There is a saying that good things don't work and bad things don't work. The more you worry about something, the more it will come to you!

The footsteps outside became clearer and clearer, and then directly in Lin Fan's mind, the footsteps stopped outside the second class door.

"Ga~" One hand pushed open the dormitory door of Class 2!

"I know you kid...Um? Are you smoking?"Duan Yue opened the door with a smile, but then he wrinkled his nose and inhaled the smell of cigarette smoke!

Lin Fan stepped on the butt of the cigarette and jumped off. At this time, he stood by the bed and nodded in embarrassment.

"you guy....

Forget it, your recruit company is over, you can smoke now.

Of course, it's only allowed today, and it's not allowed even in the investigation company.

Smoking affects your physical fitness. When you get there, quit!"

The company commander didn't curse anyone, let alone punish Lin Fan. This was beyond Lin Fan's expectation, but of course it's a good thing not to be punished. Lin Fan immediately responded with a smile!

"Yes Yes Yes! Company Commander, I promise to quit!"

Lin Fan actually has no craving for cigarettes at all. One pack of cigarettes he had taken out at any time has been gone for so long, and now only half of the pack is gone!

"Well, I came here thinking that you would stay here alone and come over to chat with you!

How's it going? I've been assigned to the reconnaissance company this time. Do you have any thoughts?

Lin Fan looked at Duan Yue carefully:"Tell the truth?" Duan

Yue rolled his eyes! He said angrily:"I heard you tell lies, what am I doing here!""

"All right! Company Commander, actually I don’t want to be a scout, how tiring it is!"

Looking at the company commander's dark face, Lin Fan hurriedly changed his words:"However, I am a happy-go-lucky person. Now that the matter has come to this, I have no choice but to go! No other ideas!"

Lin Fan knew that it was an ironclad fact that he would go to the reconnaissance company and it was impossible to change it, so he didn't say anything to ask Duan Yue to help him transfer to the company. This was unrealistic!

Even if he really asked, he would be scolded!

"You're a smart kid, but let me tell you, when you get to the reconnaissance company, you have to be careful. Your company commander is my old old company commander. Don't be punished!"

"Our company commander is your old company commander?

Company commander, are you also from the reconnaissance company? Lin Fan said a little curiously!

"It used to be the case, but it is no longer the case. After I was promoted, I became a platoon leader in the Second Battalion.

However, if I drag you down this time, maybe I will have the opportunity to go back to the reconnaissance company!"

"oh! Really? Then I congratulate the company commander! Lin Fan smiled and cupped his hands.

But Duan Yue just waved his hands:"Don't talk nonsense about things that you're not sure about yet!"

Okay, let’s not talk about this. I came here this time mainly to tell you some things about the reconnaissance company!"

Next, Captain Duan, or now Platoon Commander Duan, briefed Lin Fan on the nature of the reconnaissance company and some of the rules after arriving there.

In a nutshell, the reconnaissance company, the whole brigade Top troops are generally composed of veteran non-commissioned officers, and top soldiers with excellent performance in assessments may be selected every year.

However, the top soldiers of the recruit company are just recruit companies. In ordinary companies, they may be able to show off, but when it comes to reconnaissance If you are a company, you must put away your arrogance.

And you must adapt to their high-intensity training rhythm as soon as possible! The elite gathering place of a brigade is no mere talk. The usual training items and training hardness are not comparable to those of ordinary companies. Yes, there are even more rules.

For example, in a first-class company, veterans can smoke in specified places and at specified times. During rest time, they can smoke secretly by themselves, which is fine. But the reconnaissance company cannot! As an elite, smoking is not allowed

Things that affect physical fitness are strictly prohibited!

And not only smoking, but also other rules are stricter than those of ordinary troops!

In a word, Lin Fan has fallen into a fire pit!

It is still the kind of fire pit where there is no chance to escape!

Eat for lunch During lunch, Xu Hua came back!

He took Lin Fan and the two of them to the canteen of the brigade headquarters for a meal!

After coming back, after resting for a while, Lin Fan changed into combat uniforms at Xu Hua's instruction. It wasn't until the instructor came When called, Lin Fancai and Xu Hua walked to Duan Yue's office!

Here, three female soldiers were waiting

"Let me go, it’s you!"

As soon as Lin Fan came in, he saw a female soldier turning her lips towards him a little arrogantly!

Lin Fan recognized it at a glance. This was the female soldier he had scolded the night he arrested Huang Zihao!

And she was not the only one. , although Lin Fan could not remember the names of the other two female soldiers, he was sure that these two were also on the roof that night!

"Newbie Danzi, can't you tell, for a moment, he actually got such a result in the graduation examination!"The female soldier who had been scolded by Lin Fan smiled and walked up to Lin Fan and spoke! Today, unlike other days, they were all wearing pajamas and even vests. The three women were all in fitted military uniforms, looking even more heroic! And, without exception, the three women were all wearing pajamas and even vests.

The military ranks on people's shoulders are all officers!

Now the one he has scolded is the highest, lieutenant, and the other two are just second lieutenants!

Xu Hua stood on Lin Fan's side. Seeing this situation, he didn't know what he could do What did he do?

In the end, he simply walked away and sold Lin Fan!

"Okay, Sister Xiaoling, stop teasing my little brother!

Come, Comrade Lin Fan, I am Wang Jia from the electronic classroom of the Political Department, and this is Shen Tongtong. This time, the two of us will interview you and take promotional photos for you!"

"What about her?"Lin Fan looked at Sister Xiaoling, who had raised eyebrows and looked arrogant!

She is here to join in the fun, just ignore her!

"Okay, is there anything else you need to prepare? If not, we’ll start as soon as possible!"


When Lin Fan heard this, he really ignored Xiaoling and looked away from her!

This made her raise her eyebrows arrogantly....

"Okay, let's start early. Lin Fan, come on, I'll give you the gun!"

As a soldier, when taking publicity photos, you must go on stage with a gun. Lin Fan's own gun has been returned to the warehouse. Now Duan Yue didn't know if he had taken it out in advance, so he took a Bayi gun and handed it over.!.......

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