It was night, and Deng Dayong was right.

It was around three o'clock in the morning again, and the emergency assembly whistle sounded again.

Moreover, this time I didn’t just run five kilometers and then let you go back.

Captain Qin directly pulled everyone out of the camp, then ran along the road for a while, and then pulled everyone up the mountain.

"this...This is to...Where are you going?"An hour later, among the team that ran seven or eight kilometers in the forest at night, Hu Kai, a member of Lin Fan's class, gasped and spoke.

"No...I don’t know, in the middle of the night, in...Wandering around on this mountain, the direction...I can’t even tell the direction!"Behind him, Chu Ping'an also replied with a little breathlessness.

"It seems that there is no hope of going back to sleep today!" Lin Fan ran towards them and spoke to them.

However, as soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, he was attacked:"You...You pervert, you...Don't talk...Listen to you...If you are out of breath,...I...I'm uncomfortable!"

"At once...that is!"Hu Kai on the side heard Wang Ping'an's words and quickly responded.

This is not the first time, but every time they see that they can't win, but Lin Fan can't breathe, they feel a little frustrated. and helpless...

"alright! Don't...Don't make any noise...Save some strength!"Fan Mingyu reminded everyone at this time.

Of course, it's useless. Everyone is still talking when it's time to talk. Although it will disrupt breathing, it is more uncomfortable to run in this jungle and mountainous area.

However, fortunately, the company commander is also here today. Instead of taking a car, he ran with everyone.

So after running for a while, he took the initiative to stop.

Everyone found a place to rest in the forest.

No camping or fire allowed, and the rest time was only ten minutes. Five minutes!

It’s painful

"Phew, what on earth is the company commander planning to do?"After taking a sip of water, Deng Dayong looked behind him. There is still a waning moon in the sky tonight, but the visibility is very poor, even if Lin Fan has night vision, because there is heavy fog in the mountains in the early morning.

"I don’t know, they won’t drag us out for training, right?"

"Residency training?"When Lin Fan heard Chu Pingan's words, he repeated the word a little doubtfully.

Wang Pingan and Lin Fan were resting against a big tree. When he heard Lin Fan's words, he immediately turned his head and said:" Just find a place in the wild to station and train.

We scouts are out there for a few months every year, but usually not at times like this.

Residency training is almost always done in the summer, which makes you sweat on sunny days and mud on rainy days!"

Hu Kai, who was under a tree nearby, heard this and continued:"You will also be asked to train against exposure to the sun.

However, it probably won't be this time.

Let’s not talk about it before the time comes. After their training is over, we will have to replenish our comrades.

Station training will only begin after replenishing the number of troops!"

"What does it mean? Do we want to add people? when?"As a relatively newbie with little experience, Lin Fan asked again.

Wang Ping'an turned around again:"Of course! The special forces select people from our scouts every year, and in our reconnaissance battalion, many old people have to retire every year. What can we do with just the few soldiers selected by the new recruits?

After the special forces training is over and the manpower of each squad is determined, we will go to the ordinary company to recruit people."

"All right! Lin Fan nodded.

The fifteen minutes of rest time passed quickly, and the company commander shouted from behind:"Get up, keep going!""

Immediately, there was a sound of ouch

"What do you call it? Can’t you bear this little road? Labor and management are also with you.

For those in front of me, keep running and move forward in a straight line. When will you go out of the mountains and when will you have breakfast?"

As soon as these words came out, no one in the team dared to say anything, and everyone started running silently.

It took more than half an hour, and the team ran about five kilometers. The team rested for another fifteen minutes, but then the rest ended. I had to continue running.

After running and stopping, Lin Fan was panting, and the others were reaching their limit.

Fortunately, it was finally dawning, and everyone was finally out of the mountain.

Everyone could finally rest.

Camping was not allowed , but Jean took out his sleeping bag to sleep, but he had to sleep on the ground.

In the early spring, on the flat ground at the foot of the mud and stone mountain, the grass was lush, and the dew was even covered with leaves and grass heads. Everyone's clothes were already wet.

"The company commander said there is breakfast. Do you know where this is? Where's the breakfast? Eat compressed biscuits?"

Lin Fan put his backpack on his head, then took off his training clothes that were wet and stained by dew and put them aside. He put on his underwear and put on his sleeping bag and asked the other comrades beside him.

"Don't know, probably not.

If we eat dry food, it’s already six o’clock, so we won’t be asked to sleep now, but we will be asked to eat and then sleep.

Don't worry about it, take the time to sleep, every second you can sleep is a second!"Deng Dayong said something on the side, then got into his sleeping bag, put his head on the backpack, and went to sleep directly

"MD!"Lin Fan muttered a curse, then ignored it, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

With his head exposed, it was still a bit cold to sleep like this, but now even Lin Fan felt tired and sleepy, let alone everyone else.

After a while, some snoring could be heard on the ground.

Of course, the snoring was terrible.

The company commander and instructor were both awake, so they followed the snoring sounds one by one to look for people, and when they found them, they woke them up.

Scouts, half special forces, are different from ordinary troops.

After being exhausted, if you snore in the dormitory, some strict monitors will take care of you. If you are not strict, they will know that if you don't want to join the special forces, they won't bother to take care of you.

But if the company commander is here, that won't work, especially during the special forces selection and training period.

Company commanders and instructors, even if they are not sleeping, must wake up these snorers and whisper to them to pay attention.

On Lin Fan's side, Chu Pingan was snoring. After a while, the instructor came over and put a cold stone on the ground to his face.


This guy screamed when he was chilled by the cold stone. Although Lin Fan was not sleeping, he was still a little sleepy. When this guy yelled, most of his sleepiness disappeared immediately, and the others were awakened directly.

"What's the ghost's name? When you go to bed, just sleep peacefully and don't snore!"The instructor scolded Chu Ping'an, and then said to the soldiers who woke up nearby:"Keep sleeping!"........

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