Earthworms are very common, but Lin Fan really doesn't care whether they have blood!

After all, sometimes even when fishing, hooks are used to hook earthworms directly. Who cares whether the earthworms used as bait have blood?

However, I don’t know how to handle it. There are so many earthworms now!

Lin Fan walked to the other side of the second row of vegetable fields and then stopped fertilizing.

I squatted down and used my hands to pry the earthworm droppings on the radish ground a few times!

There are indeed a lot of earthworms here, and the land has been made very fat by the soldiers of the production company.

At this time, after just a few pulls, five or six earthworms were pulled out, and one of them was even more terrifyingly big, probably not much smaller than the little finger!

"What the heck, just dig it and you’ll find Grandpa Earthworm. The land here is so fertile!"

Lin Fan muttered, and at the same time, the movements of his hands were not slow!

He grabbed the earthworm with two fingers and put it in the palm of his hand, and then directly cut off the big light red earthworm!

Wang Ping'an opposite had just put a large spoonful of pig manure into his hands. After finishing pouring, he looked up and saw that Lin Fan on the other side had not picked up the manure spoon, but was looking at it with earthworms, and he immediately made a joke!

"Why are you digging for earthworms? We don’t even have time to go fishing!"

Lin Fan closed his hand reflexively.

The system is his biggest secret, and Lin Fan is extremely vigilant about everything related to it.

However, in an instant, Lin Fan let go of his hand!

It was just an earthworm, and another Not taking genetic medicine!

Looking up at Chu Pingan, Lin Fan said with a smile:"I like fishing when I'm at home, and when I saw such earthworm poop, I couldn't help but dig it up!

MD, these earthworms are so big, look at this..."

When he said this, Lin Fan stretched out his hands and spread them out!

Lin Fan felt a little embarrassed the next second. The earthworm he had grabbed hard just now was sticky in his palm. It was a big earthworm, now broken into several segments and deformed!

"Hey~! You have such a wide range of hobbies. Before I joined the army, I liked playing computer games!

Forget it, let’s not talk about it anymore. You’ve got it all on your hands now. Go and wash it in the ditch behind.

After this thing dries, it will be smelly and difficult to wash!"Wang Ping'an waved his hands in disgust!

"Well, you do it first, I'll be back to work right away!"

Lin Fan didn't say much to him!

He spread his hands without moving, and after turning around, his thoughts spoke in his mind!

"System, the sticky blood on my hands is probably earthworm blood. Can I extract the genes?

In addition, if the earthworm gene uses gene optimization fluid, will I gain any ability or physical fitness improvement after using it?"

If you don't understand, just ask the system. When I saw that Earthworm didn't ask the system at the first time, it was because Lin Fan was a little anxious. In addition, he also wanted to make sure whether this thing has blood. If there is no blood, there is no need to ask!

The system Genes can only be extracted from the blood of living things!

Lin Fan knew this for a long time!

The system that was always on standby responded very quickly. As soon as Lin Fan finished his question, the system's voice rang in his mind!

"The things on the hands of the dormitory are not all earthworm blood, most of them are earthworm secretions and body internal organs.

Of course, if you use a blood taker to collect it, it doesn’t matter if you have these things. The blood taker will automatically extract only the blood!

However, in order for the system to extract genes, the amount of blood needed to fill a blood collector, and the earthworm blood on the host's hand was too different!

Also, the second question about the dormitory.

If the earthworm's genes are integrated into the host's body, it will not actually improve the host's physical fitness, but will only allow the host to gain some of the earthworm's special abilities.

For example, the recovery power, immunity, and skin-assisted respiration properties of earthworms!"

"Damn, is he so strong? The system gives me a blood draw!"

Lin Fan's eyes suddenly widened, and he almost shouted these words directly!

Damn it, what kind of physical fitness improvement do you need? My physical fitness is now explosively strong!

Special abilities are rare. Yeah!

Such an inconspicuous thing could actually have such a powerful ability for himself to obtain. This was beyond Lin Fan's expectation!

Simply, Lin Fan was still calm. After looking back, he quickly walked to the dish. Squat down next to the ditch on the ground!

There is very little water here, it is almost completely dry, and there is only some water in the pits in the ditch!

However, Lin Fan is not in a hurry to wash his hands at this time, and uses the blood drawer first He carefully pointed the sticky earthworm stuff in his palm that had been flattened and broken into several pieces with the needle tip of the blood collector!

Immediately, Lin Fan saw that there was a little more rose-red in the blood collector. Liquid!

Very little. Lin Fan estimated that if he really wanted to get this blood-drawing bush, he would have to put at least white-striped earthworms on it to finish it!

It was a bit urgent, but Lin Fan had to endure his eagerness and put the blood-drawing machine back into his pocket. Finally, he washed his hands casually with a little water from the small ditch!

Then, Lin Fan turned back to the dung buckets, picked up the dung spoon hanging on the side of one of the dung buckets and started working!

Extracting earthworm blood , this is a huge project!

And I obviously don’t have time now!

Therefore, I can only work first, then look for opportunities, and then get earthworm blood!

"By the way, system, can earthworms be placed in the portable space?"

Suddenly, Lin Fan, who was pouring manure, paused his hands and asked in his mind!

"No, the portable space can only collect dead and living objects, which will destroy the stability of the space!"


The sudden idea was shattered, and Lin Fan simply stopped thinking about it!

Look for opportunities to catch bugs in the vegetable garden next time!

Today's job is really not suitable for this!.......

"By the way, why do you look weird today? You are not as active as before. You seem to have suddenly turned into an old man!

It’s just a matter of picking pig manure, brother, there’s no need to be so gloomy!"

After fertilizing, on the way back, Wang Ping'an smiled and looked at Lin Fan, who was walking behind him with his head lowered, and spoke!

"Well..."Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then quickly calmed down what was in his mind, and then smiled reluctantly:"Is there any? No!"

"Tsk, not yet. You were distracted when I was talking to you just now, and now your smile is so fake!

Forget it, I hate picking shit too.

Before you join the army, don’t talk about this kind of thing. When you eat at home, your parents will pack the food and deliver it to you!

What now?

Alas, it’s hard to look back on the past!

Fanzi, I understand you very much. After all, your enlistment time is too short, but there are some things you have to adapt to!

Soldiers have to endure hardships, and they have to be able to endure hardships. If you can't eat them, you have to force them to eat them!

Only in this way can a person's will and character be tempered and he can become a qualified soldier!"


Lin Fan looked at Wang Pingan speechlessly!

Rolling his eyes, Lin Fan spoke angrily!

"Really, Sergeant Wang Pingan, your development is actually in the wrong direction. I feel that you are suitable to be an instructor, especially the instructor of a recruit company. You are simply a life mentor!"

"Hey, right?

But I still want to be a soldier. It’s nice to be able to tell others a few words once in a while, but I have to grind every day, especially in a place like the recruit company. There are some stubborn people who are disobedient, and I’m afraid I’ll get kicked out of them!

Our troops can't hit people now, so I can't go there!"

Lin Fan rolled his eyes again after restraining himself!

"Come on, go pick up manure!"

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