"This guy's reaction is indeed beyond ordinary.

I have read the assessment report of the recruit company. When he started the 3,000-meter run, when the signal gun sounded, he ran two or three meters ahead of others.

It is said that there was a bit of a disturbance at that time. The parents who were watching the ceremony and the veterans of the recruit company who were present thought that he had jumped away!

But after checking the surveillance camera at the end, he didn't jump ahead, but his neurological reaction speed was really different from ordinary people.

Moreover, regarding this point, I later asked the squad leader of his recruit company to understand the situation and found out that he actually showed such a strong reaction during training!"

"oh?"The brigade commander looked at the chief of staff with interest, waiting for his next words!

The chief of staff did not show off, and continued to speak with a smile:"In normal training, Lin Fan can still pass the test even if he has always retained his strength in other events. Even reaching the excellent line.

It's just a waste of effort. How could this guy just barely pass the exam not long ago?"

"Um? Is there any connection between neural responses and reverse gong?"

Thinking about the words of the chief of staff, the brigade commander continued to speak in surprise:"It couldn't be self-protection. God-level instincts react too fast. So when he fell, would he instinctively make protective and evasive actions?"

The brigade commander said something novel!

"Um! That's it!"The chief of staff smiled and nodded.

"Haha, this is interesting!"

The brigade commander is really becoming more and more interested in Lin Fan.

After serving in the army for so long, some new recruits are afraid to fall down when practicing the Kung Fu Kung Fu. After falling down, there are also some who move around and stretch out their hands because of fear.

But those are all based on falling down. This was caused by the fear of the body hitting the ground!

And because the body's instinctive reaction was too fast, he had no time to control his hands, feet and reactions when he fell and hit the ground. This was the first time the brigade commander had heard of this situation!

In fact, Not only the brigade commander is new, but other people as long as they hear the conversation here, the same is true now.

Even the Zhen committee has been looking at the chief of staff!

He is not responsible for training, so he actually doesn’t know about this kind of problem!

At the same time!

In In the innermost part of the big tent, where the cooking squad is located, Liu Tie's squad leader couldn't help but curiously pecked Liu Tie, then leaned over and asked in a low voice:"Is what the chief of staff said true or false? Are you like this?" Are the new recruits and comrades so awesome?"

Liu Tie looked at his squad leader, grinned and said in the same low voice:"That's not true. Let me tell you, there are many things about Brother Fan that are awesome. For example, he can swallow bullets alive....."

Liu Tie was whispering to his squad leader about various things about Lin Fan's recruit company.

In the display screen in front, Lin Fan was already holding Jiu Wu and rushing into the rocky slope twenty or thirty meters away!

In the process, Lin Fan beat the two soldiers from the Third Company who were behind him and tried to come out to shoot!

So far, Lin Fan has completed the mission of eight ordinary soldiers and became an officer!

However, there are now a limited number of officers here.

A platoon leader should be the second lieutenant who was killed just now.

The rest are at most one instructor and one more here!

I hope these two haven't been beaten and smoked in the current chaos!

Lin Fan felt a little anxious!

So I squinted my eyes, used my keen vision to the limit, and while looking around, I hid behind the bunker and quickly took off the backpack on my back!

Just wait and pick it up later. Carrying this bag affects your speed and body flexibility!

"Lin Fan, rush slower! Waiting for everyone!"

Behind, Bai Xu and the others also rushed to the edge of the rocky slope. When they saw Lin Fan behind the bunker in front, Bai Xu hurriedly shouted!

"There were not many of them, it was late, and the last sip of soup was gone!

Squad leader, I'll tear off their company commander's armband for you!"

The company commander didn't listen to Bai Xu's words. He just turned around and said with a grin, and then quickly ran out again! There are indeed not many people in the third company!

Except for the people from the second class, all the other second companies have rushed here. Entering the rocky slope.

The combat power of the third company, plus their company commander and instructor if they have not yet died, may only have eight or nine people at most!

In this case, if you are slow, people from other directions will come up and snatch your heads. Lin Fan was so depressed!.......

"This kid is really not afraid of death! Fighting so fast, you really think you are a suicide squad!

But fortunately, he is not a completely reckless man. He also knows how to use grenades to explode accurately. There are only four people left in the third company!"

The perspective of the drone in the sky, in this area of ​​​​rocky slopes without trees, allows people in the tent to directly zoom in on a large screen to get an overview of the overall battle here.

At this time, after the brigade commander smiled and spoke, the main officer also He shook his head and said with a smile:"The fighting is fierce enough, but too reckless. Look at the other people in his class, Lin Chao has just fallen off the tree! Bai Xu and others are still at the edge.

It's better for him, he goes deep alone, his personal heroism is too strong, he needs education!"

After saying this, the official turned around and looked at Camp Commander Fang who said nothing but looked at the big screen with a smile on his face:"Camp Commander Fang, when you go back and mention it to the instructor later, you will tell me what I said.

Lin Fan, as a soldier, must strengthen the cultivation of collective sense of honor and team spirit, so that he and the instructors of the second company can have more snacks!"

"yes!"Although Battalion Commander Fang was a little dissatisfied in his heart, he couldn't help but refuse to listen because the official level is so overwhelming!

"It's not that serious, Battalion Commander Fang, don't listen to what's right, fighting is all about not being afraid of death!

If you dare to charge, charge with confidence, and charge within your own strength, you are a good soldier!

The current situation is the best time to pursue the enemy when they have been beaten and retreated (by Li Hao) and have no morale.

Lin Fan did the right thing. It's no wonder that others couldn't keep up.

In other words, their individual combat abilities are not as strong as Lin Fan's, which is why Lin Fan charges alone!

There is no need for instructors and instructors to do any ideological work.

After the confrontation is over, just tell him to try to pay attention to the rhythm of the battlefield and maintain tactical coordination with your teammates!"

The chief of staff is now very optimistic about Lin Fan. He believes that a good soldier's spirit cannot be destroyed.

And if instructors and instructors engaged in cultural arts have been doing ideological work, they can destroy a person's spirit!

After all, this is tantamount to Wear a tight band.

Wear it every day. If you wear it for a long time, you will become obedient, but the spirit of a good soldier will be gone!......._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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