Lou Ye is a very proud man in his bones, that is, his clothes are cheap and shabby, and he does not know the social customs of many high-level social occasions. When he was pulled in, he was not frightened or humble.

He Ziming admired his calmness, but his face was not obvious. They sat in the box and sat down without saying a word, and He Ziming called the waiter for a dozen premium wines.

Lou Ye quietly watched him pretend, but he said nothing before He Ziming spoke.

He Ziming brewed his emotions, and poured a few glasses of spirits. Without saying a word, he drank himself by himself.

Lou Yan watched silently, although he didn't know what he was doing, he never stopped him.

He Ziming deliberately considered himself, flushed his cheeks slightly, his eyes flushed, and at the first glance, Jiu Jin was up, he stood up sharply and put the glass “咣 当” on the table, facing Lou Ye changed his embarrassment, and he suddenly jumped up and opened the door to see the mountain road: "Lou Ye, do you know? Actually, I've always been jealous of you, seeing you as unpleasant."

Lou Yan did not expect that he would say so, but he ridiculed his lips.

He Ziming knew that if he wanted to improve the relationship with Lou Ye, the first thing he had to do was turn him into a jade and change Lou Ye's view of him. The first step to change Lou Ye's view of him was frankness and scrutiny ...

He Ziming staggered to him by the strength of wine, dragged Lou's collar to lift him off the sofa, and said, "Lou Lou, I am really **** very jealous and jealous of you, very I want you to disappear from this world. "

Lou Zheng frowned coldly, and pulled He Ziming's hand away from his body, which was an effortless effort to lift He Ziming to the sofa on one side.

He thought that this idiot had been learned by the Zhou family's homeowner and learned cleverly, so he took this trip with him. He did not expect He Ziming to come here again and start looking for his own stubble.

There is almost no cure.

Lou Yan didn't want to waste time on him, he just wanted to leave.

Behind him came He Ziming's crying whimper, muttering whether he was asking him or asking himself: "Why? Why? Why is it that I am not as good as you? I like you, don't like me ... this is my father, so is Fang Yu. Why is this? "

"Obviously ... I'm obviously the young master of the Zhou family, and you're just the son of a bodyguard." He wept.

Lou Ye didn't like to see him just like his dog-eye look. He thought he was stupid and ridiculous, disdain to communicate with him, opened the door of the box and planned to leave.

However, He Ziming stumped and hugged his waist from behind, stopping him from letting him go, as if drunk: "Tell me, why is this? Obviously I am my father's Son, he is so indifferent and disgusted with me, but he applauds you for being false, thinks that I am a fool, but thinks that you are a buildable person? And Fang Yu, it is clear that he and I have been friends with each other since childhood When he grew up, he turned against me for you and me? "

Zhou Zhiming didn't understand, he really didn't understand, his existence seemed to reflect the glory of Lou Lou.

Lou Yan didn't want to talk to a drunk. He raised his hand and wanted to tear He Ziming away from him.

He Ziming used techniques to make him unable to get away, just like a drunk, lingering on him and asked: "Why? You tell me, what are you doing for?"

"I'm obviously the young master of the Zhou family, my dad's son ... I'm richer than you, have a family background, you're just the son of a bodyguard, why do they just like you and don't like me?" He murmured. .

Lou Yan was so annoyed by him that he frowned in disgust and responded coldly: "You should ask yourself this question instead of me?"

He Ziming was present at the scene, as if he had been washed away by Jiu Jin, and stopped, as if he would not move anymore, and looked at the house foolishly.

"Also, didn't you say that? You are the young master of the Zhou family, and I'm just the son of a bodyguard. You were born at the end, but I have to work hard from the starting line ... I and you have never been A class of people, in this case, what else can you be jealous of me? "Lou Yan dragged his hand from his waist and looked at Zhou Zhiming's silly appearance, but he felt better than before. Many, when he saw that he was really drunk, he was no longer pretending, and his mouth was a bit piercing to speak out his lungs.

He really didn't understand Zhou Zhiming ...

To be honest, if he were Zhou Zhiming instead, he would not be jealous of Lou.

He Ziming hugged his head and squatted down, but said, "That's because I have nothing but my own family except Master Zhou."

Lou Ye heard him inadvertently, but he was surprised.

He never knew that Zhou Zhiming had always thought of him as the master of the Zhou family, but he was the son of a bodyguard.

Of course, he never disdains, too lazy to understand what Zhou Zhiming is thinking.

"Lou Lou, I'm really, really jealous of you. I'm jealous of your father and mother, your parents are so good to you, and a younger sister sticks to you called brother, and the family is so happy, unlike me I have n’t had a mother since I was a kid. My dad has always hated me, always thought that my mother killed my mother, never talked to me, did n’t care about me, and often scolded me that I was idle and useless. Unlike his son ... We grew up together from a young age, my family has won you a lot, but everyone around you seems to be unconsciously attracted to you to be friends with you, and you will have heart and lungs, and even if I have friends, It ’s just a friend of wine and meat ... ”He Ziming seemed drunk:“ Fang Yu has known me for a longer time than you. He is one of all my friends who is most sincere to me, but he broke up with me for you. Faceless. "

Lou Ye said nothing and listened quietly.

However, He Ziming held his old enemies by the spirit of wine and burst into tears: "I know I'm not prosperous, I know my qualifications are mediocre, but why? Why should someone like you appear beside me? My appearance As if it existed to set you back, I can't compare with you, and I can't catch up with you no matter how hard I try .. People around me see you, but I just feel more useless. "

"I might not have been so bad, but because of your existence, I have become even worse. There is already a person like me in this world, why should I put you in such a close distance? "He Ziming said:" I saw you and compared with you. My father is even more dissatisfied with me. He always puts me in a position where I can't learn from you, and it is less than one tenth of your mouth. He always says I don't. There is no way to learn ... I want to learn too, but I just can't learn, Lou. "

"You and my father have always had a common topic. There are many things that you don't need to teach. He just needs to say a word and you can understand it a little bit. And I, and I ... no matter how many times I listen, how many times I learn, I I just do n’t understand, Lou Lou ... ”Zhou Zhiming is most envious of his father ’s appreciation and love for Lou Lou.

Although he is the son of Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou has never cared about him since he was a child, and never once.

Lou Zheng looked at him crazy, and did not expect Zhou Zhiming to think so in such a long time.

He has a cool nature and a cold heart. Even if there are so many people who like him, he has never thought about it, and sometimes even feels troublesome, but he did not expect that Zhou Zhiming, who was a young master, was so full of emotions and crazy. Thirst for such things and presence ...

But how does feeling and caring about a person feel?

The house floor didn't quite understand.

He Ziming turned upside down and burst into tears: "Sometimes, I really feel that the whole world revolves around you. Everything you don't have is at your fingertips, and I ... and I have already Nothing. "

Zhou Zhiming always likes to see him as the young master of the Zhou family, and Lou Ye is just the son of a bodyguard hanging on his mouth. It looks like he has no one in his eyes and his eyes are higher than the top. But in fact, his bones are full of inferiority.

Because, apart from his family and identity, he could not go upstairs.

This was also the main reason why he later learned that he was even a family member, and that the house master was so crazy and unscrupulous when he was the Master Zhou.

Without this, he has nothing.

Lou Ye stayed out of sight, as if watching a play, watching He Ziming turned upside down and upside down.

He Ziming took a deep breath, but forced him into the play: "But, why? Lou Lou, so many people like you, love you, do you really deserve these feelings? Yes , I admit, you are indeed a genius, but do you really have feelings? "

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lou Yan opened his hand, his voice cold.

He is naturally cool and a natural lack of affection, but he doesn't think Zhou Zhiming can see this stupid person.

He Ziming was drunk, but he laughed and said, "Don't pretend, Lou. I can see that you have no feelings at all. You are a monster, and you have been disguising yourself as a normal person ... Fang Yu has been I like you and I love you secretly. Do you think I can't see that you already knew it, but you've been pretending not to know it, not talking about it, hanging him, squeezing the value he can give you? Um. "

"You look so helpful and all-encompassing. In fact, you are a person who is afraid of others to trouble you. If you do n’t use value, you do n’t even bother to care about it? Everything you do is purposeful. You are now The only thing that appears to you is your skin, your mask. "He sneered:" You are cold from the bones. "

It is not without reason that Zhou Zhiming and Lou Yan became rivals in the original world story. One of them thought that the other was stupid and poisonous, while the other thought that the other was pretending and pretending ...

In the eyes of each other, are not good things.

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