the other side!

Just when Lin Fan started searching in the woods.

In the forest about eight or nine hundred meters away from Lin Fan in a straight line, there was a corporal with an armband that Lin Fan had never seen before. At this time, he looked at the vibrating watch on his wrist with surprise on his face!

"Damn it, labor and management are so lucky!"

The corporal knew the rules, so he knew that this signal transmitting box would never be brought by someone to suddenly come near him.

He must have landed near the signal transmitting box!

Therefore, feeling happy, the corporal immediately He looked around quickly and started looking for it!

Of course, he looked for it, but he did not lose his inner vigilance!

He knew very well that it would not be so easy up there, and he would just pick up a signal box for nothing when he landed!

There was definitely that nearby People from the Red Arrow Brigade!......

In fact, at this second, it was not just Lin Fan and the corporal.

In the Nuoda area, the combat troops of the two reconnaissance battalions totaled six to seven hundred people. At least twenty or thirty people found that their watches were vibrating at the same time!

The confrontation has begun from this second!

Lin Fan gradually expanded the area in the woods and began to search!

While searching, look at the vibrating watch on your wrist from time to time!

As the distance changes, the vibration frequency of this thing will also change!

This allowed Lin Fan to quickly determine the general direction in which the signal transmitting box was located!

But after walking almost two hundred meters!

No matter how he walks forward, backward, left, and right, his vibration frequency is the same!

Lin Fan knew that this was because the distance might have been too far before, so it was affected by the signal, but now that he was closer and the signal was stable, his vibration frequency no longer changed!

Look around!

In this damn place, there are no birds or insects now, and many of the surrounding trees have withered branches and leaves! very quiet!

Stepping on the thick fallen leaves, the sound of salsa is obvious!

Very simply, Lin Fan randomly found a direction and started walking straight!

Look at the north needle in your watch!

Also feel the vibration frequency!

If the vibration frequency changes, Lin Fan will change the direction!

For more than half an hour, Lin Fan finally saw a small red box with a glowing red light placed on the trunk of a large tree in the distance with all its leaves fallen off!

I have to say that good eyesight is very useful.

Lin Fan's place is at least fifty meters away from there!

But at a glance, he could see the box hidden on the tree trunk four or five meters above the ground among the intertwined trees!

Lift your legs and prepare to go directly!

However, after walking a few steps, Lin Fan stopped again!

I looked around and saw a slope with a drop of one or two meters on the right!

Lin Fan walked over directly!

Then, Lin Fan sat down!

He didn't want to dig up any earthworms. There was no way to get the blood from the earthworms now!

He just wants to hide here to catch fish and have some breakfast by the way!

Get your water bottles and pouches off you!

Then he took out a hard steamed bun and bit it bit by bit!

Lin Fan didn't want to eat this stuff!

But now that we are here, we must not take out the bread to eat!

Not to mention that Lin Fan didn't know if there were cameras here, but when he was eating, a soldier suddenly appeared in front of him looking for a signal box, and he couldn't explain it!

So I can only grit my teeth and eat this steamed bun that can be used as a brick!

Seriously, this steamed bun is the most unpalatable steamed bun Lin Fan has ever eaten in his life!

Not to mention there is no sweetness, it is too hard and cold, you can only bite a little bit in one bite, and after you bite it into pieces, it feels like eating flour!

You really can only swallow it with water!

Simply, no matter how unpalatable it was, Lin Fan was almost done eating it after just a few minutes!

Lin Fan was about to throw the last bite into his mouth and hurry up to end this unpalatable breakfast.


Lin Fan's ears moved slightly. He heard the footsteps of someone stepping on the fallen leaves!

It was very slight, it should be a little distance!

Lin Fan stood up a little with his hands, and then looked from behind the slope. Passed by!

Almost instantly, Lin Fan's keen eyesight allowed him to see that not far from the big tree where the signal transmitter box was placed, a corporal he had never seen before was looking around and slowly moving.!

This person must have also seen the signal transmitting box.

Looking at the position where he walked over, it was obviously the big tree!

"Hey, Corporal! This way!"

The sudden sound startled the cautious corporal!

In an instant, he came back to his senses and looked towards Lin Fan!

Behind the slope, Lin Fan had just thrown away the last bite of steamed buns. In his mouth, he raised his hand and took a sip of water!

Looking at the surprised corporal over there!

Lin Fan moved his cheeks, covered the water bottle in his hand, and threw it to the small cloth bag at his feet!

"hey-hey...I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Corporal, if you don't want to get beaten, take off your watch yourself!"

Lin Fan grinned!

He didn't necessarily want to take action!

Of course, in the eyes of the corporal opposite, this was tantamount to insulting!

"Damn it, has anyone told you that you are very worthless!"

Although the corporal opposite said so, he didn't rush over! Instead , he looked around more carefully!

Using bare hands doesn't mean you can't set traps!

And traps are also a course for scouts!

He thought Lin Fan was so arrogant. He had done something wrong here, so he didn't dare to rush over for a while! However, after looking at it for a while, he hesitated a little.

Because he didn't see anything wrong!

This is also true!

In times like this, it's very difficult to Most of the trees have lost all their leaves, and a thick layer of fallen leaves has accumulated on the ground! It has only been less than an hour since they landed. In such a short time, as long as someone has touched these fallen leaves, you can definitely tell!

"Do you really want to be beaten?"Lin Fan spoke again with a smile!

This time, as he spoke, Lin Fan stood up directly, walked around the slope and walked forward!

In the corporal's slightly nervous eyes, Lin Fan walked more than ten meters, and at this moment, The corporal on the opposite side also saw clearly the military rank on Lin Fan's collar!

"MD, you private and I pretend to be big-tailed wolves!

Come here and see if I don't beat you up and your face will blossom!"

The corporal got a little angry immediately!


What the hell is this?

This means that the other party is a guy who has only been in the company for less than a month!

Thinking about his caution just now, he was a little annoyed. A new recruit knows how to lay traps. Even if you can , can you lay a trap that even a veteran can't see any trace of?

It's clear that there is nothing here at all!

And this private may be the kind of person who has never seen the world, but has some small achievements outside. Guy, so you are arrogant and look down on yourself!

"hehe!"Looking at Lin Fan, the corporal laughed angrily!

This private is probably a martial arts champion or runner-up somewhere, or even has some connections in the family, so the company has not been hit....

This requires me to teach him a lesson today!

Let him know that combat in the military is not just the showy stuff outside..........

(Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

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