
At this time, other people also hurriedly got up and ran over!

"what happened! In the headset, Lin Fan heard the platoon leader's voice!"

Even at this second, Lin Fan heard the voices of his comrades from other classes who were not far away nearby shouting and running towards him!

"Be careful, the drug dealer laid a booby trap, and the soldier was injured in the leg!"

Lin Fan gritted his teeth and pressed the headset next to his ear to remind him!

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan saw Bai Xu tearing open the pants on Kong Dabing's legs, and was ready to help him stop the bleeding first! He could clearly see that under the ripped pants, the legs With such a look, Lin Fan's eyes turned red at this second!

"Son of a bitch!"

Lin Fan gritted his teeth and cursed from between his teeth!

He was captured as a hostage before, and then he killed the drug dealer. Even when he saw the dead hostage over there, Lin Fan was not so angry!

Because he was the one who killed the person, and it was life and death. Fighting, the whole person was highly nervous, and the only thought was that he would die or I would die, so he didn't think much about it at all! As for the hostage, he died before they arrived, and Lin Fan was a little annoyed by this kind of friend, So I didn’t feel deeply!

But now!

There was a thunder, and a comrade who was fine just now could only lie here gritting his teeth and screaming in pain!


Suddenly, a clear gunshot was heard in the jungle in the distance!

Lin Fan instantly raised his head and looked over there!

In the woods under the dark night, Lin Fan couldn't see what was going on there when the gunfire came from , but you can see the helicopters in the sky evading left and right at this time, circling in circles!

"Come on!"

The cool voice from before came from the headset!

Immediately, Lin Fan stood up with his gun in hand!

"Bai Xu and Lin Chao stayed to take care of the soldiers, and the others followed!"

The platoon leader who just arrived here glanced at Kong Dabing lying on the ground, and then gritted his teeth and spoke with a little red eyes.

However, he did not stop, but gave an order and led everyone to move on!

Mission! It's not finished yet!

At this moment, Lin Fan gritted his teeth and ran out at full speed!

He was very fast, and he surpassed the platoon leader and the others in less than two seconds!

"Lin Fan, be careful!"The platoon leader's voice came through the headset!

But Lin Fan just replied"Roger".

But his pace did not slow down!

Lin Fan was not afraid of booby traps at all!

These drug traffickers sneaked into the country and then made their way from the border all the way. Touching here, you can't bring too many weapons and ammunition at all! The previous UZI was considered a magic weapon!

Almost all of them were pistols, and at most there were only a few grenades!

But grenades are not landmines that explode when triggered.

Not to mention that he still has Continue to place the grenades if there are any.

Even if there are, Lin Fan is not afraid. As long as he rushes fast, it will be fine even if the booby trap is triggered. The grenade ring fell off, but there is still a delay before it explodes.

At this time, even in the mountains It was difficult to walk in the forest, but it was enough for Lin Fan to run out for more than ten meters!

Even if it was triggered, it wouldn't be able to explode him!

So he was scared!

"We will come over immediately. Please pay attention to the order of echelons. Drug dealers have no humanity and will fight to the death. So when you see someone, you are allowed to shoot directly!"

The company commander's voice came through the headset!

Almost before his voice fell, the cool voice from before sounded again!

"I will lure him to shoot and continue to expose his position. Those of you below must kill him directly!"

When the voice sounded, Lin Fan looked up and found that the plane was flying directly above his head and flying low to the left!

In just a few seconds!

""Bang bang~"

There was a sound of gunfire from about a hundred meters directly in front of Lin Fan!

Lin Fan immediately speeded up again!

Fully armed, and regardless of the obstacles of thorns and grass, Lin Fan was charging at extremely fast speeds. Hurry!

In less than ten seconds, Lin Fan arrived at the location where the gunshots were heard! Scanning the surroundings warily, Lin Fan's nose twitched!

He smelled the scent of a stranger.

At the same time, he also smelled The smell of gunpowder caused by the bullets had not dissipated in the air!

Suddenly, Lin Fan's eyes froze, and then without thinking, his body flew to one side! At the same time, he pressed his finger on the trigger!

"Bang, bang, bang~"

Lin Fan, whose muzzle was thrown away, swept it in mid-air toward a big tree eight or nine meters ahead on the left!

He just saw a gun that quietly stretched out from behind the tree. Gun hand!


A suppressed scream appeared from behind the tree!

Then, Lin Fan, who had just done a tactical roll from the ground and was squatting, saw someone behind the tree holding his hands and running back!


When Lin Fan shouted, Jiu Wu, who still had a few bullets left in his hand, was pressed by Lin Fan with the gun and pointed at his leg!

Lin Fan would not imitate what he did on TV, he could obviously shoot. , but only shouted with his mouth, and then chased him without shooting!

Shoot to break his legs first and see how he runs!

"Bang bang~"

After two bullets were fired, the drug dealer over there screamed again, and fell forward and fell to the ground!

Lin Fan rushed over with a gun!

As soon as he got closer, Lin Fan saw this man lying on the ground, being beaten. The guy who had two legs and one hand crippled was using his only hand to touch something on his lower back!

Lin Fan didn't hesitate at all!

He raised his gun and shot him, and his last arm was crippled!

"Lin Fan, what's the situation? What's the situation?"

In the headset, the voice of the platoon leader who had been calling after the first gunshot was still repeating!

At this moment, Lin Fan looked at the drug dealer lying on the ground rolling in pain two or three meters away, and pressed down The headset spoke:"The drug dealer has been subdued, but I shot him in the limbs with a gun. If he needs to survive, he should be rescued to stop the bleeding!"

After Lin Fan's voice came out, there was no reply in the headset!

But from the jungle ten or twenty meters behind, the platoon leader's shout came

"Well done!"

Soon, the platoon leader and the others arrived in front of them!

Lin Fan handed over the drug dealer who had lost all his limbs, and he said hello and ran back together with a group of comrades who followed the platoon leader!

Kong Dabing also Lying there, they all wanted to go back and have a look!

However, when Lin Fan and the others ran back!

They happened to see the helicopter flying away!

After Kong Dabing was briefly bandaged by a platoon of medical soldiers who came over, he then The helicopter that had previously attracted the drug dealers to expose their firepower was pulled onto the plane in an emergency!

Bai Xu and the medical soldiers also followed!

Now Lin Chao was the only one standing below!

"Brother Chao, how is the situation of the soldiers?"Deng Dayong ran to Lin Chao and spoke hurriedly!

Lin Chao shook his head with an ugly expression:"I don't know, there shouldn't be any danger to my life, but I may have to retreat!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the group of comrades who just ran here changed and fell silent!

Everyone understands the meaning of these words!

It's past the time to retire, and now Kong Dabing is going to retire!

It must be the kind of injury that cannot be cured!


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