Ryan looks like a cat-shaped orc, with two cat ears hidden in his fluffy short hair. After Adam touched He Ziming's head, He Ziming almost immediately responded to this posture in a physiological reaction, and with the generous palm of Adam, he slowly and comfortably curled up.

Adam was stunned by him.

Looking down, I saw that the little Asian Orc, who was dirty when he was rescued by himself, was very clean and cute, with bright eyes, as pure and innocent as a newborn baby, with clear eyelashes and blinking eyes, It's dark.

Adam shook him, and his heart jumped immediately, and the whole person softened unconsciously.

He Ziming saw the cat-like hands with conditioned reflexes immediately and hugged Adam's arm.

The picture between them looks very harmonious.

The old chief looked at it on the spot, but he couldn't think of how his own children liked this look so ferocious that other orcs were far from respect.

He Ziming did not hesitate to hold Adam's arm. The world of fools is extremely simple. He doesn't understand the evil and terrible in the eyes of others. He just likes this person's goodwill released by himself and starts to like this person. Already.

Adam stunned and tried to pull his arm back from He Ziming.

He Ziming didn't want to let go. Only two of them worked hard. The corner of He Ziming's mouth was an uncontrollable physiological flow of sticky saliva, which dropped directly onto Adam's hand.

Everyone who saw Adam's fierce fame sees this scene, they all hold their breath unconsciously, for fear that Adam's emotional out of control will hurt Ryan because of this.

But unexpectedly, Adam not only did not show disgust and dirt, but also took a handkerchief from his sleeve, very different from the rumors, and helped He Ziming carefully clean his mouth, The chin is drooling.

"Brother is good." He Ziming held Adam's arm and immediately smiled happily, and he kissed Adam in the hand: "I like brother."

Although Krynn was a bit disgusted with Ryan in the heart, she didn't know why it was awkward when she saw this scene. Taking a step forward and glancing at Adam, he frowned, "Thank you, this warrior, you can let Ryan go. We take care. "

Even if he didn't like it, Ryan was also his future companion, how could he be so close to another orc in front of so many people?

"Yes, Lord Chief." Although Adam is well-known, he is not an unruly person. He knows that Krynn is Ryan's future companion, and Ryan is just a stranger who meets each other. He broke his arm held by Ryan and was going to leave.

He stayed here only to worry about the Asian Orc's injury.

Now that Ryan was OK, he planned to leave.

Kerion was satisfied with Adam's taste, and just planned to nod.

He Ziming was holding Adam ’s arm and he refused to give up. It was unreasonable to make trouble. As soon as Adam's hand was taken away, he would make a noise: “No, I want brother, brother ...”

"Ryan, listen to Brother Krion's words, let go." Krion's face sank immediately when he saw this, and he forced He Ziming to let go of Adam's hand.

But He Ziming refused to say anything: "I don't, I don't, I don't ..."

Seeing how Ryan couldn't let go, Kerion's face couldn't help getting ugly.

"Adam, why are you here?" Seeing his own baby son and Kryan making a bit ugly, the old chief stepped forward immediately, intending to divert the topic.

When the old chief said this, everyone in the room looked at Adam.

Yeah, how could Adam be here?

It was a mess just now, and everyone couldn't remember the problem.

Adam frowned, and was about to speak.

He Ziming took the first step and shouted elatedly at the old chief: "Father, it was my brother who saved me, my brother saved me ... good brother, good brother."

In the last life, because Ryan was injured, everyone was very nervous. Adam did n’t ask for credit, and he was always standing in the corner. No one had thought of paying attention to Adam, the benefactor who saved Ryan. Corian only used a little reward. With a few verbal apologies, Adam was sent out just as he was screaming Hanako.

When the old chief passed the energy of caring for his son and remembered the benefactor who saved his son, he knew that Kerion had already given thanks and thanked him, so he didn't think about it.

Ryan is a fool. He just likes Adam in his heart. He has a good feeling for him. When he encounters an aggressive situation, he can't think of such a thorough and good thing for Adam.

But Lane is a fool, but He Ziming is not--

In order to fulfill Ryan's wish, He Ziming wanted everyone to know that Adam was the benefactor who saved Ryan and let the old chief thank him.

"Adam, it was you who saved Lane." When the old chief heard He Ziming's words, his face turned to Adam immediately, his face filled with gratitude: "Why didn't you just say it? Thank you so much, I have only Ryan under my lap, and if he has three strengths and two weaknesses, I would not want to live. "

The old chief was grateful. Even if he gave Adam the highest thanks to the etiquette of the Diya tribe: "You saved Ryan, if there is anything you need, or where it is available to me, as long as I can do it, I You must do whatever you want. "

"Yeah, Adam. Although you have anything you need to say, this time you saved Ryan, my father and I must do everything we can to help you." Kerion opened the mouth after seeing the old chief, and followed him mouth.

But Adam shook his head: "No need, old chief. I should save Lord Lane, let alone Lord Lane. Even if any Asian orc fell into a trap, I would save it. Protect Asia Orcs, that ’s the job of the orcs. I do n’t need any compensation or thanks. "

"Furthermore, Lord Lane is so cute and can save him. It is my honor not to let him be an Asian orc." Adam was a little bit upset. Krynn's eyes were high, and he looked down on people, but his eyes swept away When he arrived in Lane, he was glad again.

Fortunately, fortunately, I passed by there and rescued Lane in time so that Lane didn't let something go wrong.

This is also why the former Corian took something at random and sent him in disgrace. He did not speak up, but only tolerated it in silence ...

He rescued Ryan as his deserved duty, not for remuneration and gratitude.

Kryan listened to Adam's words, and his eyes flashed with disdain and contempt. He only felt that the other party was extremely hypocritical, but his face was covered up very quickly, and he was not seen.

The old chief heard Adam's words, and in addition, Adam saved Ryan, but he changed a lot about him. He felt that the son of the world friend was not as fierce as rumored, but rather a very responsible man.

The old chief patted Adam's shoulder with relief, and said, "How can that work? After all, you saved Ryan, and then said that the two of us are friends, even if it is in the love of your late parents, I It's time to take care of you ... "

"So, now you can have serious errands to do? If not, it ’s up to your uncle to arrange an errand for you in the tribe. You follow Crynn and they defend our Diya tribe. How about it?" He is no longer a chief, but he is still very prestigious and powerful in the tribe. Even the current chief Kerian is not in a position to go against his meaning.

Adam frowned, trying to push back.

He saved people as a matter of course, not because he intended to exchange them for something.

"Okay, this is good." Just then, He Ziming was a La Adam's hand, and some unreasonable claps clapped for him: "Brother, this is good, this is good."

Adam didn't know how to talk to Ryan who knew nothing.

The old chief simply thought that he had promised: "Look, we have said well. Adam, don't push it anymore, I will arrange it for you tomorrow."

At the scene Adam Adam was just about to quit the errands and opportunities that came out of nowhere, and was about to leave.

He Ziming suddenly took his hand and asked very seriously: "Brother is going away? Brother will come to see Ryan tomorrow. Will he come to see Ryan every day and play with Ryan?"

Ryan's wish is to be friends with Adam. He Ziming cannot let him go. He must seize the opportunity to make time with Adam and become friends with each other.

"I ..." Just when Adam didn't know how to answer.

The old chief quickly stepped forward to appease his child: "Ryan obediently, brother Adam has his own work to do every day. He can't play with you every day, and his father plays with you every day, OK?"

Ryan is already twenty years old, but because of his low intelligence, he will always be a five or six year old in the eyes of the old chief.

The reason why the old chief retired from the chief's seat so early and passed the chief's seat to Kerion is partly because he is old, but more is that he wants more. Time with my little Ryan.

"No, no. Ryan wants elder brother, elder brother, father, and Ryan wants elder brother." He Ziming took advantage of being a fool in this world, rolling all kinds of things and making troubles: "Brother doesn't come to see Ryan every day, Ryan would not eat, he would not eat. "

According to the memory of the original owner Ryan, using this trick to threaten the old chief was almost a hundred attempts.

Sure enough, He Ziming said so. The old chief immediately looked at Adam and asked in a deliberated tone: "Adam, look at Ryan as such a wayward ... He rarely likes a person so much, you see ... Can you spare some time, Not much, just come and see him in your free time. "

"Ryan has no friends. He is always lonely," he said.

Adam hesitated, and agreed to the old chief's request that he had time to play with Ryan: "Okay ... if I have time, I will come and play with Ryan."

He likes this little orc like a kitten.

Pure, like like a child.

He Ziming seemed to understand what he meant, knowing that Adam would promise to come and play with him often, and immediately he got to Adam, and said happily: "Brother, pull hook, brother pull hook, pull the hook for a hundred years!"

He said, holding out his little thumb to Adam's hand, and motioned to the other side to pull hooks.

"Okay, let's pull the hook and hang it for a hundred years and don't change it." Adam froze, and even if he stretched out his little thumb, he hooked gently with He Ziming.

Looking at He Ziming, he almost felt that his whole heart was about to melt.

He Ziming was too excited, and the corners of his mouth drooled unconsciously. Adam didn't see the slightest dislike, but stepped forward, very carefully using a handkerchief to wipe him up, careful and careful.

The old chief was relieved to look at the scene in front of her.

Kerion looked at the scene where they got along well, but unconsciously, his face was cold. He did not expect that Ryan would like a fierce lion-shaped orc.

Although he didn't necessarily like Ryan much, he couldn't stand the Asian orc who belonged to him and looked at the other orc with such intent attention.

But Ryan was a fool, but he couldn't blame Ryan.

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