"Task reminder.

Prelude to the counterattack war!

Mission requirements: Pass the whole battalion selection.

Mission reward: one hundred points!

Mission failed: 500 points deducted!"

On the playground, Lin Fan was still running around with his head down. Suddenly, the voice in his head made Lin Fan slow down!

"system? What does this task mean?" Lin Fan asked with some inexplicable excitement in his mind.

However, the system did not give Lin Fan the answer he wanted:"Accept the task, and the host will naturally know it when the time comes!"

The system did not give any clear answer!

However, Lin Fan was still filled with excitement at this moment!

Even if the reward of this task and the penalty for failure were completely out of proportion!

At this moment, Lin Fan did not hesitate at all. , took the task quickly!

He is not an idiot!

The prelude to war, counterattack!

It can explain a lot of problems!

With both hands clenched in fists, filled with excitement and excitement, Lin Fan lowered his head and increased his speed again!

However, this time, Lin Fan ran After that, looking at the straight line in front of him, he called up his personal attribute page and took a look!

Name: Lin Fan

Speed: 22. (Note, the standard for ordinary adults is 10!)

Strength: 24.

Reaction: 37.

Endurance: 26.

Vision: 39.

Points: 840.

Optimized genes: mule gene (elementary) cat gene (elementary), gecko gene (elementary), sparrowhawk gene (elementary), frog gene (elementary), earthworm gene (elementary) South China tiger gene (Intermediate).

The points are still only 840.

In the last supermarket, the system finally determined that Lin Fan only captured two people alive, and the other two were killed!

So the points were increased by 600!

However, three ordinary people and one The death of his comrade made the system count four hostages.

Therefore, after deducting four hundred and adding Lin Fan's previous six hundred and four, there is only this much!

It is still not enough to replace the intermediate gene potion. Even if the mission is completed tomorrow, it will not be enough. No!

This makes Lin Fan, who now wants to continue to increase his strength as much as possible, feel a little helpless.

This is just a little short of it!

After thinking about it, if he wants to increase his strength now, there may be only one way.

In the system space, except for one After the earthworm blood and two goshawk bloods, there is also the blood of a military dog ​​that has never been used.

If he is used, his strength will not be too much, but he will continue to improve!

However, after thinking about it, Lin Fan But I stopped taking the genetic medicine that I took the opportunity to take today. Every time I use it, the medicine will make my body react a little bit.

The power of the medicine will be like a big tonic in a short time, making my state better in a short time. Beyond the Peak

This effect, when used properly, is just like playing a game BUFF.

Therefore, Lin Fan is prepared to temporarily slow down the use of military dog ​​genetic medicine.

After all, he is already very strong now. Even if he takes it today, it will only be The icing on the cake, why not leave an extra trump card!

That night, when the roll call was called!

It was Battalion Commander Fang who blew the whistle for the entire battalion!

After everyone gathered, they discovered that Battalion Commander Fang was just a whistleblower.

The Chief of Staff is here!

Standing in front of everyone, the chief of staff did not need to hold a loudspeaker and shouted loudly!

"Comrades, in the past half month, although I have not come to the reconnaissance camp!

However, you are working hard every day to train more and practice more.

I know all this."

After a pause, the chief of staff continued:"However, as a qualified scout, training alone is not enough!

Remember, you are elites, elites who want to become the king of soldiers and can become the king of soldiers!

Therefore, starting from tonight, we will temporarily launch a battalion-wide competition!

Now, with the camp area as the boundary, everyone, I will give you half an hour to hide and disguise yourself!

"In half an hour, I will come with your battalion commander and company commander and the pickets behind me to find the first five, haha~", the chief of staff smiled cruelly, and did not mention the specific punishment, but looking at With his smile, he knew that nothing good would happen!

Immediately, with the sound of dismissal, everyone immediately dispersed!

Lin Fan and others were running together. As they ran, Lin Fan walked towards Lin Chao He said,"Brother Chao, where are you going to hide? Lin

Chao didn't answer immediately. He thought for a moment before speaking:"I don't know yet, so run away first."

In addition, please spread out. Now is not the time for strength in numbers.

There are more people, but the target is bigger. We just need to find a place to hide ourselves."

Lin Chao finished speaking and sped up. Everyone else said"take care, brothers" and ran away!

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan thought for a moment, then turned around and quickly walked towards The cooking class ran over!

He now thought of a place where he felt he could hide safely!

More than a minute later, Lin Fan arrived dozens of meters in front of the canteen!

From a distance, Lin Fan, who had extraordinary eyesight, saw On the platform above the canteen, there was a person standing there!

He was a soldier from the cooking class. Lin Fan stopped and hid behind a landscape tree on the roadside and waited for a while!

Soon, the person turned back and disappeared..

It should be time to go back to sleep!

There is no need to assemble in the cooking class!

Even at this point, the cooking class has turned off the lights and gone to bed!

They are different from the training company. They will know about any tasks in advance, and if they want to go out, someone will say hello in advance.

Normally, they wouldn't even bother with a gathering post like this!

After all, they will get up very early tomorrow morning to make breakfast for everyone, just like fighting troops!

Then how can they get up?

Wait again For a minute or two, Lin Fan even noticed that several people ran past nearby.

Of course, they didn't go to the cooking class either!

The cooking class has to get up early tomorrow to make breakfast for everyone. You go and wake others up. Are you going to eat tomorrow?

Everyone still has this sense of public morality!

Of course, it’s mainly because it’s hard to hide in the cooking class. Maybe you go to the dormitory of the Tibetan family, and when the chief of staff and others come over, you won’t need the chief of staff. If they come here on their own initiative, the cooking squad soldiers will be disturbed from their sleep!

Fortunately, when Lin Fan came here, he didn't even think about going to the cooking squad dormitory to find Liu Tiesun.

He had other better target locations...., this temporary competition must be what the system calls the whole battalion selection.

Although I don’t know for the time being whether it will be consistent with my guess after this selection.

However, regardless of whether it was true or not, Lin Fan was prepared to go all out.

Get good results first, and we’ll look at other things later!......._, to read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,·

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