January 10th! weekend!

Originally, today was a new employee assessment day for inspection by superiors!

However, it was canceled today!

Instead, everyone was gathered on the playground!

Everyone is a hero, but heroes cannot change. Yesterday was actually the first time for more than 90% of people to participate in such a mission.

So, early in the morning, the entire battalion gathered, moved small benches to the playground, and received counseling from a so-called psychological counselor sent by the brigade headquarters!

In fact, I just teach everyone a lesson.

Lin Fan's brain was swollen after hearing this!

To be honest, there are some who can be soldiers and scouts who are fragile at heart!

If there were casualties among comrades in the reconnaissance camp yesterday, the whole camp would be in a state of excitement last night!

However, even if comrades were killed or injured, everyone was actually just feeling uncomfortable inside, and at most a few were afraid!

Can you say it leaves a shadow?

That’s not the case at all!

Everyone does not have a gun in their hand, regular training, and long-term baptism of correct ideas!

If a few drug dealers die and everyone can feel guilty, then they are not elites!

Of course, this is what the above has arranged for you, so no matter what!

You have to listen to the lesson carefully!

But what makes Lin Fan uncomfortable is that!

Others attended the psychological counseling class for two hours and then disbanded!

But he and several others who shot and killed drug dealers were now left behind again and had to work overtime....

Want to cry but no tears!

Lin Fan wanted to shout, I am absolutely fine mentally!

I'm very healthy now. If a few drug dealers come over, I can kill them with a gun. There won't be any post-war sequelae, let alone anything to be afraid of! yes!

There is nothing to be afraid of, Lin Fan didn't even feel any discomfort after killing the first drug dealer!

Seeing the drug dealer vomiting blood and dying of breath, Lin Fan didn't think much at all at that time!

After a while, Lin Fan regretted his 100 points.

He was still thinking at the time that if he didn't exert so much force and let him live a little longer, the system might even give him a death penalty!

As for the shadow?

Really not at all. Even if Lin Fan thinks about the drug dealer lying dead vomiting blood again, he has no fear at all!

You can kick him away while he's still alive, why are you afraid that he'll die?

Of course, the inner counselor doesn’t think so!

As the biggest contributor to one person's death and two half-deaths, Lin Fan received special attention during the two hours of overtime work that followed!

"Comrade Lin Fan, you should actually think more about the dangers of drug dealers!"

"Comrade Lin Fan, you are not doing anything bad! Kill one person and save a hundred people, you are right!"

"As a soldier, Lin Fan, you do what you should do, there is nothing wrong!"........

Every sentence is exaggerated and seems to make you happy!

But if these words are whispered in your ears repeatedly for two hours, you will feel uncomfortable!

Moreover, Lin Fan had to shout:"I'm right, of course I'm right! I'm so glorious!"

It was speechless, but before lunch, the torture was finally over!

After Lin Fan was disbanded, he almost ran away with the small bench in his arms!

Lin Fan felt like he never wanted to see this counselor again in his life!

Fortunately, after lunch, I don’t have to suffer this kind of torture in the afternoon!

Rest for the entire camp!

Bai Xu, Lin Chao, the company commander and the battalion commander all went to the military hospital!

The rest of the class are all in the dormitory!

Sitting on the bed, Lin Fan listened to other comrades in arms sighing after discussing Kong Dabing!

Lin Fan also said a few words, but not too much!

After dinner, the company commander's clerk came to see Lin Fan!

The company commander is looking for Lin Fan!

Follow Zhou Wenwen to the outside of the shooting range!

"Xiao Zhou, please go back first!"

The company commander asked Xiao Zhou to go back!

Then he carried a black bag and led Lin Fan into the deserted shooting range!

"How about it? Nothing wrong with it?"Captain Qin was walking in the training ground with Lin Fan when he suddenly turned around and said with a smile!

"hehe! without!

Company commander, won't you also give me some psychological counseling? Can you give me a lesson? I'm fine!

Of course, if the company commander also gives me psychological counseling classes, I might be in trouble!"

Lin Fan is really a little bit numb. He killed and wounded drug dealers. He didn't leave any psychological shadow, but the psychological counselor almost left him a shadow this morning!

If the company commander still comes now, then he will still have this kind of thing in the future. Lin Fan had to think about this kind of task, should he really work hard like this!

Damn it, he just took turns attending classes when he came back!

It's right to pay attention to the psychology of soldiers, but he can't be so bombarded, right?

"hehe! You boy, I knew you were not a bear soldier!"The company commander said with a smile!

Then he walked to the grass by the side of the road and sat down!

Then, he put down his black bag and took out two bottles of something that made Lin Fan's eyes widen!

White wine!

A small bottle of Erguotou the size of a palm!

In addition, There is also a roast duck!

"Okay, come on, sit down!"

Lin Fan sat down a little dull, and then took the Erguotou from the company commander's hand!

"Ha ha! How about I make an exception for you today and have a few sips with you? Is it possible?"

Looking at the Erguotou in his hand, especially the 56 degrees written on it, Lin Fan was a little scared.

He used to occasionally drink a little wine, but mostly beer.

Erguotou at 56 degrees!

Okay, he will try I tried it once, but my memory of that time was a bit bad. I felt vomiting and dizzy after drinking it!

"Gulu~" After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Lin Fan looked at the company commander slyly:"Why don't you, company commander, just forget it!"

Lin Fan doesn't dare to drink this wine. He has a secret, so he can't get drunk!

"Ha ha! What are you afraid of? Labor and management are sure!

I won't comfort people, nor will I give you any psychological lessons.

You are a man, and a soldier, with a strong character. After drinking this wine, go back and lie down to sleep, and this matter will be over!

Get up tomorrow and welcome your glorious moment!"

"this...All right! Lin

Fan said with a bit of numbness!

Then, he opened the bottle cap!

To be honest, Lin Fan felt a little dizzy at that moment! His sense of smell was too strong, and the smell of the wine was too strong!

"Ha ha! Come on, do it!"

The company commander touched it with the wine bottle, and then drank a third of it in one gulp!

"Ha~ I haven’t drank it for a long time, so happy!"

The company commander laughed very loudly, but Lin Fan was a little speechless!

He seriously suspected that the company commander was addicted to alcohol, and then he took this opportunity to openly and honestly drag Lin Fan to give him a break!

However, Lin Fan has no evidence!

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