January 3rd, Wednesday!

At six o'clock in the morning, the entire second company was fully armed, and then the morning exercise was changed to cross-country!

Lin Fan didn't know exactly how far it was, but the company commander's order was anyway!

"Target production company, run and walk!"........

"Unexpectedly, a few years ago, I went from the recruit company to the regular class, and finally entered the reconnaissance company, but today I actually went to raise pigs. How miserable!"

While running, Wang Ping'an spoke in a sad and angry tone!

"Who says it’s not the case? People usually look down on pig farmers, thinking that they can’t carry a gun and are not considered real soldiers!

But now!

We are the elites of the reconnaissance company! Also reduced to a pig farmer!"Deng Dayong was also howling miserably!

However, his voice was too loud and attracted the attention of the instructor who was running not far behind!

The instructor ran up quickly and yelled:"Deng Dayong, what are you beeping about? What's wrong with raising pigs?

Don't you eat meat?

The revolutionary division of labor is different, and there is no hierarchy between comrades.

I'm warning you, if I still hear these words from you, then I will apply and transfer you directly to the production company and let you raise pigs until you are discharged!"

The instructor's voice was loud. He was trying to scare the monkeys, because now in the team, Deng Dayong was not muttering alone, but many people were muttering. It's just that Deng Dayong's voice was a little louder!

Immediately, the whole company became honest!

Maybe he ran away After walking for seven or eight kilometers, everyone saw the gate of the production company!

Of course, once they saw it, they had to run at least three to four hundred meters to actually reach it!

Right now, there is a straight road in front of the production company, with two sides on both sides. It's a vegetable patch!

Cabbage, cabbage, and radish are planted in neat rows.

"Ha ha! Come on, come on!

Brothers, welcome comrades from the Sharp Knife Reconnaissance Company of the Red Arrow Brigade to come and inspect!"

Lin Fan and others ran to the gate of the survival company!

A group of soldiers wearing raincloth aprons poured out of the gate!

After running out, they stood on both sides and formed a team immediately!

"Ha ha! Brothers of the Sharp Knife Company, I heard that you are coming to help us raise pigs! Will you?"

You have to stand, but these people are not honest when they stand there. After seeing the second company standing in line in front of them, some people immediately started shouting and making strange noises!

"Damn fat man, stop talking nonsense, the brothers of the Sharp Knife Company are all elites, why can't they do what they want?

Didn't you see that the little yellow basins are all brought here? This is a magic tool for cleaning septic tanks. They must all be experts!"

"There are too many people, one company!

Our pig farm usually only has one shift to serve these fat and fat bosses.

Chief of the Sharp Knife Company, we also need help in our vegetable garden. Can you arrange some help?".......

The entire production company is probably here now.

Of course, they don’t have as many people as an ordinary company!

But this is not just a pig-raising class.

There were fifty or sixty people standing on both sides of the road.

Now, from time to time, someone in their team would speak.

Although their squad leader and company commander were also stopping them, they did not forbid them from speaking, but only refuted their words.

However, no matter how you listen to this rebuttal, it sounds like ridicule!

The fact is excusable!

The production company is always a company of new recruits, and those who fail the assessment go there! and the reconnaissance company are two extremes.

The reconnaissance company has always been a place for excellent recruits, or for outstanding soldiers with special skills in the later period of ordinary companies.

One is good and one is bad.

Normally, those in the investigation company also look down on those in the production company.

And the people from the production company are also scolding the people from the investigation company for being stupid!

One by one, they have to go to that damn place and suffer!

Now, given such an opportunity, it would be strange not to laugh at it!

"MD,I want to go back!"Beside Lin Fan, Wang Ping'an, who couldn't hold it in any longer, blushed and murmured in a low voice!

"I want, too!"Lin Fan replied!

Raising pigs also requires training, and it seems that they have to be watched!

This damn place is so smart that you just want to stay!

However, it is obvious that Captain Qin is this What a funny brain!

He didn't seem to hear the ridicule here, and he actually smiled and stepped forward to speak!

"OK! We are all gay, just ask if you need to.

The pig farm does not need so many people, so the vegetable field needs people, just come and adjust it!

In the next month, we will camp on the playground of your company. We will be there whenever you need us!"

After Captain Qin finished speaking, he didn't say any more to them!

He led the people and walked into the production company!

This made everyone a little dumbfounded!

Lin Fan asked in a low voice to Lin Chao, the squad deputy in front. :"Brother Chao, does the company commander mean that we will live in tents from now on?"

"Nonsense, what do you think! The production company's space is only so big, and their own people are all occupied. Do you still expect there to be room for us?"This was not said by Lin Chao, but by a veteran of the second class who was walking side by side with Lin Fan!

This made Lin Fan feel a little bitter in his mouth!

The next month will be a bit dark!

At this time, Lin Fan Chao is back too!

"Don’t think too much, just make peace with it when it comes and carry it with you!"

Yes! If you can't resist, you have to accept your fate!

Soon, the second company all arrived at the playground. Under the eyes of the soldiers from the production company following behind them, one by one, under the order of Captain Qin, they put down Get your own gun and backpack, then take out your tent and start building your own tent next to each other!

"Hehe, it’s so fast to set up a tent! As expected of all the elites!

But elites, it’s time to feed the pigs in the morning. Do you want to help?"A sergeant said with a smile! Captain Qin glanced at him and immediately put a little embarrassed smile on his face!

However, the next second, Captain Qin didn't get angry or anything, he just turned his head towards Lin Fan and waited. People speak!

"Team One went over to help, while the others finished setting up camp and started fighting training!"


Bai Xu stood up loudly and replied, then he spoke to Lin Fan and others.

"Assemble the class!"

Lin Fan looked at the sleeping bag he had just taken out half of the bag, put it down speechlessly, and then quickly stood up and lined up with the others!

"stand at attention!"

"Take a break~turn left!"

Bai Xu led everyone to the sergeant who spoke just now!

"Let's go, don't we want to feed the pigs? Take us there!"

This neat attitude made the sergeant stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect these scouts to be serious.

Of course, after he came to his senses, he also laughed!

"OK, follow me!"

Immediately, he started running in front!

Bai Xu led the first squad to follow immediately!

And behind the first squad, a large group of soldiers from the production company also followed with smiles!.........

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