and decided to save his life, then I will save it. In the end, take it away. "

He doesn't know if life or death is in his control.

But today, since he wants to do good every day, this black snake has appeared in front of his eyes, but how can He Ziming not see the disciples killing him in this door, he can only save it to the end.

He said, "As for whether you can live or not, it depends on its future creation."

"Brother, is this black snake to be accepted as a spiritual pet? There is no aura in this snake, and it looks ugly. At first glance, it is not a wise person. If you want to accept a snake-like spiritual pet, Wouldn't it be better to visit the Ling Mang Garden in our garden ... There is really no need to pick this one, which is an ugly snake with a short life span. "The caretaker disciples still looked at him puzzledly.

He Ziming shook his head, but declined his kindness.

He didn't even raise himself well. He didn't really have the habit of raising small animals. He just felt that the snake had a fate with him, and he was pitiful every day and wanted to save it.

If he could save it and wait for the snake to heal, he would return the snake to the forest.

He Ziming squatted down and reached out to catch the wounded black snake. When the black snake saw someone approaching, he immediately bit a stern bit at He Ziming's hand.

"Master, be careful! This snake is afraid of poison." The disciples around were shocked.

He Ziming smiled, but he didn't care, so he put the injured black snake into his Qiankun bag: "Anyway."

"Master needs snake medicine?" The caretaker disciple asked nervously when he saw him bitten.

He Ziming raised his hand and forced all the blood near the place where he had been bitten by a snake with his spiritual force. Then he asked the disciples in the Spirit Beast Garden: "No, I just do n’t know if you have a medicine for wounds on snakes ? If so, can you borrow me some? "

The black snake was brought back, and he didn't know how to heal it.

The pythons in the garden should be medicinal.

"Yes, yes, master." Sure enough, the caretaker disciple answered immediately.

After that, he sent the man to He Ziming to get the medicine for healing the spirit python in the garden.

After He Ziming thanked his disciples in the Spirit Beast Garden, he returned with his injured black snake and medicine to his own palace of Ziyun Peak. As he left, the disciples in the Spirit Beast Garden recalled, and all praised the kindness of the cold-looking master.

He Ziming took the black snake back to his dormitory and took it out of Qiankun's bag. Carefully, he used the medicine he obtained from the Spirit Beast Garden to treat the wound for the black snake.

Although this snake is an ordinary snake, it may have grown up in Fuling this Lingshan, and has absorbed more or less auras, and has some wisdom.

Xu knew that He Ziming would not hurt it. He was saving it. After He Ziming took it out of the Qiankun bag, it was motionless. He did not try to attack, even when He Ziming applied medicine to him. He got his wound and made it hurt, and he never tried to attack He Ziming again.

He Ziming laughed at seeing the snake like this: "I didn't expect that you were still a bit spiritual."

He was worried that the snake was too injured and would die. He couldn't sleep at night, so he put the snake into bed at night and fell asleep with himself. Gu Changming is a true person who sleeps almost at night and does not turn over. He can wake up immediately with a little movement, but he is not afraid to hurt the snake.

Good night.

The next day, the snake never ran away, and the spirit of the snake recovered a lot. He Ziming felt that it could be saved, so he applied medicine again, found a bamboo basket for it, and placed it in the bamboo basket.

I plan to let it rest in a bamboo basket at night.

Who knows, the injured black snake stayed in the bamboo basket in He Ziming's room the night before, but the next day He Ziming got up and found that the injured black snake appeared on his bed again, honestly. Really staying there, it seems that he did not know He Ziming's bed as a nest, or he loved the warmth of He Ziming's body and crawled over by a snake at night.

He Ziming saw that it did not mean to attack himself, and did not take it to heart.

Once again, he applied the medicine to the black snake and placed it back in the bamboo basket.

But the next few days, the black snake appeared in He Ziming's bed out of nowhere the next day, but he refused to go to sleep in the bamboo basket by himself.

He Ziming was helpless, and it was harmless to see it, so he acquiesced to his bed.

The black snake's injury was very slow. He Ziming continuously gave it more than a month of medicine. Except for the wounds that the crane crane pecked out, the other ulcers were still not good.

Just like being cursed, there was no sign of any improvement.

He Ziming suspected that there was a problem with the medicine, so he found another elixir for the black snake to heal.

In this way, after two to three or four months, the ulcers on the black snake's body still improved a little.

He Ziming was so distressed that he began to suspect that the ulcers on the black snake had been damaged by evil demons' external trials.

However, even if it is caused by the spell, he will not see the slightest clue.

He Ziming was anxious, but fortunately this little black snake was fortune-telling. Even if the body was so badly wounded and had such a terrible fester, its spirit was not bad, and it had never been to death, but it was unwilling to move.

He Ziming had no choice but to read the books to find out how such a wound was caused by the little black snake, and at the same time he would keep the little black snake.

In this way, one or two go can be considered to have cultivated a little affection with this snake.

Just when He Ziming made plans to raise this snake for a lifetime.

One day, almost suddenly, Gu Changming was shocked that the snake's wound had healed.

He Ziming didn't know how good it was, and couldn't find out, it was weird. I saw that the little black snake was all right. He Ziming put the little black snake into the Lingshan as he had thought, and wanted to return it to the forest.

"You'll stay by yourself, but you need to be good. Go." He Ziming told him when he released the little black snake.

The little black snake looked reluctantly at He Ziming, and seemed to understand He Ziming's words. After a while, he slowly crawled deep into the forest.

He Ziming watched the little black snake disappear, some reluctant and some stunned.

But when I thought that I could be a good deed, I became happy again.

He Ziming returned to Ziyun Peak, thinking that his fate with this little black snake would come to an end. Who knows, but two or three days later, one day He Ziming got up early and found that the little black snake appeared on his bed.

He Ziming: "..."

He Ziming had no choice but to release the little black snake again.

But somehow, I do n’t know if the little black snake really has spirituality and is unwilling to leave. He still uses He Ziming's bed and warmth as home. He Ziming released the little black snake several times in a row, sometimes for a few days, sometimes a dozen days, and it suddenly appeared on his bed suddenly out of nothing.

The whole snake seemed to have changed from wild to domestic.

He Ziming had no choice but to have a spiritual pet from now on, so he raised this little black snake that was not amazing and a bit ugly.

"It seems that I have a fate with this little black snake." He Ziming sighed to the system in his head and said with emotion.

The system is meaningful: "Of course."

He Ziming bye to see Nie Yao more than half a year later.

I haven't seen it for more than half a year, and the young man who had malnutrition like bean sprouts has been drawn up a lot, and the whole person looks a lot healthier, showing a little bit of his outstanding adulthood.

He Ziming looked down at the boy with a subtle expression of comfort in his heart.

very good.

He wore the clothes he made for him. Although he did not like it well, He Ziming, who raised his son and raised his feelings, felt relieved.

"I help shake Nanshan, there is a trial peak, the mountain is full of aura, low-to-medium spirit grass, countless monsters. I help shake all the disciples who have just started to go to trial, count the days, this year should be your turn This is the batch. "Yan Xun stood on the stage and introduced the rules for a group of young disciples who were 13 or 14 years old." You will have to collect a third-order spirit in this trial. Grass, capture a third-order monster or spirit beast, and pass it ... the outside disciples can join the inside, but the inside disciples who have not begun to get a formal teaching opportunity will be given a lesson in Linghuitang, and they will begin to practice Taoism Opportunity."

"My Fuyao ’s trial opportunities will be held once a year, but once again, you can still have the next time. But if you fail three times, it proves that you are ready to pack your bags and go down the mountain. "Yan Xun explained the rules to a ignorant teenager.

Only then did he respectfully make a slap to He Ziming, and then said to the disciples next to the door: "Your trials will be led by an inner door brother. This year, you are considered lucky. Brother Gu is leading. "

"Brother Gu's practice is the highest of our generation's disciples. This time you have the opportunity to get guidance from him, and you need to cherish it." Yan Xun is like a rhetoric, gushed.

When he was finished introducing, the young disciples under the door were also excited and shouted: "Master ..."

"Brother ..."

It seemed very excited, as if he had all heard of the brother's name.

He Ziming nodded to a crowd of enthusiastic teachers and teachers as if they were leaders, and nodded them to be quiet. After they were all quiet, they led them without a word.

It didn't take long for the trial.

After He Ziming ordered that all the disciples be dispersed and act, they found a quiet place at will, and from time to time, observed the movements of the disciples with the amulets on their hands, and it was enough to ensure their safety.

The young disciples are very energetic and lively. They are all noisy along the way, always chasing and laughing, and from time to time, curious babies come to ask He Ziming for all kinds of strange questions. He Ziming is cold. Face answered their question, and their next question came again, without fear of his cold face.

He Ziming knew that it might take him ten days, half a month to bring his disciples to the trial. He didn't worry about the little black snake in his home, and wanted to take care of him.

Who knows, I just talked to someone and told the little black snake.

I thought that everything was arranged properly. Little Black Snake didn't know if it was really wise or what happened, but he got into his Qiankun without a word.

This is ... it means that begging and begging Lailai to follow him.

He Ziming had no choice but to bring it along.

The disciples scattered around to find the spirit grass. After the monster, He Ziming finally had a leisurely time. Seeing that it was full of aura, it was really a good place for all kinds of monsters and monsters. Then he put the little black snake out of the bag. After coming out, I want it to absorb and absorb the aura in this mountain.

The little black snake is very good.

Xu knew what He Ziming meant, so he crawled in the grass and played. But from time to time, he would return to He Ziming, and it seemed that he really recognized the master of He Ziming and did not want to leave him.

"You are so good." He Ziming watched the little black snake crawl back again, and was very relieved, so he happily stretched out his hand like a cat, and touched the black snake's slender body.

The little black snake vomited the letter and let He Ziming caress.

This is a warm picture of the main pets.


"What an ugly snake. Brother, where did you get such an ugly snake, and it doesn't look like you have a wise mind, it's not a monster, you throw it." Just then, A dissonant voice came from behind him: "Snake-like cold blood, if it bites you later, it will be bad."

He Ziming turned his head to look, it was not others, it was Nie Yao.

The careful eyes of Nie Yao and the disciples who went to complete their own tasks are different. In the original plot, at the beginning of this trial, he set up a close relationship with Gu Changming, deliberately followed Gu Changming, and wanted to please the brother ...... Gu Changming was very displeased with his love of beating his horses and pleasing his worldly temperament. He always felt that he was unstable and not a practitioner. After Nie Yao flattered him, he severely and harshly accused him of a pass. I want him to correct it.

But it made Nie Yao feel insulted and laid the foundation for himself to become cannon fodder.

In this life, before he had enough points, He Ziming had to go according to the original plot, and once again humiliated him. It was easy to find a confident young man in the martial arts.

He Ziming originally intended to be gentle with his father and son.

But now ...

Well, as soon as the bear boy met, he insulted his love of snakes and ugly and let him throw it away.

He Ziming suddenly became angry, which was too much.

Where is the snake in his house ugly? !!

"Brother, you just throw it away. This snake is sick and may be poisonous." Nie Yao didn't know he had touched the mold of He Ziming. He had come to find a reason to chat with He Ziming at will, but one Seeing the black snake was like a natural repulsion, and Nie Yao had a disgust at the sight of it.

He Ziming was even more upset all of a sudden, facing Nie Yao in a cold voice: "This is the spiritual snake I raised, and this time I took it out to absorb and absorb the aura in this mountain."

"Oh, it was a spirit snake raised by my brother. I do n’t know Taishan. No wonder ..." I thought about saying a few words against my heart again, complimenting the snake to please He Ziming.

But somehow, Nie Yao looked at the snake and said nothing good.

His intuition told him that the snake was extremely dangerous.

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