"Come on, Lin Fan, are you tired?"

"MD, you are swimming so fast, and the water is splashing so high. Lin Fan, are you equipped with a small electric motor in your hand?".......

Lin Fan was swimming rapidly up and down the river. This scene was very eye-catching now!

Everyone is still taking a bath. You are doing this alone in the middle of the river, and your movements are so big, how can you not attract attention?

However, no one has noticed anything unusual about Lin Fan yet!

"ha! water...The water is cold, swim fast...Come on, body....Warm and comfortable!" Lin Fan took the time to turn around and speak to the people on the shore!

He didn't even stop his hands while he was talking!

Water splashed everywhere, and Bai Xu couldn't help but mutter:"This guy is really all-powerful! You can swim so fast!"

However, Bai Xu didn't stop him!

He wanted to see how long Lin Fan could swim!

In fact, Lin Fan still had sense. After swimming for a while, he stood in the water and pretended to be tired and wanted to rest!

He couldn't swim like this all the time, it would make him look too perverted!

He simply stood still. Although it was a bit uncomfortable to hold it in, Lin Fan continued after resting for less than thirty seconds!

"This guy has really good physical strength!"Captain Qin saw the splashing water in the river and the fast swimming figure, smiled and muttered to the instructor next to him!

"It is indeed very good, and the most important thing is that he has good endurance, otherwise he would not have been able to break our brigade's 5,000-meter record!"The instructor also smiled and nodded.

"Well, I found out that this time the troops were divided, it was a real loss for me to capture him!"Captain Qin smiled even happier!

However, when he smiled this time, he saw other veterans still squatting in the water on the shore.

Immediately, he felt a little uncomfortable! He really thought he was leading them. Come to relax and let you take a bath?

"Get up, all private soldiers, they are all swimming and exercising, you are embarrassed to watch.

Let everyone go in and swim!

From now on, swim upstream against the current for five hundred meters. I will wait for you over there.

The last five, see how I deal with you later!"

Captain Qin roared!

Immediately, the soldiers of the Second Company squatting in the water on the shore shook. Then some people threw their soap on the shore, while others stuffed it into their pants, and some even took it directly in their hands and stood up. With one sudden move, he rushed towards the river!


There was a sound of water splashing like dumplings being dropped. Except for the company commander and instructor, the second company immediately started swimming!

Lin Fan also heard the sound. He was going upstream at this time, so he immediately changed his mind. It's speeding up!

"Damn it, Lin Fan, slow down, you took medicine, you are still swimming so hard after so long!"

Lin Fan heard Deng Dayong's call from behind!

But he didn't stop. He just took the time to shout towards the back:"Come on!"

Lin Fan now has endless energy in his body. Not only does he not feel tired when he moves his hands and feet, but he feels very comfortable!

So at this time, in the eyes of other veterans who were a little incredulous, he directly led the crowd for just one minute. In just a short time, he left everyone twenty or thirty meters behind!

This almost made all the veterans almost say hell!

You know, he had been swimming for ten minutes before, and now he was still so strong. This is really unscientific. Ah!

Fortunately, the next second, Lin Fan stopped in the water with his head exposed and gasped!

"Ha ha!...each...Dear friends...Veteran class...monitor...Come on!"Lin Fan's voice sounded like he was out of breath.

However, only Lin Fan himself knew that he was simply enduring the reaction in his body and holding back the discomfort of speaking, which resulted in such a situation!

Of course, this is what Lin Fan wanted. effect, so of course it’s impossible to explain it to everyone!

"Hehe, it can’t work anymore! Don't be brave, wait until I come over to give you a fight, and let you have such fun just now!" Lin Chao smiled and shouted at Lin Fan while swimming!

But immediately, a loud roar came from the shore behind him:"No help is allowed.

In addition, Lin Fan could rest, and swimming to the end was not considered a punishment. The distance the private had just swam had already exceeded 500 meters!"

The company commander and the instructor were both wiping themselves on the shore and getting ready to put on clothes.

In the water, Lin Fan also heard the company commander's voice, but Lin Fan just grinned and said nothing!

He actually wanted to say, I can do it, not to mention 500 meters, even one thousand meters, two thousand meters, I can do it!

But that would be too abnormal.

So, at this time, he could only silently endure the itching in his body and the feeling of strength.!

At this moment, Lin Fan felt that his physical fitness had become significantly stronger, and not only his physical fitness, but also his vision, hearing, reaction speed and physical toughness were also getting stronger quickly!

In order to distract himself from the itching and pain in his body, Feeling uncomfortable, Lin Fan simply stepped on the water and called up his system attributes to take a look!

Name: Lin Fan.

Speed: 18. (Note, the standard for ordinary adults is 10!)

Strength: 19.

Reaction: 30.

Endurance: 26.

Vision: 32.

Points: 90.

Optimized genes: mule gene (elementary), tabby cat gene (elementary), gecko gene (elementary), sparrowhawk gene (elementary), South China tiger gene (intermediate).

Lin Fan just opened the attribute list, He saw that his attributes had increased significantly!

However, it seemed that it was not over yet, because within a few seconds of looking at it, he saw that various data had been increased!

Enduring the discomfort in his body, Lin Fan saw those The guy had already swam to him, shouting one, two, one!

Immediately, he started to move again!

Just like that, Lin Fan swam ten or twenty meters and waited for a while.

When everyone was about to catch up, he continued Let's swim, let's quickly vent the surging medicinal effects that we can't hold back!

Five hundred meters, we swim upstream. Although the current is not very fast, we have been swimming for seventeen or eight minutes, and the people swimming in front are still two or three behind. Ten meters to the small bridge where the company commander is waiting!

"class...Monitor, Brother Chao, you...Why don't you leave me and go there, otherwise you will definitely be dragged down to the last one by me!"

In the water, at the back of the swimming team, Lin Fan is being dragged by Bai Xu and Lin Chao one by one!

This is because almost two minutes ago, as the effect of the medicine wore off, Lin Fan began to pretend that he was exhausted and did not want to swim. It's over!

Anyway, the company commander said that he would be fine until the end, so why bother with all the effort?

If he swam past, it would be too conspicuous, so he might as well stop and wait!

However, to Lin Fan's expectation, Lin Fan After Chao and Bai Xu saw Lin Fan's pretended expression of despair, they actually insisted on taking him on the trip with them....

"Don't...Stop talking nonsense, just call me...Super brother, I...I won't leave you!"Lin Chao was also out of breath. While swimming and talking, he almost took a sip of water into his mouth.

But he spit it out and didn't take it seriously!

"First class, no...You won’t leave your comrades behind, You...swimming, too...Still fighting....Lin Chao, come on! make...Work harder!"Bai Xu also gritted his teeth and spoke!

This made Lin Fan a little bit unbearable, and he even wanted to take the two of them to swim together!

However, thinking about it, Lin Fan still did not take action and continued to pretend to be dead!

Before he They swam so fast, and after swimming for so long, others kept calling them"Pervert Private" and"inhuman"!

If they still dragged two people swimming now, they would not be sent to the shore for inspection and used as guinea pigs!.........

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