"Gulu~ A big cadre is not authentic! The way you make it looks delicious! Why don't you remind us?"

"Beggar potatoes? I made a mistake, I just thought about frying, if I had known how great it would be to learn to eat like you!"

While eating, the movements of Lin Fan's hands made not only the people in the first class but also the soldiers in other classes look at him with suspicion.

It was probably because Lin Fan's method of cooking potatoes was novel, and The aroma is very strong!

Knock off the soil outside, and the potato skins inside will peel off together with the burnt mud pieces. The light yellow potatoes exude the unique fragrance of fresh potatoes, and then add a handful of chili powder.

"Gulu~" The sounds of swallowing are everywhere!

"Brother Fan, is it delicious?"Wang Ping'an looked at the pulpy hodgepodge in his rice bowl, and then looked at the potatoes wrapped in leaves in Lin Fan's hand. He swallowed and spoke!

Lin Fan glanced at him and said with a smile:"It's not delicious, potatoes. something delicious!"

After saying that, Lin Fan took another bite, then grabbed some chili powder and sprinkled it on, and then put the potatoes into his lunch box.

Now inside the lunch box, the rice on the bottom has been cooked, and there is a small portion of scrambled eggs with tomatoes on the top. It had also been covered with rice.

Lin Fan picked up the handle of the lunch box, and without looking at Chu Ping'an who had been staring at him, he lowered his head and started eating with the chopsticks made of tree branches.

There were not many dishes, but because it was covered with rice, it was so A little soup soaked into the rice, which was barely enough.

Lin Fan ate very quickly, which was the speed he had learned during his training in the army.

In less than three minutes, the meal was finished.

Afterwards, he washed the lunch box and used a military shovel to After burying all the earth stoves dug at the site,

Lin Fan sat down and rested for a while, chatted with others, and taught them a little bit about how to make cauliflower.

After about ten minutes, everyone The soldiers had finished their meals and cleaned up the place.

The company commander blew his whistle and everyone gathered again.

"Are you all full?"The company commander shouted with a smile

"I am full!"

"Very good, you will gain weight when you are full.

Don't say that the company commander mistreats you, and give you another hour of rest.

It doesn't matter if you sleep, chat or go to the toilet to solve personal problems.

In an hour, I will take you to the lake in front of you to swim!"

As soon as Lin Fan's face fell, he knew he couldn't run away.

Simply, the company commander was still a little cautious and didn't let everyone go into the water after they were full.

Immediately, after being disbanded, everyone stepped up their time to solve the problem. There was no need to The solution was to get into the tent and sleep.

Lin Fan also went to find a place on the ground in the woods behind to quickly solve the problem.

When he came back, he saw other people entering the tent, so he didn't hesitate. He took the time and returned I can sleep for forty or fifty minutes.......

At the same time, in a deep mountain forest hundreds of kilometers away, Lin Chao was quietly lying under the fallen leaves of a jungle.

He had been lying down for more than an hour.

However, nothing was found.

Now, he was a little impatient.

Because he still has to hurry, but he knows that he can't rush. It's useless to rush. There will be no spoils and he will be eliminated at the end.

"Gululu~!"There were protests in my stomach.

Lin Chao is very hungry. It has been a day and a night since lunch yesterday.

He had run out of water and had only eaten a few larvae.

Moreover, this is not the most serious thing. The most serious thing is that I haven't slept at all, and I have been walking cautiously almost all the time.

Until now, his eyes exposed between the leaves were bloodshot.

However, for the sake of the tone and belief in his heart, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off. After waiting for another ten minutes, Lin Chao heard footsteps.

Hidden under the leaves, motionless, leaving only a pair of eyes moving, looking at the restricted field of vision in front of them.

Ten seconds passed and no one was seen.

After a few more seconds, he saw, under a big tree seven or eight meters away, a lieutenant wearing an air force training uniform. At this time, he looked around vigilantly, quickly put the gun behind his back, and then used both hands to Holding the tree, I climbed up very flexibly.


A series of gunshots appeared.

Under the leaves, after Lin Chao climbed up the tree to a height of about three or four meters, the gun was aimed at his legs and buttocks that were not covered by the backpack. Just sweep it away.

Bullets are blank bullets, but blank bullets do not mean they have no lethality. If they hit a person from a distance of seven or eight meters, they will make them scream in pain!

This is also true!


The guy holding the tree trunk screamed after the bullet fell on him. His feet and hands relaxed reflexively, and his body fell down in the next second!


His body fell from three to three feet. It fell from a height of four meters. Even though he had a backpack on his back, the guy was still badly hit after hitting the ground.

At this time, when he fell to the ground, for a while, he couldn't even cry out in pain.

Of course, he There was no chance to scream.

The moment he saw him fall, Lin Chao under the fallen leaves was like a cheetah ready to attack. He threw his gun and got up and pounced on him.

He was sick and could kill him before he could When he regained his breath, Lin Chao had already pounced on him.


There was a soft sound, and a smile appeared on Lin Chao's lips. He quickly turned over and got up from the unlucky air force who was pressed by him.

"Chief, I'm sorry!"

"sister...Damn, you old bastard!"Lying on the ground, the airman could speak now.

However, he made a voice full of resentment and unwillingness.

He was really unwilling! He kept hiding and hurried on, hoping to reach the destination first. Nearby, and then wait for the rabbit, catch a rabbit and go to the finish line.

Who knows, there is someone faster than me, and darker than me, hiding under the fallen leaves on the ground, waiting for me to climb the tree, and a shuttle comes from behind me.

Grinning and touching his butt and thighs, the lieutenant could only continue to rub his thighs and curse as he looked at the guy over there who picked up the gun and ran away quickly....

He didn't get up either, because his armband was torn off, which meant he was finished and eliminated!.......

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