"The one who has been bewildering and guiding me into the devil in my heart is you, everything I have, my destiny, and this step I take to this day is controlled by you behind you?" Nie Yao stood up and looked at Yunhua's eyes As a half body, you suddenly realized: "Did you push me into despair, or did you make me what you are now?"

Yunhua didn't want to hide himself at all, but admitted very frankly: "Good."

Everything is dominated by his manipulation behind the scenes.

He Ziming looked at Yunhua unbelievably: "Master ..."

It seemed as if he could not accept for a moment that the teacher and mentor who he had always respected was a demon, or whether he had been deliberately dormant and framed the reality of Nie Yao's demon for a long time.

"Brother, you say to me that I am a demon, and you already have a priest who can't be with me. Then, have you ever hated a demon who thought that your priest is also a demon? And he is more thorough than I am No, he was a demon, even my pre-existent soul, who forced me to become a demon? "Nie Yao looked at He Ziming, but smiled, and he felt that his fate was ridiculous.

He Ziming looked at them unacceptably, and he shook his head as if he was stunned. He couldn't even say a word.

Nie Yao stood up straight and looked at the culprit: "Why? Why do you do this? Are you already the first person in Xianmen? Isn't it good enough to be happy? Why ... why should you force me into a demon and take me away? Love? "

Linking everything together, Nie Yao quickly figured out that the desperate three days that He Ziming had left himself due to Master's accident were the one person who led it.

After he and He Ziming had a misunderstanding, he came to take He Ziming away, and the yin and yang differences prevented him from learning that He Ziming was the truth of the mask.

After that, He Ziming became Yunhua's concubine ...

Intentionally, Yunhua is deliberate and deliberate.

"Although I pretended to be the first person in Xianmen and blinded those ignorant monks, my soul has never been completely trapped in the dragon body and tortured. I have only two souls and two souls. I ca n’t live forever. I can only be complete if I am fused with you. Eternal life is no longer subject to purgatory and heaven punishment. And there is only one way to merge you and me who have been reincarnated, and that is to let you get into the magic ... Once you get into the magic, do n’t be with me There is only one fusion ending, that is, the two of us are dead, the spirit is flying, I have n’t lived enough, and I do n’t want to die yet. ”Yunhua said in a cold voice, and his eyes only increased when he shifted his eyes to He Ziming along Nie Yao's line of sight. A little softness: "As for your love, you and I have two souls and two emotions, and the emotions are open to one thing, but they are destined to fall in love with the same person."

Nie Yao looked at him unwillingly, but laughed loudly: "Hahahaha ~"

Step by step, step by step.

He had already fallen into the magic, so he was destined to trap it, and he would never go back.

Waiting for his ending, there are only two of them, one with the demon, and the other with the spirit flying away.

He didn't want to let this magic track succeed, and went along his plan, but he didn't want to die, he didn't want the spirit to go away, he still has a lot of nostalgia for this world ...

He couldn't bear to He Ziming, his brother.

He also wanted to spend a long time with He Ziming.

"Besides, both Chang Ming and Heng Yuan were the ones who knew him first." Yunhua clothed the formation, and immediately started the formation with the power of these eight magic weapons. He looked at Nie Yao with a cold tone. "This sentence, I should tell you, my reincarnation, you took my love."

Heng Yuan is the name of the previous monk, and Gu Changming is his reincarnation.

Nie Yao hated him for taking Gu Changming's body, why didn't he hate Nie Yao for taking Gu Changming's heart?

Obviously, both Hengyuan and Gu Changming knew him first, but why is his favorite person Nie Yao? Obviously, he was so good to him.

"Hahahaha ~ I win your love, it's so funny." Nie Yao looked at him and laughed loudly, but suddenly shot at Yunhua during the battle: "Well, since you are black and white, you have to say yes I have taken away your love, that is to say that I have taken away your love. I am not only taking away your love but also your soul. "

He hated looking at Yunhua, his expression surly and vicious.

Although he and Yunhua are one soul and two bodies, two consciousnesses have been born due to reincarnation. If they are to be merged, it means that one consciousness between him and Yunhua is to be swallowed by the other.

Yunhua's authorities had done all the calculations, and he was deliberately trying to devour him.

But he didn't want to lose Yunhua's intentions, he would swallow Yunhua in turn ...

"Ah-you-" Yunhua didn't want Nie Yao, who looked like he was dying, but still had the strength to fight with himself. But the formation method has already been opened, in order to be able to complete the soul, he has no room to retreat and give up.

He can only fight to death in the battle with Nie Yaoshu, and strive to make himself alive, and become the one who is a demon: "Do you want to devour me? Boy, you are still tender."

"Oh, you can try. Who in the end did you and I swallow?"

The demons' souls merged together, and the smoke immediately rose in the array, and a huge black wind vortex was generated from the array, and the lightning flashed and thundered in the array.

Tell people outside the array can no longer see the situation in the array.

He Ziming could only hear two voices coming out of the array, one belonged to Nie Yao and the other belonged to Yunhua: "Brother, who do you want to survive?"

"Chang Ming, you will be a teacher!"

Who he wants to survive and become the one who wins, at this moment, even He Ziming himself can't tell. He stared at his eyes with clear blood in his eyes, but made another decision under his heart.

He Ziming remained motionless, waiting for him to make a sound.

"Ah-" Nie Yao and Yunhua in the array issued a scream in unison, and then the two sounds seemed to merge into one down and took a breath: "Sigh--"

I saw the eight magic weapons placed on the ground in response to the sound, and everything that belonged to the dragon escaped the imprisonment of the magic weapon and flew to the array of eyes.

However, both of them were gone and turned into the little blackbird He Ziming had raised before.

Dragon horns, dragon scales, dragon skin, dragon claws, and dragon **** all flew towards the little black cricket.

Suddenly the situation changed.

He Ziming only felt a tingling in front of his eyes, it was dark in front of him, and he closed his eyes subconsciously, not knowing how long it had been. When he opened his eyes again, Xiao Hei became a mighty magic dragon.

The smoke dissipated, and the black dragon turned into a humanoid shape.

"Changming--" His face changed, suddenly pitiful, and suddenly the fairy was indifferent.

There are actually two consciousnesses in one body.

He Ziming froze.

"Tianmo, Tianmo is born! Disciples of Immortals will soon follow their respective divisions to meet the enemy and seal the Titan. Never let the world fall into a catastrophe. As soon as the Titan comes out, thousands of demons in the North Nether Demon Realm will be released, even if I wait Fighting with fate will never let the demons succeed! "

"The disciples follow me! Even if we use life as a wall, we must not let the evil spirits be born of misfortune!"

Tianmo was born, the situation changed, and the elders of the various immortal gates led the disciples in their respective gates to gather at Fuyaoshan Treasure Pavilion for the first time.

All monks were ready to die generously and to be heroic.

When the monk saw a rush of monks coming, a scornful ridiculous smile immediately erupted from his lips: "You can't help it."

He demolished the sword, and only swept at the large monk. The large monk was a low-level monk who rolled down the mountain like a snowball and even had no qualification to stand in front of the treasure hall.

The area where his sword swept away was to take the lead of Yun Xuzi and several other elders in the immortal gate, but he turned into a skull without any sound on the spot, exuding an unpleasant rotten blood.

Sweep the sword again-

He Ziming suddenly recognized the direction as several elders and teachers who were familiar with him, and immediately shouted, "Don't!"

"Chang Ming--"


He Ziming shouted loudly, and even the elders and brothers who had red eyes killed him when they recognized him, but did not expect that he was still alive, even when they looked at him with tears in their eyes.

He Ziming rushed to the magic sword immediately.

When the demon saw He Ziming, even if he would recover his mind, the red blood on his eyes would slowly disperse: "Brother--"

"Chang Ming--" The two voices sounded almost simultaneously inside the demon.

He Ziming looked at him, his eyes were red and his voice trembled: "Don't kill! You should pass me, you won't help the shaker."

"Okay." The demon faintly responded, immediately holding up He Ziming turned into a magic smoke and dissipated away.

He has just restored the body of the demon, he must satisfy his desire as a demon, even if it is not killing the world, it must be aside ...

The dragon has two half penis.

No matter which one, he needs He Ziming to satisfy his desire.

The demon stunned He Ziming to the devil's cave, and went crazy for seven days, then his demonism was suppressed and his mind was restored.

He will release He Ziming and restore his personality as Nie Yao. Poor Baba yelled, "Master ~"

At this time, after Yunhua and Nie Yao combined into one, he kept silent, as if stupid, He Ziming looked at Nie Yao, but suddenly laughed.

The magic was too late to ask him what was wrong.

At this moment, a thunder struck across the sky, hacking into the magic cave, the thunder whispered, and he hacked towards He Ziming and the demon.

When the demon stunned, he screamed, "The Devil Array?"

"Does the brother actually want to kill me? Does the brother think this area of ​​the demon formation can trap me?" He flickered to avoid the thunder formed by the demon formation.

He was trying to use magic to destroy this demonic array, not wanting this demonic array to be connected with He Ziming's soul.

He Ziming actually cast his own soul into this evil spirit array.

As soon as the evil spirit array was broken, He Ziming was also destined to lose his soul ...

The demon looked at him unbelievably outside.

"I once said that I would die with you. Would you like to be with me now?" He Ziming looked at him with a smirk, this time when he tried to use Xuanyuan sword to dispel Nie Yao's magic Under the cloth.

At that time he had already decided. If Nie Yao was destined to become a demon, he would die with him.

As a righteous monk, it is his duty to protect the world and protect the world.

He Ziming formed this array with his soul, which is to make sure that the devil can't kill him and destroy the array ... He also knows that the magical circle can't trap the demons, but he uses the soul as the array, and this is the way Demon's feelings for him.

Either this demon enters this gangster demon, willing to die with him ... or, this demon is watching his soul dissipate outside the field ...

The Moding looked at him, and immediately understood the meaning of He Ziming.

He smiled suddenly, when even willingly stepped into the demons array, watching He Ziming laughed lightly, first Nie Yao's voice asked: "Brother, do you want to be with me? Do you want to be with me forever? ? "

"Chang Ming, do you want the soul to fly away and be integrated with me and be chaotic?" Then Yunhua's voice.

He knew that he would die when he entered the Demon Array, and would become the last ending he wanted most. He would be chaotic, no longer exist, no trace would exist.

But with Gu Changming's words with him, he felt that everything that he was most afraid of before was not so terrible.

As long as you are with Gu Changming, it is happiness to him ... No matter as a demon, Yunhua or Nie Yao ...

The demon knew that after entering the slayer, he would be split into coke with Gu Changming, and his soul would be scattered, but he was not afraid, even expecting, because at the first moment of being shattered, he knew that he and Gu Changming were both In the battlefield, the fragments of the soul's body must be scattered.

This can be regarded as an alternative spiritual and physical unity.

Together forever.

This kind of together is even longer and more eternal than their physical together.

He Ziming looked at him, knowing that he had no other choice at this moment, he just smiled softly and said, "Okay."

Take a step forward and embrace with the demon.

Tian Lei couldn't stop slicing in the Demon Array, He Ziming and Tian De embraced and suffered together.

The Mozhuang array ran for three days and three nights. He Ziming and Tianmo willingly, Gan Zhiru's split into coke, even the soul was split, no longer exists, and he became chaos.

Tianlei stopped, and the demon domain ceased to exist.

It was sunny after rain.

The demons disappeared, and the wild catastrophes disappeared randomly. At the last moment, Nie Yao gave up his role as a demon and chose to return to the same place as Gu Changming. He put down his butcher knife and became a Buddha.

As for the demons, chaos is willingness, and the chaos of repaying the wish is the ascension.

The author has something to say: I don't know if this is he or Be.

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