To be honest, Lin Fan was a little resistant to eating this stuff!

However, despite my inner resistance, my stomach was rebelling!

There's no other way, you can't take food out of the carry-on space to eat!

So, in the end, Lin Fan came to the tree on the slope!

"Come on, Fanzi, this is good, although it’s a little sour, it’s also a little sweet, it’s edible!"

As soon as we arrived under the tree, there was a soldier Lin Fan didn't remember which class he was from. He smiled and handed over a big orange that he had cut open completely and still had the skin on!

"Thanks!"Lin Fan was not polite!

After getting it in his hand, he directly stretched out his hand to get some fruit pulp and threw it into his mouth!


Bite through the fruit skin full of juice, and each piece of pulp is broken in the mouth, and then a sour taste goes straight to the forehead!

It is indeed a bit sweet, but this sour, it is indeed sour!

But, listen to the gurgling If you have a rumbling stomach, something can always comfort it!

"Eat quickly. If you can't pick two of them and carry them away, we don't have extra time to waste here. hurry up!"

Over there, a row of leaders stood under the tree and shouted loudly to everyone!

Immediately, everyone moved quickly!

Some people were picking up things on the ground, and some were hitting the tree with stones or even military shovels!

Lin! When he was not doing anything else, he just held this half of a big orange and walked down the slope while eating it!

Moreover, the troops behind him were not slow, and they all ran holding these big oranges 503 under the urging of the platoon leader. They came down!

They were all eating and running!

It was really sour, but after eating too much, you got used to it!...、

I ran for almost two hours again!

With less than fifteen minutes until twelve o'clock, Lin Fan and others finally saw the gate of the camp!

A group of people rushed down from the mountain directly in front of the camp!

"M..MD, chief...Calculate...Come back!",

"run...Run away to kill me during the Chinese New Year...A few kilograms of meat for the elderly, all...All gone!"Beside Lin Fan, Wang Ping and An also complained feebly!

Lin Fan turned his head and looked at him.

This guy now grabbed one of Lin Fan's arms and asked Lin Fan to hang him and run away....

"You guys still have the energy to complain, so stop grabbing me. I want to run quickly to the cafeteria!"

"No...Don't, Fan, take me. ,

I..I am alone...real....Can't run!"Wang Ping'an spoke hurriedly!

In this regard, Lin Fan was too lazy to answer him.

It takes effort to speak!

The half of the big orange that I ate more than an hour ago actually made me hungry again within half an hour!

After all, that Big oranges, strictly speaking, apart from the skin, the flesh is just water!

Lin Fan dragged him and kept running!

Although you can see the camp gate from here, but seeing it does not mean that it is really close!, now everyone is alone They supported each other and ran with erratic steps, unable to pick up the speed at all!

The time is limited!

It’s only fifteen minutes before dinner.

The company commander said, ten plates at twelve o’clock!

Lin Fan will not doubt the company commander’s words, it’s a fact Come on, there is no one here!

So, the platoon leader shouted: Guys, victory is in front of you, the destination canteen, the time is fifteen minutes, rush for me!"


On the hillside, with bursts of shouting, perhaps because of the immediate blessing of faith, everyone's pace quickened again!

Even Wang Ping'an, who originally asked Lin Fan to drag him away, now took the initiative to let go of Lin Fan and screamed , stared at the door over there and ran over!

The stomach controls the brain, and the brain controls the thighs!

Everyone, including Lin Fan, is in this state now!

They are really hungry...., when there were still three or four minutes before twelve o'clock, the men of the second company. Looking at the surprised and sympathetic eyes of the soldiers of the first company who were standing guard at the door, they stumbled into the door, and then went straight to the canteen!

At twelve o'clock sharp, no one arrived, but at three past twelve o'clock, Lin Fan was the first to arrive!

"Oh, yes, our soldiers are back, come over for dinner, the food is ready!"

At a table in the cafeteria, the company commander, instructor, deputy company commander and others were sitting there.

At this time, seeing Lin Fan running in, the company commander said with a smile!

Lin Fan was not polite to him at all, and did not even say hello. After that, I ran directly to the table of Class 1 and sat down.

Then I didn’t care whether my hands were dirty or not.

I picked up the chopsticks, took a plate of cooked rice and started eating!


But as soon as the rice entered his mouth, Lin Fan opened his mouth with a look of pain!

He also dropped the chopsticks, and the hand Lin Fan was holding the chopsticks was now covering his cheek!

Damn, your teeth are sore. It’s gone!

When I ate sour food before, I didn’t feel it, and I was fine after eating it.

But now when I put something in my mouth, the feeling exploded all of a sudden!

"Damn, okay...The braised pork is so fragrant!"

"class...Monitor, I...Eat first!"

At this time, another group of people rushed in at the entrance of the cafeteria, scrambling for the first place. Some people even didn't care where their class's table was. They pounced wherever they saw it!

Of course, this would cause a dispute.

However, this dispute did not end. Just make a fuss!

Because in the next second, there was a flurry of"Ouch!""ah!"Screams broke out in the cafeteria!

Everyone covered their mouths and cheeks!

This sudden situation made the company commander and the others stunned for a moment!

"What's going on? Is the collective poisoned by the inability to eat?"The instructor said blankly!

The company commander hurriedly stood up from his seat and walked towards everyone!

"What the hell are you doing? What's going on with each one?"

"even...:Company commander, I...My tooth fell out!"·

The soldier who was caught and asked by the company commander spoke with a painful expression!

This made the company commander's mind go crazy!

Did his tooth fall out?

"Are you all losing your teeth?

What did you eat?"The company commander saw everyone asking questions!

Immediately, someone spoke in pain:"Yeyouzi is Paogan....That kind of sour, sour stuff..."

"......."The company commander and the instructor who just got up and came over were dumbfounded!

But right away!

"Ha ha!"The company commander and instructor laughed heartlessly together!

"Let you eat it secretly, haha! Well done!

Come on, let's eat!"

The company commander asked the instructor and the others to sit down again!

Then, in front of everyone, the company commander picked up a large piece of braised pork and said,"Hey, I asked the cooking class to make this braised pork for you today.

However, now that your teeth have fallen out, won’t you lose your mouth?"

"Ha ha! Lao Qin, you are wrong. The braised pork is very rotten and can be swallowed directly. But there is also a duck leg on everyone's plate. This one is not so rotten. You have to bite it with your teeth!

Um! So delicious!"After the instructor finished speaking, he raised the big duck leg in his hand to his mouth, and then took a hard bite in front of everyone!

In the canteen, the soldiers who were covering their teeth felt like their teeth were twitching.!

"Bah, wouldn’t it just knock out your teeth? It’s not broken yet!"Someone got angry and cursed hard, then grabbed the duck leg and started chewing it!

You can see that his expression changed as his teeth came into contact with the duck leg, but he bit down hard and continued to chew it. Get up!

This scene made Lin Fan feel that his teeth, which had been relieved for a while, became sore again at this moment!

"Damn, I want to eat too, it’s not like I lost my teeth! What are you afraid of!"

Soon, people who are so hungry that they can't bear it don't care about so much anymore!

Just pour it out if you feel hungry, just endure it.

Anyway, no matter what, this meal will be eaten!

The same goes for Lin Fan!

He smelled the plate in front of him I can't hold back the aroma of medium-braised pork and duck legs any longer!

Swallowing my saliva, holding back the sore teeth, I bite into the duck legs and the rice!

My stomach is pounding with hunger, and now I have it in front of me If you don’t eat rice and meat, you won’t be able to explain it to your stomach.........._·

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