He Ziming noticed that Krion was in a bad mood early in the morning, and she understood what Zha Gong was thinking now. Looking at Corian, who is now drunk all day and slumped, not only does he have no sympathy, but also the urge to laugh.

All of this is now what Krion deserves.

So, watching the whole person write about the decadent Kerion, he not only did not go around, but even deliberately stepped forward to concern the other party: "What happened to Brother Kerion? Are you sick? Or unhappy?"

The more Corien didn't want to see him, the more he had to appear in front of the other side and insert a knife into the other's heart.

In the original world, because of his foolishness and trust in Yi Wen, killed the entire tribe, killed Lane, and killed the old chief ... He Ziming asked him to pay the price now, lose everything, and regret the rest of his life. among……

Keruien was red for the moment when she saw He Ziming, and her emotions were out of control: "Ryan!"

He regretted what he had done.

Sure enough, such a thing happened, everyone in the tribe couldn't wait for him to disappear, only Ryan, only Ryan would treat him as always, and found out his emotional loss in the first time, cared for him, treated him well, never He will not dislike him.

"Brother Corien, are you in a bad mood? I'll give you sugar. Every time I'm unhappy, my father will give me sugar, and I will be very happy, give it!" He Ziming glanced out at him Painful, but still made a naive, ignorant of the world, opened a pair of clear and innocent eyes, like a treasure, and carefully took out a sugar that was about to melt out of his arms, Handed it to Krynn.

Kerion carefully took the sugar from He Ziming's hands, and was so moved.

This was Ryan's favorite thing, and he was willing to give himself to him. The moment he took the sugar, he felt as if he had taken Ryan's whole heart.

He just put the sugar in his mouth, and felt the sweetness of the bones instantly.

"Is it delicious? Brother Krion." He Ziming opened his clear eyes and looked at him nicely.

Kerion choked and said, "Okay ... delicious."

Tears were almost coming out of his eyes. He looked at He Ziming, and stretched out his hand, just like he touched his head like before.

He didn't realize before that Ryan looked so beautiful and so cute!

But Kerion's hand had not yet felt the familiar temperature, and He Ziming turned her head away from the big palm he stroked.

"Ryan?" Kerion was a little surprised, because Ryan had never escaped his closeness and touch before, but rather enjoyed it.

He Ziming didn't open his eyes, took a few steps back subconsciously, and saw Krien's tears, but he stepped forward with concern: "Brother Krien, why are you crying?"

Kerion raised his hand numbly to touch his cheek, only to find that he was crying. He cleared his throat, but said: "Brother Corin is okay, brother Corin is just sad. Why isn't Ryan willing to talk to Corin Brother is close? Are you even letting me touch your head now? Uh? "

Kerion has a very good look among the orcs, and when he wants to be gentle, he can be gentle to the extreme.

He desperately wanted to go back and go back in time.

Go back to the days when you were close to Ryan and trusted by Ryan.

He Ziming took a step backwards at a loss.

"What's wrong? Ryan can't even let Kerion touch you now? You forgot, did you say that you like Brother Kerion the most?" Kerion was pressing harder.

He looked at He Ziming like watching some precious prey, with a gentle voice, like coaxing a child, and bewildered, "Come here! Let Brother Krien touch you, okay?"

He desperately wanted to feel Ryan's temperature.

He Ziming looked at him hesitantly, but what he was doing was playing with his fingers, and whispered, "I'm engaged to brother Adam, and I'm about to get married soon. My father and brother Adam said that I am already brother of Adam The orc is no longer close to other orcs. "

He looks as if he doesn't understand the meaning of these words, like a child learning adult words, and draws the words out of his mouth ...

He didn't understand, but the words spoken in such a performance were the most appealing.

Krynn's head ran out of steam, and his heart hurt with tears, only to remember that Ryan was about to get married, and he was another orc sub-beast.

"Brother Kerion, I'm sorry ..." He Ziming looked as if he didn't know why he wanted to apologize, but looking at Kerian's loneliness, he was overwhelmed and chose to apologize.

At this time, Krien suddenly smelled Ryan's body, a strong taste of belonging to another orc.

How can the orcs leave a taste on the Asian orcs, just like marking the territories? That must be very close, very close, the entire body was licked by the orcs with saliva, in order to leave such a violent taste.

When he had a marriage contract with Ryan, he never did anything too close to Ryan, but Adam was different from him. It was an orc who had been rejected by the beast for decades and had never been close to the beast. They were just engaged. Adam couldn't wait to kiss Ryan, and now they were getting married.

Whenever Krynn thought of what Adam might have done to Ryan, he clenched his hands unconsciously into a fist, his eyes were covered with red blood, almost red.

I feel bad for myself.

Ryan didn't understand anything, it was Adam, it was Adam who tarnished him and spoiled him.

Kerion couldn't help but reached out and grabbed He Ziming, almost wanting to speak and take him away: "Lyan!"

"Brother Kerion?" He Ziming was startled.

Kerion moved his lips, trying to say something.

"Ryan, what are you doing?" Just then, a voice came from behind them.

It's Adam ...

Krien woke up to God, as if he had been arrested on the spot in secret, and hurriedly let go of He Ziming.

He Ziming broke away from his men, and immediately jumped to Adam: "Brother Adam, I just saw Brother Kryan crying, I gave him a candy to eat!"

Adam naturally knew He Ziming's temperament. He only watched Kerion with a warning eye, declaring that sovereignty generally deterred him not to be close to Lane, and then looked down to He Ziming, his eyes became tender: "It's not too early Now, my father is waiting for us to eat, we should go home. "

He said that he touched He Ziming's head with two cat ears very close.

He Ziming obediently touched him and enjoyed slapping under the palm of his hand, and then raised his toes happily, and slammed a kiss on Adam's face, and said happily, "Okay! "

"Let's go." Adam didn't talk to Corrien, but he naturally took He Ziming's hand in front of Corrien.

"Okay." He Ziming said a good little voice, suddenly remembered something, and looked back at him with joy and said, "Goodbye, brother Krion!"

He seemed to have no resentment, and completely forgot the day of Adam's accident. He had said that he hated Kerion, who was a bad guy and was happy all day.

Together, they walked away in the setting sun.

Only Krynn remained alone, watching them in silence, feeling that his whole heart seemed empty ...

"Brother Adam, I want to sit on the big lion! You become a big lion, shall I go home? I don't want to go home!" Not far away, He Ziming also heard Adam's coquettish voice.

He Ziming's thief likes the big lion that Adam turned into.

Sitting on him, lying on him was like a big sofa, soft and comfortable.

Moreover, there is a sense of prestige riding a beast.

Adam was very fond of him, and he wanted to touch He Ziming's cat ears, and he agreed, "Okay."

When he shakes his body, he becomes his own beast. First, he licked He Ziming's entire Asian beast with his big tongue, making He Ziming a little itchy. Haha laughed, and took He Ziming's camel on his back with great care. He Ziming was running away.

After seeing Ryan, Kerion suddenly became more decadent, and his alcoholism became more and more intense, as if he wanted to avoid something.

As the days went on, even the old chieftain couldn't stand it any longer. He couldn't help but call him back and talk to him, and he persuaded him not to degenerate like this.

Standing in the home of the old chief who hasn't come back for a long time, watching him play with Ryan from an early age, where he grew up, Kerion unconsciously pulled out the string of bells left by the life-saving beast Asia Beast. Looking at it for a long time, never returned to God.

This has happened many times.

However, this time he was not thinking about the life-saving benefactor, but was thinking that if such an Asian orc had never appeared in his life, it would be good if he remembered his childhood kindness.

In that case, he and Ryan will live well and live happily.

It won't be like today.

Kerion looked at the bells in a heavy and complicated mood, closed his eyes suddenly, as if he was going to say goodbye to his past, and threw the bells out the window.

Just then, another person behind Krien suddenly snatched the string of bells in his hand, surprised: "Well! Isn't this the string of bells that Lord Ryan lost for more than ten years? How could it be in the hands of the Chief , I remember losing it for more than ten years! "

He was the caregiver of Ryan who grew up.

"This ... this bell is, is it Lane? Are you sure?" Krynn listened to him for a while, unbelievable.

The nursing mother looked at the bell carefully, and rejoiced with affirmation: "No, this is still the wife Mrs. Ryan played when he was alive. This pattern, I will not admit it, look at this there is also Mr. Ryan as a child What are the traces left by accidentally falling? This is the string, and I wo n’t admit it. When we lost it, we looked back and forth for a long time, but we did n’t find it, it ’s been more than ten years. ... "

"Master Corinn, how did you find it?" She asked.

Kerion's brain was empty.

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