On weekends, at this time, the bathhouse has hot water.

It just so happened that if others wanted to train, then Lin Fan would be unscrupulous.

In the dormitory, Lin Fan did not lie down on the bed. He was afraid that the impurities eliminated from his body would stain the bed, so he simply moved a stool and sat by the window.

Opening the window, a thought came into Lin Fan's mind:

"System, earthworm blood should be optimized with advanced genetic optimization fluid."

In less than a moment, Lin Fan had a bottle of emerald-green amber-like genetic potion in his hand.

Looking at the potion, Lin Fan felt a little eager in his heart. It would be great to have eight bottles of this advanced genetic potion!

It's a pity that this is all a dream!

A bottle of high-level genetic optimization fluid has 10,000 points. Lin Fan is not directly rewarded by the mission system. His usual mission points accumulation is not enough to replace such a bottle.

Without thinking too much, he closed his eyes and drank the gene potion directly.

The reaction was a little bigger than the last time he took the elementary earthworm gene potion, but it was not that big.

Lin Fan was prepared, but in the end What I discovered was that this reaction was really unremarkable, not even a bit like high-end genetic medicine.

While the skin all over the body was red, it also felt a little cool, but inside the body, it was warm, and the reaction was not at all. Not intense.

Of course, Lin Fan is very clear. This is mainly because the earthworm's genes will not improve physical fitness. It will only improve its hidden attributes.

Immunity, recovery, and skin-assisted breathing ability.

After half an hour, the reaction disappeared, and there was some dirt on the body. The advanced genetic medicine still allowed the body to eliminate some impurities.

But not many.

Lin Fan ignored the situation and tried it while holding his breath.

After a few minutes, Lin Fan felt a little He was excited to find that if he breathed through his skin at this time, he could almost replace nasal breathing.

At least, when he was not moving, Lin Fan felt that even if he pinched his nose, he would not suffer from hypoxia. It was a bit small Happy and straightforward, Lin Fan reached out to his 95 rifle and took out the bayonet on his rifle.

Then he gritted his teeth and cut a cut on his finger.

Dark red blood appeared after the cut appeared. , seeping out instantly.

But, Lin Fan immediately saw that the blood seeping out from the wound had stopped seeping out. He took out a piece of paper from the drawer on the side, and Lin Fan put his finger on the surface of the paper. After carefully wiping away the blood, the wound was still there, but the blood in the wound still changed color and became scabbed....

This self-healing ability is simply amazing!

Lin Fan stared at the wound without making any other move. Almost half an hour later, Lin Fan saw that the blood scab on the wound was opening.

Lin Fan touched it with his hand and saw that the blood scab fell off. Looking at the wound on his hand, there was no wound left?

There is only a trace of new skin growing after the blood scab fell off

"hehe! I like this ability!"

Lin Fan smiled. He felt that he was not losing money by using this advanced genetic optimization fluid on earthworm blood.

Open the personal attributes interface.

Name: Lin Fan

Speed: 22. (Note, the standard for ordinary adults is 10! )

Strength: 24.

Reaction: 37.

Endurance: 26.

Vision: 39.

Points: 1040.

Optimized genes: mule gene (junior), tabby cat gene (junior), gecko gene (junior), sparrowhawk gene (junior), frog Genes (elementary), South China tiger genes (intermediate), earthworm genes (advanced).

As expected, the surface data did not increase.

Simply, this was what Lin Fan expected.

Moreover, he still has a thousand points..

And there is no shortage of animal blood in the portable space.

There are two parts of goshawk blood, one part of military dog ​​blood, and one part rabbit blood and Tibetan mastiff blood, and even more blood of tiger cat. Two copies.

He is not worried about animal genes for the time being, but he is worried about not having enough points.

"By the way, system, do tiger cats and tabby cats have the same gene?

If I use a primary gene potion, can I get 20%, or do I have to use an intermediate gene potion?"

Lin Fan didn't think of this problem before, but now Lin Fan is considering whether to use a bottle of intermediate ones or simply use a few more bottles of basic genetic medicine, so he suddenly came up with this idea. The system is always on standby, Lin Fan's question As soon as it came out, its voice rang out

"Tabby cats and tiger cats are both members of the cat family, including tigers. The only difference is the size of their genes.

Although tabby cats and tigers belong to the same family of cats, their genes are very different. Therefore, even if genetic medicines are used at the same time, they will only have a weak impact on the percentage of inheritance of each other's genetic abilities.

However, the genetic attributes of tabby cats and tiger cats are very similar. The host has already fused the primary genes of tabby cats. If the host fuses the primary genes of tabby cats again, the effect will be there, but it will be very weak.

The approximate percentage of genetic abilities inherited by the host is only about two percent."

"All right!

Then, system, help me redeem the intermediate genetic optimization fluid!

Optimization, tiger cat's!"

In the end, Lin Fan made such a decision.

Although using it this way seems to be a big loss, it is better to use these thousand points to fuse other genes a few more times. It is even better to directly use the intermediate genetic medicine of other animals. The effect is great.

However, Lin Fan's physical fitness is now very strong, just like the previous advanced gene selection was the fusion of earthworm genes. What he values ​​​​is the reaction and shooting speed of the tabby cat.

The system's movements are very fast, Lin Fan's movements He was also dissatisfied. In less than twenty seconds, Lin Fan drank another bottle of genetic medicine.

The reaction in his body was much greater than before.

However, Lin Fan, who had experienced the reaction of the medicine for a long time, was still able to endure it calmly..Get up from the benchLin Fan's face was a little red and his forehead was stained with sweat. He stood up, then took the small yellow basin, put on the clothes and other toiletries that he had prepared, and walked out of the dormitory calmly............

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