He Ziming heard the words of the system before realizing that all of this turned out to be a beautiful misunderstanding.

The original Prince-in-law He Ziming did know that the death of Queen Yuan was related to Concubine Rong, but in fact he didn't know much. The pot of Queen Yuan's death at that time fell on the concubine's head. The original body He Ziming accidentally learned One or two, I only thought that Rong Fei was a **** running as a concubine, and I didn't know that this weak and timid Rong Fei was the culprit who killed the Queen Queen, and the concubine was just a shame.

Therefore, he struggled, and did not want the young He Zisheng to be killed by such a mother, and concealed it, but it was not so serious that he gave up his mother's hatred for the sake of brotherhood.

As for He Zisheng is not the blood of the royal family, but the matter of the former prince abandoning his prince and his descendants, he is completely ignorant ... Otherwise, in the end, he would not watch He Zisheng sit on the throne without revealing it all.

But all these original He Ziming didn't know, but He Ziming who has read this world script is clear. He is not a person in this world, and he doesn't care if He Zisheng is a royal bloodline. He doesn't want to prevent him from taking the throne. He only knows that He Zisheng is the destiny of this world, and he is destined to be on the throne.

It is his attitude that he seems to know everything but does not care about anything, which indirectly led to He Zisheng's concealment that He Ziming knew far more than he knew ... and why He Ziming did so Because of him, because of the brotherhood between them ...

The current He Zisheng even thought that He Ziming was in a turbulent mood. His perverse character was also a backlog in his heart. To hide too many contradictions, he became what he is now. He was so moved by He Ziming that he was grateful. To the point where it cannot be added.

In this regard, He Ziming: "..."

Although He Ziming clearly knew that the original owner did not know that Rong Fei was the culprit who killed the Empress Yuan, and he did not know that He Zisheng was not a royal bloodline, and even the temperament from sunshine to surrender was only a small part because he was ashamed of his mother and did not say Rong Fei participated in the 'Queen's Case' and protected He Zisheng, but the main reason was that he found out that he was a hard man only for men, and he still liked to do the bottom sleeve.

However, as a fast-wearing person, since this effect has been achieved, He Ziming is also unable to take the initiative to stir up anyway. He has to adapt to development to make this beautiful misunderstanding deeper and deeper.

After discovering evidence of He Zisheng's elimination of clues related to the event of that year, He Ziming immediately participated in one of them to help the son of destiny to erase the evidence that was fatal to him, and further confirmed that he knew everything and had been Conceal the misunderstanding of protecting He Ziming.

The participation of the Prince's forces helped to destroy the evidence that made He Zisheng's subordinates much more efficient. As the owner of the 'Sky Eye', He Zisheng also learned the first time that the Prince's forces were involved in helping him destroy those who could He had fatal evidence.

"Master, you are so powerful that even the Crown Prince's power can be used. It is really high." He Zisheng's subordinates praised He Zisheng's wiseness.

He Zisheng watched the Prince's forces take the initiative to help him cover up his non-royal bloodlines and cleaned the dossier of the year, but his mind was mixed.

He Ziming's affection for him ... is it really so deep?

Since then, He Zisheng's look at He Ziming's eyes has become more and more complicated, and she is as focused as looking at a rare flower.

"His Royal Highness ..." He Zisheng called He Ziming unconsciously, and wanted to ask why He Ziming was so good to him, and why he had to bear so much for him.

He Ziming looked at him fiercely: "What's wrong?"

But when the words came to an end, He Zisheng asked nothing, because he knew He Ziming would not answer him. So he just shook his head: "Nothing."

"Good-looking loneliness, asking you alone, you don't speak? It's a pussy's rubbish, it's an unproductive child!" He Ziming scolded him, then lowered his head and continued his business.

He Zisheng looked down at his focused face, but he felt something quiet and quiet.

"Drip! You can increase the favorability of the character He Zisheng by 5 points. At present, the player favorability of the host is 75 points." The system's increased favorability sounded again in He Ziming's mind.

He Ziming was not shocked on the surface, but he was very excited and said to the system: "Hey, in just a few days, He Zisheng has such a high degree of affection for me. It seems that the tasks in this world are pretty good, and I am probably fast. Can complete the task. "

He Ziming, who loves and loves his team, feels that his business ability is getting higher and higher! Nobody.

"He Zisheng's favorability towards you is really leaping forward and becoming very high. But stupid host, you have to know that your target is Gu Chen, not He Zisheng ... Prince Tai wants to become Gu Chen's Bai Yueguang, It's not He Zisheng's! "However, the system hit He Ziming extremely ruthlessly and broke his fantasy.

He Ziming: "..."

Yes, my target is Gu Chen, not He Zisheng.

"Of course I know that my target is Gu Chen, not He Zisheng. The sons of destiny have such a high degree of affection, can the men's male Gu Chen still have a high degree of favorability?" He Ziming was also anxious about his IQ in his heart. Then for a second, but in order to maintain his dignified and dignified image in front of the system, he still pretended to be inscrutable to the system.


He Zisheng's favorability is so high, can Gu Chen's favorability be far behind? It's an artificial intelligence that can't understand the causality and logic between these two sentences.

Gu Chen secretly loved He Zisheng. The stupid host brushed He Zisheng's favorability so high, didn't he want to change the enemy's rhythm with the target?

He Ziming didn't talk to the stupid system any more, but started to plan for himself. Gu Chen started to make the next plan.

The plot has now progressed to the conflict between the Crown Prince He Ziming and the second prince in the court because of political disagreements. The second prince was resentful and did not dare to move the prince, so he was taught a fierce lesson to follow the Crown Prince as a running dog He Zisheng, without any support, had a meal.

After He Ziming brushed a wave of goodwill at Gu Chen, when he rushed to the blocked palace path of He Zisheng, He Zisheng was being pressed to the ground by the second prince, and the second prince was beating He Zisheng.

"His Royal Highness Four ..." Gu Chen was shocked when he saw this, and rushed to separate the second guard who was beating He Zisheng and his guard.

He Ziming's reaction was much more exaggerated than he was. He saw that he rushed forward and punched the second prince alive with a punch in the face of the second prince: "Fuck his mother He Zizhang!"

He Zizhang gave him a slap, and he couldn't return to God for a long time. The people next to him saw that he was a prince, and for a moment no one dared to come and stop.

He Zisheng was still a teenager and was beaten up. As the lowest end of the food chain among the princes, he fell to the ground and couldn't climb for a long time.

He was supported by Gu Chen. He watched He Ziming give He Zizhang a punch, but he never thought that He Ziming would actually act for the second prince who is currently fighting against him in the court.

"Brother Huanghuang, what are you doing?" He Zizhang had no idea that He Ziming would actually take the initiative to beat He Zisheng himself.

He Ziming looked at the poor He Zisheng, but kicked to the lower abdomen of He Zizhang, kicking the other side far away: "Of course, what you do, what you are doing alone."

"Kekeke, big emperor, He Zisheng is disrespectful to me, as my elder brother taught him a lesson, but the big emperor treats me like this to protect him, it would be too much. My mother and concubine is Guo Guifei "He vomited a bite of blood and managed to get up from the ground, but he said," Isn't the emperor afraid of being in front of the emperor? It's not good-looking? For your dog, you treat your brother like this. "

After the death of Empress Yuan, the old emperor did not re-establish the queen. Guo Guifei was the highest concubine concubine in the harem and was the co-deputy. Even if He Ziming was the prince, she was against her, and beating her son in this way would not be gratifying.

"Brother ..."

"His Royal Highness ..."

Gu Chen and He Zisheng both opened their mouths very worried and wanted to persuade him.

"Shut up! Who will you call Brother Guhuang? Have the dogs been fed by the rules? Have you forgotten?" He Ziming stared at He Zisheng who fell to the ground fiercely before he turned his eyes to He Zizhang and said, "First, in He Zisheng on the clan table is also the son of the father and the emperor. It is you and my brothers and sisters. Second, you are not alone for him, but because you do not respect the crown prince, and you are the crown prince as your brother. Naturally, I will give you a lesson. So that you know that the monarch and the minister are different! "

He Zizhang asked: "Big brother, why don't you make sense? Don't you be afraid that I will get in front of my father?"

"If you want to make trouble, you can make trouble. If you are alone, you have to see if you are really in front of your father. Will the father be on his side or on your side! He is fearless." He Ziming sneered, but There is no fear.

He Zizhang had to grit his teeth and swallow the bitter water into his stomach.

Given the eccentricity of the old emperor to He Ziming, it is not necessary to think about which side he will stand on.

"He's just a dog of the emperor. Doesn't the emperor himself often humiliate him? Why, the emperor can learn from him, and my brother-in-law can't teach the **** produced by a humble emperor. Is it? But because of the low-quality He Zisheng was beaten, He Zizhang was still not convinced, and watching He Zisheng couldn't bear the yin and yang's strange voice.

He Ziming glared at him fiercely, saying verbatim: "You know he is an lonely man, and he is veiled alone. A lonely man can teach by himself, but it does not mean that anyone can learn kinetic energy."

"The person who moves the lone has to pay the price, otherwise he is hitting the face of the lone ... this time, the lone is just a tooth for a tooth, to give you a lesson, what will happen next time, the lonely can not guarantee." He threatened.

He Zizhang was not his opponent. He beat his brother because he had made mistakes before, and it was not easy for him to go to the emperor. He had no choice but to swallow his teeth and swallow his blood in his stomach, and put only one sentence: "The green mountains will not change, the green water will flow for a long time, big brother, let's walk and see!"

He walked away with his own followers.

He Ziming has done a lot in this kind of thing. He Ziming can be said to have copied him originally.

However, people's thoughts are different in different moods. He Ziming taught the second prince in the last life. He Zisheng only thought that He Ziming was because he had to fight with the dog. He didn't think He Ziming was angry for himself. He maintained his own face, and he was beaten because of He Ziming. He was more and more hated by He Ziming and He Zizhang, who were interested in it ...

Now that He Zisheng has determined that He Ziming's fierce appearance has a caring and caring heart, now he sees that He Ziming does everything for himself, and even thinks that He Ziming did it for him. And Guo Guifei.

"Brother Huang, you shouldn't do this for me? The Guo family is very powerful on the court. It is not good for you to hit the second prince ..." He Zisheng stood up and walked to He Ziming's side.

He Ziming shook off his hand rather impatiently: "Get away! It ’s less self-confident, whoever offends the second prince and the Guo family for you. Gu is trying to find his face, so He Zizhang knows that he is alone. It ’s not that he can move at will. The Guo family, Gu Gu, is not in his eyes yet. "

He couldn't help but correct what He Zisheng called him.

He Zisheng looked at him like this, but suddenly he grinned suddenly.

He just felt that He Ziming had a disgusting face and looked fierce, but in fact he was proud and could not be better for himself.

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