"boom~!"Another gunshot.

Once again, Lin Fan beat everyone else and ran out two or three meters first.

This time, no one was shouting about stop.

Of course, the company commander and platoon commander over there didn't wait for Lin Fan to finish before checking the surveillance!

Even the veteran holding the computer quickly brought up the surveillance screen without asking the company commander, and then slowed down and started playing!

However, this is a matter of scene.

On the track, Lin Fan was leading everyone, and he pressed the timer in his hand less than a second after starting!

In terms of speed, Lin Fan did not burst out at full strength, but maintained at about 100 meters in fifteen or six seconds.

This meant that at the beginning, Lin Fan was not even as fast as the others. After leading for a few meters, he was quickly caught up!

"Brother Fan, run quickly!"Ren Yuan shouted to Lin Fan while running!

"Brother Fan, come on!".....

When they were thirty or forty meters away, these people all caught up with Lin Fan and even surpassed him.

At the beginning, it was the first test again. These guys were now at full speed, and of course they could run faster than Lin Fan!

However, it did not last long. Zhu Hong, Liu Tie and even two other comrades slowed down when they ran to Lin Fan, running at a speed similar to Lin Fan!

"Don't run too fast, you won't be able to bear it later!"Zhu Hong spoke to Ren Yuan and Mo Zi who were running in front.

As soon as he said this, the two people in front also slowed down a little!

In the end, the 400 meters of the first lap of the second class were almost together!

However, by the second After the second lap, these people gradually couldn't maintain this speed!

Although the three months of training for the recruits had made their physical fitness and endurance much stronger, running at this speed was too much for their stronger system.!

"Slow down, pay attention to your breathing rate, conserve your energy, I'm leaving now!"

After Lin Fan finished saying this, he gradually began to distance himself from them at a constant speed without waiting for them! At the same time, the platoon leader and the others outside the field finally saw the moment they started.

The first platoon leader fired!

And the first The same thing happened every time, but Lin Fan didn't move when sparks appeared. It wasn't until the fire started to grow in size and then shrink that Lin Fan started to move instantly!

"What a pervert, I didn't feel like I heard the gunshot just now, but he had already ran out!"The squad leader shook his head in confusion!

"I didn't hear it either. By the time I heard it, he had already run out at least two or three meters!"Another squad leader also spoke up!

They really can't figure it out now, what's going on with Lin Fan?

Looking at the video, Lin Fan is not the closest to the platoon leader, not even close to them.

But the second time they were there There was a long row on the side.

But they still didn't react, and Lin Fan ran away!

"Okay, don't guess, it's the reaction speed.

It’s not that you didn’t hear it, it’s just that you didn’t react.

In the tiny gap between when you heard it and when you reacted, Lin Fan ran away, which is why your vision and hearing are different!"

The instructor pointed out the key to this problem at this time!

Of course, the conclusion he said still made everyone feel like they were just talking about it!

What the hell is this?

One person didn't react and said it, but everyone didn't react.!

Lin Fan is the only one who can react?

What kind of special ability does this have?

The company commander didn't think so much, he just said in his heart:"Old squad leader! Whether you can get people there or not depends on you! Anyway, I can’t get involved!"

Now in such a public place, among the crowd of onlookers are not only the people from their recruit company, but also the supervisors from the brigade.

Although people stand aside as if they don't exist, they will be aware of anything today. The records were reported.

Lin Fan’s situation cannot be concealed!

And such outstanding recruits who are beyond ordinary people are destined to be assigned to places that he cannot intervene in!

The assessment continues!

On the track, Lin Fan got away from the second class in the second lap The others were a step ahead.

On the third lap, they were even half a lap behind them!

The squad leader squeezed Xu Hua and said in a low voice:"This is a bit outrageous!"

It’s already the fourth lap, right? The speed hasn’t slowed down at all, your face doesn’t look red, and your breathing isn’t disordered?"

Xu Hua glanced at him. Although he was slightly shocked in his heart, on the surface he smiled and responded softly:"Your class basically trains with us, and we don't stand far apart when we train separately. In his case, you are not indifferent. clear!

Normally, this kid likes to hide and tuck in, but now I just added fuel to his fire, so he is trying his best to reveal his bottom!"

The two communicated in a low voice. Although they were a little shocked now, to be honest, they didn't feel too surprised in their hearts!

However, when Lin Fan's speed did not slow down in the fourth and fifth laps, and he was still at this speed, the two of them I'm a little bit uneasy!

The squad leader started talking at the beginning of the fifth lap. Now that he saw Lin Fan running past, he hurriedly came back to his senses and spoke to Xu Hua.

"Lao Xu, this is such a pervert!

It has been two kilometers, and there is no slowdown at all. No veteran can run this far at this speed. I am already two laps ahead of others. Look how long it has been!"

If someone from his own class runs away, the squad leader will definitely keep track of the time, so the first squad leader will let Xu Hua take a look now!"

"I gave the timer to Lin Fan.

MD, he's looking at the time. he slowed down...

What the hell is this kid doing?"Xu Hua could see very clearly that at this time Lin Fan raised his hand to look at his watch, and just after reading his watch, this guy slowed down a little!

"He may be exhausted, but why are you giving him a watch?"The squad leader was still asking, but now Xu Huali ignored him and walked quickly to the edge of the row.

"Platoon commander, how long has it been!"

As he said that, he looked at the timer in the platoon leader's hand!

Five minutes and twenty-two seconds!

Xu Hua didn't even need to say anything to Platoon Leader Lu, he could see it very clearly!

He looked up at Lin Fan, The fifth lap is over!

"What a pervert, this guy may break our brigade's 3,000-meter record.

How deeply hidden it is!" Platoon Leader Lu's tone was melancholy.

MD, it's been three months, and I only found out today that I have such a powerful person under my command!

Looking at Xu Hua who looked shocked, Platoon Leader Lu said angrily.

"You kid is really useless, I’m afraid you only know that now!"......

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