"Is that all? Can it be eaten?"

"It looks like a big rat, so you won’t get sick if you eat it!"

"Who gets the name and returns the water monkey?

No matter how I look at it, I don’t feel like a monkey, but rather like a marmot!"

On the shore, after a short rest, a group of soldiers gathered around the shore and threw them there. There was a lot of discussion around the dead otter.

"Okay, don’t worry about whether you can eat it or not.

We'll leave him alone after we finish our meal.

Everybody line up!"The company commander shouted at this time, and whistled after speaking.

Immediately, everyone started to move quickly.

On the shore, wearing wet clothes, the whole team stood together.

After the platoon leader called the name, The company commander stood in front of everyone and shouted seriously:"Comrades, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!"

"Are you cold?"

"not cold!"

This is very contrary to what I say. In this season, it is strange that the whole body is soaked and it is not cold.

Looking at the past, no one's mouth has a normal color, the lips are all purple from the cold, and some people's teeth are even chattering.

It's not cold. ?

What kind of international joke are you kidding ?

"Haha, you are not cold, I am!"Captain Qin suddenly laughed.

After he finished laughing, Captain Qin continued to yell:"Comrades, this is training. Although something almost happened just now, we are soldiers, if this is a battlefield.

Then, even if something goes wrong, we must move forward.

The same is true now.

Training is to prepare for war and to deal with all this according to the war period.

We have no way out, let alone retreat.

Soldiers, the word"retreat" cannot be included in the dictionary.

Therefore, I order all the sharp knife companies to move forward and continue to set off!"

We didn't give everyone much time to repair, nor did we give everyone too much breathing time, nor did we let everyone change clothes.

Everyone, wearing wet clothes, started to march forward on the shore.

I have to say, Once a person starts exercising, even in this season, even if the clothes are wet, they can also play a role in getting rid of the cold, and as time goes by, the clothes on the body will gradually lose moisture.

However, if you do it this way, you will get wet. Let’s not talk about clothes for now, but the biggest problem lies in the feet.

The shoes are also wet. There is water in the shoes, which increases the friction between the feet and socks and shoes.

Some people can’t walk after only walking two or three kilometers.

"Ouch! I...I can't leave!"A soldier from the third squad crippled his leg and fell to the ground. He began to take off his shoes in pain.

Lin Fan turned around and looked over. At a glance, he saw two blood blisters on the soles of his feet, and the blood blisters were broken.

"What kind of shoes are you wearing?"The company commander came to him, looked at his comrade sitting on the ground, reached out to pick up his shoes and said with a frown.

"newspaper...Report...These are the foreign special operations shoes I bought online!"

"Nonsense, random stuff, can you trust the things on the Internet?

No wonder he developed blood blisters so quickly!"The company commander scolded him.

Then he stood up, looked at the others, and shouted loudly:"Who else is wearing shoes that are not made by Fa!"



This time, seven or eight soldiers came out of the whole company.

Captain Qin's face was a bit dark and he directly ordered them to take off their shoes.

I checked them one by one, and the more I looked at them, the darker their faces became.

I haven't noticed it at ordinary times, but when I looked at it now, I realized that these guys' shoes were all unprofessional sneakers bought from outside.

Moreover, the company commander discovered that three of these guys also had blisters on their feet, but they didn't tell them.

There are a few left, no blisters, but the feet are also red.

"What are you thinking about?

The shoes the army issued to you are uncomfortable, right?

Do you insist on buying it yourself?

Damn it, from now on you will run barefoot with your shoes on."Angrily scolded the few people who stood up. After scolding, the company commander looked at the first guy sitting on the ground over there.

His blood blisters burst, not only on the soles of his feet, but also on his heels.

Frowning, Lin Fan looked at the soldiers of the third squad:"Here, you, the third squad, get a stretcher to carry it. Training is also a battle. We can't leave our comrades behind.

However, you can condemn his stupid behavior that drags down his comrades.

So, if you want, you can each give him a kick, and I'll pretend I didn't see it!"

The company commander turned around and left. After saying that, he shouted for others to start walking, including those with bare feet. In class one, Wang Ping'an was one of them, and he was one of the three people who still had blisters on his feet. One, but it's not the sole of the foot, but the heel, so he took off his shoes and is now barefoot, which does not affect his movement.

"Lao Wang, how about giving each of us a kick? If possible, we will also get a stretcher to carry you! Wang

Ping'an looked at Lin Fan, rolled his eyes, and refused directly:"No, I can still bear their kicks, but your kicks, I'm afraid I will have to lie on a stretcher for the rest of my life!""

"Ha ha!"

The other comrades on the side laughed.

The team continued to march.

There were more barefooted people in the team, and they were carrying stretchers, and the marching speed was even slower.

Of course, you can't run. There is no road in this mountain, so you have to walk all the way. Those in front had to open the way.

Throughout the afternoon, we stopped and walked, and we walked a little over ten kilometers at most.

However, the company commander didn't care about this.

The purpose of this training was not to go far, but to march on an unknown route.

In the evening , in an open space in the forest, the company commander once again sent a location and called the cooking team. The helicopter delivered food again, the same as at noon.

Raw food.

The difference from noon is that this time Half a fan of pork........

For five whole days, the entire second company was in the mountains.

Regardless of the direction or the way forward, we will travel day and night when encountering water or mountains.

Finally, at dawn on the sixth day, everyone saw hope.

Because there is a village in front of it, and it looks like there are quite a lot of residents.

There are large terraces on the hillside in front of everyone.

Looking ahead, there are at least one or two hundred scattered farmhouses.

"Everyone is there, camp where you are, and start to rest!"

The company commander gave the order loudly, which made all the soldiers move hurriedly with red eyes.

But don't get me wrong, everyone's red eyes are not because of excitement.

This is the result of being endured, working day and night, that is, resting every day The time, including cooking and eating, may only be five or six hours.

In such a small amount of time, if you deduct the time for cooking and eating, and then spread it out into several breaks, then don’t expect to sleep well.

After a few days, even Lin Fan also has eye circles like a panda and eyes like a rabbit.

Physical torture and mental torture. Many people are secretly lamenting that they might as well work hard to go to the special forces training. Maybe it will be more comfortable there than this!

Of course, this is part of not participating. The thoughts of people who have gone through special forces training.

Some people who participated in previous years and were eliminated have no such naive thoughts!

Special forces selection training...

Those veteran instructors are not human beings....

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