He Ziming only closed his eyes and opened his eyes, time has jumped to eight years later.

He Ziming had no time to visit Nie Yao to see how much the child's affection for himself was still too late, and to see how his little black snake was. Opening his eyes, he found that he was hunting Nie with a group of righteous people Yao is on his way.

In eight years, the plot has really progressed a lot.

Now the plot has developed to the point that Nie Yao was first stigmatized as a demon who should be imprisoned, and then framed to confirm that he was the reincarnation of the demon god. He killed all those responsible for him overnight and disappeared. Nie Yao woke up by the lake and found that he had become the object of everyone's shouting and defeat. Everyone wanted to get rid of him quickly.

A good friend hypothesized to believe him, but betrayed him and hurt him ...

Nie Yao escaped after being injured. The friend sent invitations to various gates. Now the majors are wanted and the stage of hunting down Nie Yao.

Nie Yao's Shimen Fuyao is also among them.

Everything that should happen should happen.

Watching this horrible plot, He Ziming yelled inwardly. He was distressed at his own children. He complained to the system that the yin and yang were so strange: "Secret, actually threw me to this plot node?"

"Should I thank you for not throwing me directly after Nie Yao got into the magic?" How can this situation save him now.

He Ziming was full of noise.

It is a pity that the system is a solid ai. I can't hear anything from He Ziming's ridiculous irony. Very humble is to answer: "Thank you."

"..." He Ziming.

He just wanted to tear down the shit.

He Ziming is thinking about how to be delivered to this time node to save Nie Yao, restore his twisted fate, and not let him suffer more.

At this time, the sound of the task issued by the plague system sounded again in He Ziming's mind.

[The story of this world is over half, and now the system will issue the last task that can earn points of this world. Ask the host to make the target Nie Yao's aversion to host Gu Changming's identity reach 100 and the blackening value reach 100 within three days. After completing the mission, the host will get the last 50 points and 1,000 points that can change the future plot. Failure, the system will deduct all points of the host, determine that the host of the world mission failed! 】

As soon as He Ziming heard this task, the whole person was not good at all, and he just scolded the grass mud horse: "What **** task are you doing? At this time, let his disgust to Gu Changming reach 100 points and blackening value within ten days. Reaching 100 points, didn't you make me drive him into magic? "

"You have no intention of letting me complete the task, right?" At this time, He Ziming finally understood why the world would let so many hosts die.

The system scolded and angered He Ziming more than once, and wanted to hear nothing.

He Ziming scolded the system for nearly half an hour before calming himself down and sorting out his confused thoughts that he had just jumped from eight years ago to the present.

Scolding the system is useless, he must calm himself.

He Ziming couldn't think of anything else, and opened Nie Yao's favorability display for Gu Changming. Seeing his favorability for Gu Changming still stayed at -60 before his retreat eight years ago, and combined with the current situation, he thought even Got an idea.

Although doing this will hurt Nie Yao, destroy Nie Yao's trust in people, and make Nie Yao suffer ... But in order to change the future destiny of Nie Yao and the world and complete his own task, He Ziming can only choose to do so. .

Ten days are tight.

In order to hurry up to complete the task, He Ziming took advantage of Gu Changming's past life memories and his current understanding of the world story and helped those who were responsible for hunting down Nie Yao to find Nie Yao's hiding place together.

At this time, Nie Yaozheng was disguised as Fuyao.

"Nie Yao, you demons have killed Elder Yun Zhen, and you haven't captured it immediately?" The elder in Fushoumen found Nie Yao's hiding place under the leadership of He Ziming.

I haven't seen it in eight years, Nie Yao has grown a lot, and is no longer the original thin and pitiful appearance. Now he is even a little taller than Gu Changming, his face is still exquisite and beautiful.

At that moment, those bewitching peach blossoms were full of vigilance and caution.

He stepped back unconsciously, watching these former colleagues, and kept explaining: "No, it's not me ... I don't have it. I woke up by the lake, I didn't kill Elder Yunzhen at all, I didn't ... "

Everyone looked at him with hatred and aversion as if they were looking at a heresy.

"So many people, Elder Yun Zhen and Li Jun, they all died under the power of the magic dragon of the past, and even the survivors saw you murdered with your own eyes. Do you dare to quibble and say it's not you?"

"When I taught the real person to leave you, I advised him that you are a heresy. You should get rid of it as soon as possible for the sake of beings in the world. I taught you a good heart and left you. I don't want to cause today's woes!"

"You demon head will not be educated at all, there is no human heart at all, no matter what past life or this life, you should go forever! Don't catch it quickly!"

"I can still remember leaving you with a corpse on the feeling that you worshiped me under the Fushou door." Elder Fusuo didn't believe his sophistry, and all kinds of crusades swept towards Nie Yao.

Nie Yao kept backing, looking for a chance to escape.

These people do not believe in him, nor do they believe in them ... Now the only person who can make him trust and respect is the master who teaches the real Yun Yunzi.

He cannot fall into the hands of these people, he must run away and leave to find his master.

He felt that the last person in the world would believe him.

Although he was seriously injured and had no ability to escape from these people, he knew that there was still a very huge evil force in his body ...

Nie Yao never used it in the past, because he always felt that the power was too evil to affect his mind.

But now he has no choice but to fight.

At first glance, He Ziming saw through his thoughts and reached out to him: "Come here, Nie Yao, I believe in you. You follow me, I will take you to the palm to teach the real person, I believe the palm to teach will definitely find out the truth Give you an innocence ... "

He Ziming thought about it carefully. If Nie Yao's aversion to him should reach 100 and his blackening value should reach 100. In a short period of ten days, he had no other choice but to choose the last one in the original plot that he believed and hurt him severely. He narrowed his eyes and handed him back to Yun Xiaozi's little sister route.

It's just that Xiao Shimei will have a chance to hurt Nie Yao. It is from Nie Yao's trust in Xiao Shimei.

But now, Nie Yao has no confidence in Gu Changming, who is not a good person in his eyes, but He Ziming is not sure ...

So he can only bet.

Nie Yao's body is sealed with the power of the devil brought by his reincarnation. If he does not relax his vigilance and relax his alertness, they have no chance to leave him.

"Chang Ming ..." Fuyao several elders were dissatisfied with He Ziming's trust in Nie Yao.

Nie Yaoding looked at He Ziming. His reasoning told him that he should not believe the person in front of him. The big disciple is a hypocritical hypocrite, only to prevent him from helping him.

But feelings are a weird thing!

Nie Yaoding looked at He Ziming's eyes. At that moment, he seemed to be confused by something. He unconsciously chose to trust him, and he held He Ziming with his own hands: "Master ..."

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the hand of this elder brother was actually warm.

However, Nie Yao's poor trust in the ghost did not give him a destiny that was slightly kind to him. The next moment he reached out and held He Ziming, He Ziming took the opportunity to counter-hold his hand. The direct shot is to abolish him because he lost his spiritual roots, but not much, the little bit of cultivation that can be achieved through hard work.

Looking at Nie Yao's overly beautiful peach blossom eyes, He Ziming really couldn't narrow his eyes like Xiao Shimei, so he could only choose this strategy.

He Ziming subdued Nie Yao and announced in an almost cold tone: "Nie Yao, the wicked evildoer Moxiu, has been captured, and I will now take him back to Fuyaoshan to hand over the disposition."

Fortunately, the consequences are the same as the damage caused to Nie Yao.

"Drop! The target object Nie Yao has a -40 degree of favor for the host Gu Changming. At present, the degree of favorability is -100, the blackening value is 60, and the blackening value is 40 points away from 100. Please continue to work hard.

Nie Yao's aversion to Gu Changming is full. He Ziming knows that if he wants to continue to increase the blackening value, he can only follow the plot and let Nie Yao further lose his expectations and trust in people.

So, everything is copied again like the plot of the original world.

He Ziming watched as Yun Xuzi justly pronounced Nie Yao's death sentence in front of many other schools, and used all kinds of methods to torture and destroy Nie Yao, but failed to find a way to kill him. In the end, Yun Xuzi finally chose to throw Nie Yao into all the demons and fierce beasts like the original world story. People went in, and they couldn't come out of the town evil tower.

And before pushing Nie Yao into the town's evil tower, he personally informed Nie Yao that he had taken him in and saved him to extract the truth of his spiritual roots for his son Ye Lingbao.

Nie Yao spent five full days in the town's evil tower.

He Ziming couldn't bear to look at him at all, and could only watch as Nie Yao's blackening value increased step by step. He knew that the child must have been tortured and tortured in the tower, but he was powerless.

Finally, on the last day of the tenth day, Nie Yao's blackening value also reached 99 points.

He Ziming hung up and waited for Nie Yao's blackened value to rise to the last point. Who knew that Nie Yao's blackened value had not risen yet, he felt that he was the last of the three jade amulets that Nie Yao gave as a mask. One is broken.

It was crushed by Nie Yao himself.

He once promised Nie Yao that as long as Nie Yao needed him, he crushed the jade amulet and would appear on Nie Yao's side no matter where others were.

At this time, He Ziming finally couldn't stand it anymore: "If the mission fails, fail."

He thought this way and rushed to the town's evil tower regardless.

But the moment he reached the Zhenxie Tower, Nie Yao's blackening value was full.

【drop! Upon completion of the mission, the host will receive 50 world points, and the world points owned will reach 1,000. The host of the subsequent plot will be free to play independently. 】

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