During the flight of He Ziming and Nie Yao, the other half of Nie Yao's soul had been using the power of the soul to seduce him, bewitching him into magic.

The evil spirit seal in Nie Yao's body during the battle of Zhenxie Tower has been damaged by most of the impact.

Therefore, Nie Yao resisted the delusion of demon desire, and resisted scoring.

He Ziming can often hear Nie Yao talking to himself with the same voice. Little poor Nie Yao said: "... I'm only Nie Yao, everything about the demon has nothing to do with me, I can't, can't get into the magic ..."

"Into the devil, I want to be in the devil. I ca n’t help but the sky, everything I encounter is imposed on me by the so-called destiny. In this case, I will take the power of the devil, destroy the sky, destroy the earth, burn all of it ... … "The next moment, his voice suddenly became mad and screamed, his face shouting shyly.

Nie Yao's voice was very weak: "No ... No, I can't get into the magic, I'm a human, not a magic ..."

"Go into the devil, get into the devil, my destiny from birth was doomed to go into the devil. I am the devil, and no one can insult me ​​if I am in the devil. All those who have hurt me have to pay the price ... Nie Yao said madly.

"Enchanted, you can have power and everything when you become enchanted ..."

"No, I can not."

"Into the demon, the demon is the ultimate destination of the reincarnation of the demon."

He Ziming looked so anxious that Nie Yao, who was suffering from schizophrenia, couldn't help him. Seeing that the voice belonging to the little poor Nie Yao was getting weaker, he caught it involuntarily. His arm, speaking, tried to interfere and beat him up: "Nie Yao, hold on, you hold on, you can't get into magic, you promise me you can't get into magic."

"You are Nie Yao, not a demon. You should not live for his destiny. You cannot be enchanted." He held Nie Yao tightly.

Little poor Nie Yao listened to what he said, if he had found some courage, he kept muttering and repeating: "I am Nie Yao, not a demon, yes, I cannot be enchanted ..."

He Ziming saw that Xiao Po's will gradually defeated the evil charm of Nie Yao's will, but it was too late to breathe a sigh of relief.

The next moment, the evil version of Nie Yao regained control of the body of the little poor Nie Yao, and in turn grabbed He Ziming's hand tightly, and asked: "You can get everything I want, only in the magic Let others be unable to hurt us ... if I am enchanted, what will you do? "

He asked He Ziming verbatim.

He Ziming could see that Nie Yao, the evil charm version, would still have a poor version, and it seemed that he had a heavy influence on him. As soon as he was cruel, he bit his teeth and spit out the words clearly: "If you are enchanted, I will never see you again."

The evil charm version of Nie Yao was stunned, and the thought seemed to gradually drift away.

"Look, Nie Yao, the thing I hate most is the demon. If you get into the demon, I will never see you again in this life." He Ziming saw this trick was useful, and immediately as if vowed to Nie seriously. Yao announced it again.

He must not let Nie Yao get into the magic ...

As soon as this sentence was offered, the weight was truly extraordinary.

The air was quiet all of a sudden. At this time, even a needle dropped on the ground was afraid that it would make people listen.

After a while, the evil version of Nie Yao seemed to have been completely pressed down halfway and disappeared without a trace. Nie Yao held He Ziming's hand solemnly and said, "I won't fall into the magic."

This man hated the magic so much that he would never see him again if he became enchanted.

Well, even if he is extremely distressed, and his inner struggle is dead, he must suppress his desire and never be enchanted ... He must not lose this person.

He Ziming was relieved when he got his promise.

Since then, the evil charm of Nie Yao has never appeared, and Nie Yao has never been struggling between being enchanted and not being enchanted.

On the escape route, clothing, food, and transportation can only be simplified. He Ziming has already cut the valley but he can not eat, but Nie Yao does not.

Therefore, in order to feed his own blind little pitiful, He Ziming had to solve it on the spot, grabbing some pheasants by surgery, and roasting Nie Yao in the most primitive way.

Because he couldn't find the seasoning, He Ziming had to pick some non-toxic wild fruits from the mountain and squeeze the pulp and juice on the chicken for seasoning.

He Ziming has practiced cooking for a lot of time, but his skills are still a little advanced.

At least, what he made smelled good.

It just tasted, even He Ziming didn't dare to compliment himself, and wanted to call a dark dish.

But that ’s so delicious. Nie Yao was elated, even with a happy expression on his face: "It's so delicious, I like what you make."

Rao is so thick-skinned that He Ziming can't listen anymore. I feel that the child is either complimenting himself or having a problem with his dark food.

"Don't eat it, it's not good, I'll go get you something else to eat later." He Ziming's conscience found that he was about to grab the dark food in his hand.

No, Nie Yao was gorging like he hadn't eaten anything in his life, and crammed He Ziming's dark food into his mouth.

He ate too fast, so that his mouth was full of oil, even his lips were hot, and even the pale and scarlet face followed by the crimson color ...

"No, I want to eat. I think what you make is the best thing I have ever eaten. I like to eat what you make, everything." He swallowed in his mouth, saying sincerely, as if in him In his eyes, what He Ziming did in his mouth was really not dark food but precious and delicious.

Looks pathetic and cute!

He Ziming was reminded of his teenage years, and promised with love: "Since you like to eat, then I will cook for you forever."

"Um." Nie Yao fluttered and laughed like a child.

He Ziming felt that there was something wrong. When he came back, he immediately added the sentence: "But it definitely is not the taste. I will exercise my cooking skills and make really delicious meals for you."

He solemnly promised.

"Okay." Nie Yao promised him quietly, but somehow his ears turned red as if they were to be cooked.

The two chatted for a while, after Nie Yao finished eating, He Ziming wiped his mouth and was thinking of getting up and packing.

Nie Yao suddenly took his hand and asked carefully: "You don't wear a mask, can I touch your face? We have known each other for so long, and I never know what you look like?"

He Ziming looked at him, and immediately heaved down. The whole heart was so soft that it turned into a puddle of water. What he didn't want or wanted was to accept Nie Yao: "Yes."

He just sat down in front of Nie Yao.

Nie Yao got his permission and smiled contentedly. He reached out and tried to touch Capricorn's face with Capricorn, but he couldn't find the right place several times because he couldn't see it. It was too high to touch He Ziming's head. After trying it several times, he couldn't touch He Ziming's face accurately.

In the end, He Ziming couldn't stand it anymore, and grabbed his hand and put it on his face.

Nie Yao's eyes were invisible, and he could only fumble a little bit by the touch of his hand. He touched his narrow sword eyebrow from He Ziming's forehead, then his deep eyes, and then his tall nose. Lips ... a little bit down, feel it with your hands, rubbing it, just like rubbing some extremely precious rare treasures, as if you want to make He Ziming look one by one with your own touch Diji went to my heart.

He Ziming was tickled by him, not only his face, but also his heart followed by itching.

But for the current situation, he is not too dissonant, and can only endure ...

I don't know how long it took, Nie Yaofang touched it up, and said, as if to conclude, "You must look good."

"I'm very ordinary, and I can't find the one I threw into the crowd." He Ziming glanced at Nie Yao, even if he was blind, his appearance was not diminished, and he looked like him. In contrast, it is a difference between clouds and mud, and it is impossible to speak with conscience.

From his aesthetic point of view, neither himself nor Gu Changming's looks are too pale, so pale that he can hardly see any taste.

Nie Yao gave a lip smile, but said: "I don't care, I think you look good, you must look good. You look the best in my eyes."

He is almost stubborn and indisputable.

He Ziming was too lazy to argue with him and left him.

Their immediate delay is to make Nie Yao see the light again.

Nie Yao's eyes have become two blood caves. If they are changed in other worlds, they will certainly not be able to regain their meaning, but this is the world of cultivation. All that is impossible in the real world, everything is possible as long as you find elixir and spirit in this world.

Therefore, in order for Nie Yao's eyes to see the light again, what He Ziming is doing now is to take Nie Yao to the Daxue Mountain to find the legendary snow mountain golden lotus leaves that can make the blind people see the light again.

The journey to the snowy mountain was bumpy and exhausting.

The journey was long, and it took him almost half a year to bring He Nie Yao to Daxue Mountain.

I don't know what's going on recently. He may be a bit dry and angry when he is not convinced by the soil and water. His lips are swollen and cracked almost every morning.

At the beginning, He Ziming really thought so. When he was really on fire and drying, he also made a lot of herbs to lower the fire to eat, but it never worked.

Until one night, He Ziming didn't sleep deep, and he felt for a moment that the person on his side stumbled onto himself after thinking that he was breathing peacefully, and there was a stubborn mess on his lower body, like A little dog fumbled and licked on his face, and then found a mess with his lips ...

He Ziming now understood what happened to his swollen and swollen lips when he got up in the morning in the recent period. It was only then that he realized that Nie Yao, who had been watching as a child, was an adult higher than himself.

Nie Yao didn't know he was awake, he just sucked endlessly, biting his lips ...

He Ziming woke up suddenly, opened his eyes, and pushed Nie Yao away.

Nie Yao was shocked at the spot, like a child who had been caught for doing bad things. He looked at him pitifully, paused for a moment, and after returning to God, he was conditioned to catch He Ziming. Wrist, afraid he would leave: "I'm ... sorry, I ... I didn't mean it ..."

"Don't go, don't go, please, don't leave me." He subconsciously felt that he had done something wrong, and the conditional reflection was that he begged He Ziming to let him not leave himself.

He didn't know when his thoughts on He Ziming started. He Ziming slept beside him every day, and since he found out, he couldn't restrain himself.

He didn't dare to tell He Ziming, so he had to hide his mood, carefully restrained and suppressed. In the evening, when He Ziming didn't know, he dared to relax one or two.

"You ..." He Ziming didn't even think about anger after a moment's sorrow, but after returning to God, let Nie Yao pull himself, Qi Lip asked: "Why do you want to do that with me?"

The sexual implications of Nie Yao's action just now are too obvious.

Nie Yao did not expect that he was not angry. He also asked such words, and biting his lip, it was an impulse to reveal his own voice: "I ... I am happy with you, I am happy with you ..."

"Would you be my fellow?" He asked cautiously.

He knew that he was not worthy of He Ziming. Now he might be a drag on He Ziming, but he still couldn't control himself, and he couldn't help but rejoice in this life. Aunt ...

Where does the love start? All the way through.

In this world of practice, many monks are looking for mentors and cultivators, not just men and women.

He Ziming didn't answer for a long time, but settled on Nie Yao.

Nie Yao couldn't see anything. He only knew that He Ziming didn't respond to him. Even though his mind was half cold, he bit his lip with pain and entanglement and changed his mouth: "You ... you don't like it, just let it go. I will stay away from you in the future. Don't leave me, okay? "

He was pitiful like an abandoned little dog.

"After you come back to Ming." He Ziming looked at him like this, but Shi Shixin turned into a puddle of water, and after Nie Yao finished speaking, he interrupted him: "After you come back to Ming, after seeing me ... be sure you want If you are with me, I will be your kin. "

He didn't know how to tell Nie Yao that he was Gu Changming who was the master who hurt him. He could only say this to Nie Yao ...

He is willing to be a niece of Nie Yao, but in this world his body is Gu Changming's body. The masked person can only be a cover of identity. If he is a priest, he cannot disguise himself or wear a lifetime mask. Don't let Nie Yao look at his face ... Therefore, he can only choose to tell Nie Yao that if Nie Yao sees his face and can still decide to lay down with him after seeing Ming, then he will become a niece of Nie Yao ...

"Really ... really?" Nie Yao was overjoyed, totally unaware that he would get such a result.

He Ziming looked at him, but there was a mixed flavor under his heart: "Of course it is true."

"Then you are destined to be my prince. If you don't disapprove of me as a micromanager. No matter what you look like, I will like you and be with you." Nie Yao held his hand happily, Indescribable intimacy.

He remembered that He Ziming had previously said that he was not good-looking, thinking that He Ziming had said such a thing because of his appearance ...

The moment was elated.

He hugged He Ziming. He was overjoyed to try and capture He Ziming's lips, and with a little temptation meant to put his tongue into He Ziming's mouth ...

He Ziming paused for a moment, but he did not refuse.

After Nie Yao's tongue twitched in his mouth for a moment, he began to respond very slowly.

He likes Nie Yao.

Nie Yao was so excited by his response that he couldn't control even his hands, and he ventured into He Ziming's clothes.

The two, Daxueshan and his party, have not yet found the relationship between the golden lotus leaves that can make Nie Yao Fuming leaps and bounds. All of them can be said that everything except the last step should be done.

The two of them agreed with each other, and the two of them were in love. On the other side of the world, Nie Yao's soul peered at them, but was directly angry and watched their instruments broken and destroyed a table.

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