In the training ground, there was originally a confrontation and survival drill, but now because the people of the 118th Division are gone, only the Red Arrow Brigade is left to survive!

In the next two days, Lin Fan had enough water and food, especially because he deliberately avoided people and did not team up with others, so that he could secretly drink and eat the food and drinks in the portable space!


Maybe others are still short of water and food, so they have to find water themselves, or even have to eat insects dug under rotten trees to satisfy their hunger.

But Lin Fan lit a fire and even had time to make a simple shelter and bed out of branches and leaves!

During these two days, you don’t have to worry about the whistle blowing in the middle of the night, and you don’t have to get up before dawn to fold your quilt and do some hygiene!

To be honest, Lin Fan felt that these two days were the most comfortable days he had ever had since joining the army!

However, the more comfortable the days are, the faster they feel!

Two days passed by in a flash, and when the sky was getting slightly brighter, Lin Fan heard the whir of a helicopter in the sky!

Wilderness survival training is over!

"Ha ha! Fanzi, it’s you, 30 cowhide! I also said who is here, I can feel the watch vibrating from afar, my feelings are you!"

"Wow, it’s really Lin Fan! No, you are Brother Fan! From today on, you are my brother. Damn it, you are so awesome, do you know?"

"Brother Fan, please tell me, is what the pilot said true? Did you really eliminate the other seventeen by yourself?"

The plane hasn't hovered yet! People at the cabin door of the plane immediately went crazy when they saw Lin Fan below! They all grabbed the cabin door, crowded and shouted at Lin Fan below!

Lin Fan saw Lin Fan Chao and Wang Ping'an are among them!

"Hi guys! Lin

Fan smiled and waved to them, and then without saying much, he used the remaining water from a captured kettle to put out the fire!

After that, Lin Fan put out his own, the captured kettle, and The remaining rice cakes were tied to his body!

After finishing, Lin Fan grabbed the rope ladder and started to climb up!

Just after getting on the plane, Wang Ping'an looked at the cloth bag behind Lin Fan, then touched it curiously, and immediately called out Voice!

"Damn it, Brother Fan, you still have so many things to eat?"

"It’s still rice cake!"

At this second, when Lin Fan saw the people in the cabin, his eyes were almost green, including the people who Lin Chao had formed a team with!

Not everyone defeated the enemy on the first day and then captured the enemy. Food!

There are about ten people on this plane at this time.

However, among these ten people, even if there are Lin Chao and Lin Fan who left food behind, the food is actually not enough!

Some people have eaten bugs, and some have endured it. Hungry!

However, no matter whether you eat worms or not, your stomach is actually empty now!

"Haha, if you are hungry, just eat!"

Lin Fan took down the bag of rice cakes hanging behind him that was mostly filled with rice cakes.

The next second, these people didn't care about asking Lin the question before, and one by one reached out to grab the rice cakes in the bag!

"Girl, leave one for me!"

"Damn, they are all rice cakes. As expected of Brother Fan, I thought there were some of our steamed buns in them!"

"Brother Fan, is there still water? I!"Someone spoke to Lin Fan with rice cakes stuffed in his mouth!

Lin Fan looked at him with a smile, and casually grabbed a kettle from his body.


After three days, he actually drank his own bottle of water, and the rest he drank were drinks from the portable space!


The helicopter started to move!

Lin Fan was sitting on the plane, enjoying the treatment of the group pet.

The topics and eyes of more than a dozen people were always on him.

Various questions came one after another.

In this regard, Lin Fan If you can't say anything, just say it. If you can't say it, just start to answer with the reasons you have thought of!

After that, the plane went to pick up some people according to the position.

Similarly, when they came up, they knew that this time the 118th Division had surrendered in advance. Because of Lin Fan, everyone gave Lin Fan a thumbs up!

It was around 6:40 in the morning! The helicopter took everyone back to the camp directly!

Everyone got off the transport planes and gathered to stand.!

"Lin Fan!"

As soon as they gathered and finished counting, the battalion commander shouted Lin Fan's name!

"arrive!"Lin Fan came back loudly!

"Go meet your shining moment!"Besides, Deng Dayong winked at Lin Fan!

Lin Fan didn't have time to pay attention to him, because the battalion commander in front smiled and shouted,"Get out of the queue!""


Goose-stepping to the front of the team!

After the battalion commander waited for Lin Fan to stand, he suddenly shouted at the others:"Salute!"


It was sudden, but very neat. The entire reconnaissance battalion, including the battalion commander, saluted Lin Fan!

At this second, Lin Fan felt a little better inside!

This made him couldn't help but reveal a silly smile.!

Of course, Lin Fan did not forget to return the salute!

After standing at attention and saluting his comrades in front, he turned around and came towards the battalion commander!

"Ha ha! good! Comrade Lin Fan, we are proud of you!

Go ahead and return to the team first. Your reward will be given to you later!"

"yes!"Lin Fan saluted again!

Another commendation was given. Although it is not equal to merit, it is still somewhat beneficial!

Of course, 503 Lin actually didn't want it!

This time things got serious, and Lin Fan felt that there would be more Trouble!

Sure enough, the battalion commander then watched everyone continue to speak, encouraged those who had stayed in the training ground, and finally scolded those who were eliminated on the first day. After that, the battalion commander announced that all those who had not been eliminated Those who are eliminated in advance will have a day off!

Those who are eliminated will have all outing opportunities and weekend vacations canceled within three months.

When everything is over and disbanded, everyone else can leave, but Lin Fan is the only one who is stopped!

"Lin Fan, come with me!"

He smiled bitterly in his heart, but Lin Fan knew that what was supposed to come would still come, and he couldn't avoid it.

So, he followed the battalion commander directly towards his office!


The battalion commander in front came to the door of his office and shouted a report. This situation made Lin Fan instantly know that there must be a leader here, and it was very likely that he was the chief of staff! The fact was not beyond Lin Fan's expectation.!

The"Come in" voice coming from inside was obviously that of the Chief of Staff!

However, what was a bit beyond Lin Fan's expectation was that after entering, Lin Fan discovered that in the office, in addition to the Chief of Staff, there were two other people wearing white clothes. Military doctor in coat...

This is really urgent...._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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