"You are among this group of people. Except for a few first-year soldiers recommended by your instructors who have performed well in the past few days, the others are all non-commissioned officers with more than two years of military service.

In the military, you are all the backbone and the elite.

New training, I know there is no challenge for you.

So, now I have another task for you.

I will spare you a period of new training, let you go out for some fresh air, and at the same time exercise your abilities."

Downstairs in the campus office building, the director of the training department, a senior college student whom I had met at the opening ceremony a few days ago, smiled and looked at the neatly lined up team in front of him.

From here, you can really see the gap.

Disruption Standing together with the local college entrance examination students, the team was led askew, but now they are all soldiers, and they are all non-commissioned officers and soldiers from all the freshmen in the whole grade. Therefore, with the three female soldiers at the front of the team as the queue, they are neatly organized They all stood in three rows.

To be honest, Lin Fan didn’t expect that there were so many non-commissioned officers among this group of students.

Plus three female soldiers, a total ofFifteen people, only a few soldiers, then there are at least 60 non-commissioned officers.

"This time, the city's Polytechnic University needs 65 military training instructors. After lunch, you can clean up, then gather at the school gate and take a bus to the Polytechnic University."

After the minister finished speaking, many people's faces showed joy.

For the students standing here now, this is simply a piece of cake in the sky!

I originally thought that they would have to endure doing the basics for them every day. Training.

Now it’s fine, it’s waived, and the status of being trained has been changed to that of a trainer.

Where can I find this good thing!

Everyone couldn’t help but smile, including Lin Fan.

At this time , the minister spoke again:"Haha, I know that many of you may have led new recruits in the army.

However, this time is different.

Although it is still military training, those students are not real soldiers, nor are they the students in our school who have passed the physical examination.

They are real scholars.

Therefore, your demands cannot be treated equally, and your demands can be relaxed.

Moreover, they don’t have three months, you only have one month this time!"

After the minister said this, he reached out and took out the folder that he had been holding behind his back. Then he looked at Lin Fan in the team and shouted:"Lin Fan!"


Lin Fan heard the minister calling his name. Although he was a little confused as to why he was calling him, he still hurried back.

"Get out of the queue!"


Almost instantly, Lin Fan became the focus.

However, unlike Lin Fan's confusion, some people guessed that he might have to accept his fate as the chief instructor. When a group of people go out, they must have a leader, and this leader, It was no surprise to choose among them.

Sure enough, the minister handed the folder in his hand to Lin Fan.

Watching Lin Fan take the folder, the minister did not say anything to Lin Fan first, and instead looked at the queue in front of him.

"Let me introduce it to you! Pointing to Lin Fan, the minister smiled and said,"You guys are lucky to be able to study with real heroes."

Comrade Lin Fan, who has been in the army for eleven months, has been awarded first-class merit twice, second-class merit once, and third-class merit four times. Before coming to school, he had already received the unusual title of captain.

He is also your chief instructor this time!"

"0" Following the minister's introduction, all the soldiers in the queue in front of him, including the counselors standing behind the minister and the captains of each brigade, all had their mouths in this posture. With their mouths wide open and their eyes widened

, they looked at Lin Fan, looked at the minister again

"Report, Minister, are you kidding me?"

The female soldier on the left side of the first team couldn't help but type a report and ask this question.

In fact, her question represented the voice of everyone else.

The people here, except for the school captain and The instructors and others are all from the major military regions of the three armed forces, and there are no people from the Red Arrow Brigade. It is not surprising that they don’t know about Lin Fan.

However, precisely because they don’t know, at this time, it feels like they are listening to a talk from heaven and night.

There are two reasons It's not uncommon for him to receive first-class merit. There are also people in the team who have been admitted with second-class merit.

However, after joining the army for eleven months, he has received first-class merit twice. This joke is a bit too big.

What did he do?

Now he can It's not a war era, and there are no battles!

Even from last year to this year, there was no army-level competition!

At this moment, Lin Fan, who was smiling bitterly, even saw someone below secretly pinching his thigh.

To be honest, in this situation, This was something Lin Fan didn't expect.

It's true that he is a captain, and these military achievements are true.

But he just wants to go to school in a low- key manner. Although military achievements are an honor, in this school environment, he wants to keep a low profile.

This is why Lin Fan The reason why Fan didn't wear an officer's uniform when he came to school was that he didn't even show off his officer's uniform to anyone in the dormitory.

But now...

"Haha, little guy, it’s a good thing to be low-key, but this is a military academy, and you and they are both soldiers.

Your captain's rank was earned with the lives of yourself and your comrades. It is appropriate to wear the cadet rank on a daily basis.

However, this does not mean covering up your glory.

As a first-class meritorious official, this is the honor you should enjoy.

There is nothing wrong with being low-key, but showing your glory can call on everyone to learn from you!"

After talking to Lin Fan, the minister turned his head again and looked at the soldiers in front of him who were still confused.

"You may be questioning, wondering if I have made a mistake?

But, what I want to tell you is this.

Captain Lin Fan, he is a true hero, you don’t need to doubt this.

After a pause, the minister continued:"Captain Lin Fan, although he is only nineteen years old, he has been on a real battlefield."

He had killed enemies, fought in battles, and had outstanding achievements.

The two first-class merits and the second-class merits were all obtained in exchange for life.

He is the object of your study!"

The minister did not explain where Lin Fan had been on the battlefield or how many enemies he had killed.

However, this is not important anymore.

At this time, everyone, including the captains and counselors of each brigade behind the minister, looked at Lin Fan's eyes. , all the divine light is shining...

Everyone is curious about what earth-shattering thing Lin Fan did.

Of course, no one dares to ask now.

At this time, the minister asked everyone to look at Lin Fan like this for a while.

Then he smiled and continued to talk to Lin Fan:"Inside this folder are the project arrangements and regulations for military training.

You can read the regulations with everyone when you get to the school over there. For the military training projects, you can look at the arrangements yourself. This is for you. exercise!"

"yes!"Lin Fan saluted and responded.

Now that the matter is over, Lin Fan no longer has to worry about whether to keep a low profile or not. He took over the job of chief instructor neatly.............

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