This night, Lin Fan and others were extremely uncomfortable.

Because it really snowed that night, it wasn't very heavy, but everyone was just wearing clothes, and there was a fire here, and the place where they lay was covered with some grass and leaves on the ground.

So we simply built a shed with branches and leaves above our heads to keep out the snow.

As for the wind, it is mostly blocked by the warehouse next door and the wooden house behind.

Otherwise, this night would be even more difficult.

Of course, snowing is not without its benefits. We didn’t have water to drink before, but now after it snows, we can get some snow to eat.

It was very embarrassing, but with a fire, I was finally able to lie down and sleep for a while.

Of course, we dare not all go to bed. We have arranged for people to take turns keeping watch at night.

They threw everyone into this hellish place for torture when they arrived, and no one was sure whether they would make a surprise attack later in the night.

Arranging a personal vigil can not only add fuel to the fire, but also provide some precautions.

Simply speaking, although this night was difficult, no one came to make a surprise attack.

After dawn, the snow on the ground had melted away, but there was still snow on the surrounding trees, and there were even ice skates under the eaves of the wooden house.

Everyone washed their faces with snow, and then knocked down ice skates to quench their thirst

"Hey, these guys are so inhumane! We really spent the whole night just like that!"After eating some popsicles to soothe their throats and sitting by the fire again to warm themselves up, some people couldn't help but complain.

"What's even more disgusting is that there is clearly a warehouse 503 and a wooden house, but they are all locked and we are not allowed to enter. , bastard, don’t give me a chance in the future, or I’ll grab him and take a bath in the manure pit!"

"It's just you who are afraid of trouble, otherwise we would have slept inside last night, and we wouldn't have had to suffer from the cold outside!"

"You are overthinking. Believe it or not, if you really open the warehouse or those wooden doors, not to mention whether they will come back yesterday and use the excuse to torture us, it is possible to drive us away for this reason!"Lin Fan said with a smile.

Everyone had considered this problem yesterday. Otherwise, there is only a lock in the warehouse and wooden house. How could everyone not be able to open it? It's just that it can't be opened.

Just like Lin Fan yesterday As Chao said, these special forces obviously look down on you, let alone take you on missions.

So they hope that you will make mistakes to give them an excuse so that they can drive you away.

They can take you over now, it is the top They have to obey the order.

But if everyone is caught with excuses and driven away, they will have something to argue with the superiors.

This is also a group of scouts who are not honest boys. They would rather stay outside yesterday night We stayed overnight because we didn’t go to the warehouse or wooden house.

Everyone held their breath. These special forces looked down on people, and everyone wanted to prove it to them.

"A car is coming!"

Suddenly, Lin Fan, who has both ears and eyesight, spoke. After speaking, he stood up and looked in the direction where Captain Yu and the others left yesterday evening.

Sure enough, everyone turned around and saw a pair of orange car lights in the distance in the fog. It was shaking.

This was because of the uneven road, which caused the car lights to bump up and down.

Soon, the sound of the car came over, and when there was no sound, the car came out of the fog and drove in front of everyone.

It was the same two people from yesterday, After parking the car, Captain Yu got out without opening the door.

At the same time, although Lin Fan and others were full of resentment, they quickly stood in line.

"Haha, everyone had a great time yesterday!"

No one said anything, everyone had grievances!

However, Captain Yu disagreed and just smiled and said:"This is the way our special forces treat guests.

Of course, you should be happy that you are not here for selection. You are just guests now, so I am so polite to you!"

His words made all the scouts want to sneeze at him. This is so polite!

When you come here, you won't be given food or water. It's freezing and snowy. How polite is it to let you sleep outside all night?

"Major, we have also experienced the hospitality of your special forces. Are we passed now?

Excuse me, when can we go on mission?"As the platoon commander of the third company with the highest military rank among Lin Fan and others, he spoke in a muffled voice.

Captain Yu smiled:"Haha, there's no rush, it's still early.

Forget it, let’s not talk about this first, you must be hungry. ,

Black Fox, get breakfast down!"

Captain Yu shouted behind him.

The next second, the special forces soldier in the car over there smiled and replied,"Okay!"

Then he went to the back of the car and brought a wooden bucket over.

"This is the breakfast of our special forces. Maybe your reconnaissance battalion is not used to it, but our breakfast is casual!"

Captain Yu spoke, and the man named Black Fox also put down the barrel at this time.

However, he didn't share breakfast with everyone, and he didn't even look at it!

After putting down the poke, others stepped forward and looked at everyone , he spoke for the first time

"If you want to eat the breakfast of our special forces, you have to rely on strength.

On the way back yesterday, my captain told me that this little private among you can defeat me in a head-on fight!

Of course, I don't believe it!

So, now, I want to play around.

Looking at Lin Fan, the sergeant smiled and said,"You private, come and play with me."

If you win, you will be eligible to eat the breakfast I brought.

Of course, if you lose, I'll give it to you, but if you want to eat it, you have to eat it while calling me a rookie and a weakling.

Take a bite and shout! Staring at Lin

Fan, the black fox grinned provocatively:"Private, tell me now, do you dare to play?""

At this moment, no one else in the reconnaissance camp said anything, but everyone looked at Lin Fan.

They knew that Lin Fan was quite good at boxing and kicking.

Although Lin Chao was the only one who saw Lin Fan take action, Lin Fan's matter , as a battalion, everyone was tired of hearing this.

So, at this time, everyone just looked at Lin Fan and did not choose to speak.

At this time, Lin Fan and the sergeant looked at each other for a few seconds.

Then, Lin Fan Suddenly a smile appeared!

"How about higher stakes? I win, let's take a sip, and you shout that you are a rookie, you are a weakling!

If I lose, how about I kneel down and drink and shout?"

In a one-on-one challenge, Lin Fan is not afraid of anyone, even if he is a special forces soldier!

Lin Fan's words made Captain Yu smile, and at the same time, the man named Black Fox looked at Lin Fan deeply with a look of astonishment on his face. Fan.

At this second, he felt a little panicked in his heart.

This private seemed to really have something!

But, he was thinking about that month's holiday, thinking about this guy's rank as a private, and thinking about his years of experience. , and even the fighting skills developed on the edge of life and death.

Black Fox did not believe that he would lose under any circumstances.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Fan and said:"Okay, as you say!"

Immediately, Lin Fan walked out of the queue with a smile.

He had been holding back his sulk for a while, and now he met a good person!

He came to the door to vent his anger.........._·

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ,

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