"Today is the last day of your assessment and the day you officially become a soldier, so the brigade headquarters decided to invite some of your parents to bear witness at this important moment.

The third company of new recruits!"The company commander yelled.

In an instant, the recruits and veterans below responded loudly with excitement!

"If there is a battle, use me, and you will win if you use me!"

"If there is a battle, use me, and you will win if you use me!"

"If there is a battle, use me, and you will win if you use me!"

The voices of a group of recruits and veterans were mixed together and soared into the sky, which greatly touched a group of parents standing dozens of meters away.

Some old people even burst into tears at this time!

"Yes, yes, if there is a battle, use me, if there is a battle, use me, if you use me, you will win.~!"An old man held old tears in his mouth and murmured the slogan of the Third Company.

His eyes were a little hazy this second.

He seemed to have seen the ferocious years he had gone through, and he also seemed to have seen himself on the battlefield, with a group of comrades shouting slogans and charging without fear!

"Brother Niu... monitor... company commander...

How are you doing?

I...I survived, now...My grandson joined the army, you see...see it!

See it with my eyes...What a vibrant group of young people~!"

The old man's words were trembling, and the muddy tears in his eyes couldn't stop flowing.

Beside him, there was a veteran who was taking care of him, but he didn't persuade him or say anything.

This is a veteran of the war! He knew it before.

In fact, there is more than one old man here.

In the military camp, many of the recruits' families have older military backgrounds.

A few meters away from the old man, a middle-aged man was saluting.

He has a bloated figure, a big belly, and wears a suit and leather shoes, but it cannot be denied that his current military salute is very solemn and serious!

"To the left!"

In front, the company commander shouted!


He turned around neatly, and then a neat sound of shoes hitting the ground came out.

Lin Fan and other soldiers from the Third Company were facing a group of family members over there!


There weren't many words, and the company commander didn't let everyone gather and chat with their family members. He just saluted and stared at him for more than ten seconds.

A thousand words were left unsaid!

Soon, the third company turned around under the order of the company commander. Back!

The assessment begins directly!

The first subject in the morning is disassembly and assembly of firearms!

Under the watch of a group of parents, each of the recruits pushed their abilities to the limit!

Parents, watching from a distance, are proud of them. Be proud of them.

And now they have to show their own changes and show what they can be proud of!

Lin Fan now understands why Xu Hua has always emphasized that everyone should take the exam well, otherwise they will regret it later!

Facts Go up, and now someone is regretting it!

Ren Yuan and his family are here, as is Mouse, as well as Wang Jun, Zhu Hong and others. There are nine people in the class, and five parents have come. This makes them, who have come, now all Asking why he didn't work hard to do well in the exam, at least it would make his parents' faces more bright, and also allow him to show off!

Unfortunately, there is no use regretting now!

To be honest, Lin Fan was a little envious of today's scene. Others There are parents, but as for him, there are no parents in this world at all.

It’s so sad!

It’s a lie to say that I don’t envy him, but I really don’t, so there’s nothing I can do about it!

Simply, Lin Fan had to use another way to vent his anger.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a parent. I want you parents to remember that there is a soldier in the same military class as your children, named Lin Fan!

After the assessment of class one! Nine passed the exam, and the fastest time was 48 seconds.

The slowest one, maybe Because his parents were here, Lin Fan saw him glancing over there midway. As a result, he was distracted and missed a part, and was directly judged to be unqualified!

However, even the fastest one of 48 seconds could not enter at all. Lin Fan's eyes!

Compared with his reaction and the speed of his hands, after incorporating the Tabby Cat gene, this is another strength of Lin Fan, not weaker than his strength in endurance!

"Remember, one minute and thirty seconds is enough to pass, and one minute is enough to be excellent.

Get to your places! boom!"

As soon as the platoon's signal gun fired, Lin Fan responded first, just like when he was running 3,000 meters and already 5,000 meters away!

At this tense moment, Lin Fan's quick action was very conspicuous, but everyone Both recruits and veteran squad leaders are used to it now!

"This pervert showed off his super nervous reflexes again!"

All the recruits and veterans were complaining!

And some of the parents of the recruits over there also noticed this situation. Some parents immediately shouted:"Foul, foul, he's ahead!"

Fortunately, Xu Hua immediately ran over and saluted, explained clearly to them, and said that they have monitoring equipment. If any parents are suspicious, they can watch it now!

Of course, Lin Fan has no idea what's going on here. I ignored it.

The Bayi Bar was a combination of different pistols. The two were not of the same magnitude at all, but now in Lin Fan's hand, it was as light as a pistol!

In less than ten seconds, the Bayi Bar in Lin Fan's hand It disintegrated!

The nearby recruits, company commanders, platoon leaders, and squad leaders were dazzled by this operation!

Soon, the final result came out!

Lin Fan lowered his gun as he assembled!

"Twenty-four seconds!"

"MD, record-breaking again!"There was a veteran squad leader who looked aggrieved!

This is a recruit!

But they couldn't do what he did!

The brigade record, the record of the Bayi Bar decomposition combination is 26 seconds! But now It has been refreshed.

This is something that veterans like them who have been in the army for several years cannot do at all!

Moreover, this is not the first time to break the record, it is the third time!

It is still the whole brigade, this is a new recruit?

Want to Don't be so cruel. The veterans can't complain, but the new recruits are almost immune. They are just sighing, why is Lin Fan so awesome?

On the other side, Xu Hua quickly replayed the video for the parents and completed the monitoring. After the parents were amazed, In the sound, he ran back quickly!

He didn't even have time to put down his computer. The first thing he did was to come to Lin Fan, laugh out loud and pat Lin Fan hard on the shoulder!

"Ha ha! Good boy, I really belong to you!".......

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