There are still people guarding this cave. The sound of the post at the door falling just now may have alerted them!

A big drug lord may have many rookies, but there will also be experts.

Just now, the black fox was not careful but just poked his head in first, and his reaction was quick. That shot could have killed him.

At the moment, Lin Fan could see the black fox's exposed face and skin dotted with sweat.

At the same time, the place became lively instantly.

There were shouts and screams in the row houses on both sides. Although Lin Fan couldn't understand the words, he could roughly guess that these people were shouting that there was an attack and that they should get up quickly.

However, as soon as these people opened the door, they were faced with a puff of smoke that made them dizzy and made them feel weak.

Then, a series of gunshots rang out


Screams could be heard from the row houses on both sides.

This was when other comrades beside the armored vehicles and tanks in front of the platoon opened fire.

Smoke bombs were thrown out one after another, along with smoke bombs and grenades.


If you don't take action, that's it. Once you take action, it will beAt this moment, there were not only explosions in the row house outside, but also two explosions in succession inside the cave.

Lin Fan and Captain Yu each threw a grenade in.


There is no need for Lin Fan and others to worry about the situation outside.

The drug dealers in the row house were basically declared useless as soon as the door opened and more smoke poured in. The other comrades, tanks and armored vehicles were here. They were also igniting fire.

With tanks and armored vehicles covering them, there was no need to worry too much about the enemies on the top of the cliff. It was just up to Lin Fan and others.

However, their movements were also very fast. After the grenade exploded.

With Captain Yu's With the command, Lin Fan and Black Fox crossed each other and made tactical evasive maneuvers. Lin Fan, who had fully activated his dynamic vision, raised his head and fired a shuttle towards the back of the sofa in the center of the living room. He directly hit a black man who was about to get up to fight back. He was beaten again and huddled under the sofa.

Lin Fan saw that he had been shot, but he was not fatal, but the right arm holding the gun seemed to have been shot.

Suddenly, Lin Fan noticed an open door on the left At the door of the stone house, a white man stood sideways and leaned out with a gun.

Lin Fan rolled over without even thinking about it.


Two bullets, one flew over the head of Lin Fan where he was standing before, and the other hit the ground before Lin Fan got down and rolled away.

"Bang bang bang~"

At this time, another series of gunshots rang out.

It was the black fox who swept over. He didn't hit anyone, and the white man inside shrank back.

However, Captain Yu, who came in later, held a gun in one hand and pressed down. After looking at the person on the other side of the sofa, he took out a detonator bomb with one hand.

He bit off the tab with his mouth and threw it directly into the open door of the stone house.


There was a soft sound!

A burst of white light flashed in the room.

The black fox bent over and rushed over.

"Snap~! Snapped~!"Several pistol shots appeared in succession, which made Lin Fan, who was about to go around and kill the person behind the sofa, quickly turned his head.

His pupils shrank because he saw that when the black fox rushed up, the white man at the door closed his eyes, reached for his gun, and started shooting randomly outside.

The black fox simply reacted quickly and rolled his body down. As he rolled, the muzzle of the gun burst into flames.

This made Lin Fan breathe a sigh of relief. Sure enough, the special forces have no good deeds.

"Be careful, Lin Fan uses explosive bombs to force him out!"Captain Yu was behind a pillar in the hall, holding a gun on the sofa over there, shouting orders directly to Lin Fan.

However, when he spoke, Lin Fan had already moved in advance.

He ran along the left He got out, his body was in the air, and after landing, he happened to see the black man behind the sofa, who had just changed his arm to hold a gun and was about to raise it to shoot.


Lin Fan moved his fingers first, and fired two steady rounds of bullets quickly.

Less than ten meters apart, the two AK bullets allowed Lin Fan to personally experience what he saw when he shot the prisoner on death row that day. The scene.

However, this time Lin Fan didn't feel any discomfort at all.

He didn't pay much attention to the man who was shot. He continued to roll forward. After reaching a rockery in the living room of the cave, Lin Fan stopped. down

"Very good, quickly check the scene to find someone!"When Captain Yu saw this situation, he didn't blame Lin Fan for being reckless.

The process is not important, as long as the result is good.

After giving the order, Captain Yu asked outside through the communicator

"Report the situation outside!"

The coyote's voice quickly rang in everyone's headsets:"Everything is going well, the trash fish have been cleared away, we dare not fire at the top of the mountain for the time being, but there are people surrounding us!"


Captain Yu replied, and then he ducked out from behind the stone pillar.

He glanced at the black fox and saw that he had already run to the stone door on the left. He looked at Lin Fan again, and now Lin Fan had already left the magnificently decorated house. Come out from behind the rockery in the hall, cross the landscape pool inside, and run to an arched aisle behind the pool.

"Captain, there's no one left!"

Over there, the black fox glanced at the fallen white man at the door, then looked inside the stone house, turned around and spoke.

"Let's go and follow Lin Fan. Tucker must have heard the news inside. Hurry up and chase after him!"

A cave belonging to a big drug lord will definitely have secret rooms or even secret passages for escape.

Now there is a gunshot here, and we must chase him as soon as possible.

The two of them quickly chased Lin Fan.

At the same time, Lin Fan in the corridor had stopped for a second. Come down.

This aisle is not very long, only about twenty or thirty meters. Not to mention it is very luxuriously decorated. There are pools on both sides of the aisle with many fish in it.

However, now the fish inside have turned over and floated.

This The glass must be bulletproof, otherwise if there were several grenades outside just now, if these glasses were ordinary, they would have exploded long ago. But now the glass is fine, only the fish inside flipped up. Of course,

Lin Fan was not paying attention to these fish and The glass on both sides of the aisle.

At the end of the aisle in front of him was a door inlaid with gems.

Lin Fan knocked on it. It was made of alloy, closed tightly, and had a place to enter passwords and fingerprints.

"what's the situation!"

Afterwards, Captain Yu and Heihu also ran over.

"Coded alloy door, this bastard is really cautious!"Lin Fan turned around and spoke.

"It's okay, blast him!"Captain Yu spoke directly.

After speaking, he gave an order through the radio to let a blaster come in from outside.

In less than thirty seconds, after the people came in, under Captain Yu's instructions, they took a timed explosive bomb and stuck it on the door.

The explosion time was set Set it for thirty seconds!

After Lin Fan and others waited for him to install it, they ran out together..........

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